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Are you, dear reader, familiar with the feeling called bliss? If not, you definitely need to experience it, because it is an indescribable feeling, bliss, sweet and airy, like cotton candy, it hangs in the air when you experience it, and space responds to this inner state with new events leading to it on a larger scale.


— Are you going to have sex? — As soon as the man entered the room, the girl stunned him with a question, he stood rooted to the spot from such an unexpected «greeting».

The girl was wearing a silk dress with thin straps, it flowed over her body, sexually bending around it. There was a lace mask on her face and green eyes looked at him seductively, her lips froze in a playful smile after what was said. The girl extended her hand to him and led the man with her into the bathroom, realizing from his silence that he would have sex.

Dinner can wait.

The man got out of the car and walked towards her, Adele stood and looked at the sky, looking at the clouds, or rather the figure of a duck that they formed, although at first there was a crocodile there.

«Hello,» he turned to her, she turned around and, smiling, said:

— Hello. Shall we go?

He looked at her bags and said:

«We’ll get rid of them now, and we’ll walk lightly,» he called the courier, and ten minutes later they were walking along the embankment, enjoying the beauty of the buildings in the Flemish style. Walking leisurely and photographing views in the setting sun, the young people talked about various topics. There was lightness and playfulness in the air, and the smell of cinnamon came from a nearby coffee shop. The sun was slowly setting, painting the city in orange and red tones. Passers-by hurried about their business, not really paying attention to the beauty of the houses with colored roofs that surrounded them. On the square, the couple found the ringing of bells and the girl listened to every sound in fascination. Her companion did not rush her, letting her enjoy every moment. When the walk came to an end, a rain cloud formed on one half of the sky and seemed to say to those walking: «Hurry up to take cover.»

The young man noticed this and began to look for a place where they could have dinner.

— What cuisine do you like? — he turned to his companion, the girl shrugged.

Finally, the place was found, but entering it turned out to be a quest. They walked in, were greeted friendly and shown to the table. We placed an order, the girl’s companion trusted her in choosing dishes, the waitress brought the previously ordered tea and, having accepted the order, left. The young people continued their conversation and decided to play the game that the girl had chosen. After playing and laughing a lot, they returned to stories about their lives. The conversation was fascinating for both, but the girl was forced to be distracted by a working moment; she was sent material that she needed to read right now. The young man asked:

— Read it out loud.

From the text, the young man realized that he had met a witch on his way. This did not surprise him at all, especially since while walking along the embankment the girl casually mentioned that he had the soul of a Magician and they had met in a past life. The man then asked:

— Who is your friend?

— She matches me.

— I didn’t even doubt it. You are divided into blacks, whites, shamans, and there are probably a dozen other definitions. So who is she?

«A witch, white of course,» the companion said quite casually.

Having finished dinner, the young people went outside and while they waited for the taxi to arrive, they breathed in the cool, tasty air after the rain. A car arrived, a young man opened the car doors and helped his companion get into the cabin. Having safely reached the hotel and taken their things from the reception, they went up to the room. The girl’s gaze caught a large comfortable chair, and she took off her shoes and sat down in it, pulling her legs up to her chin:

— Are you cold? — Her companion hastened to ask with concern in his voice.

— No, the chair is just very comfortable, I’ll get up now.

«Sit as long as you like,» with these words the man brought a blanket and covered her, then went out and filled the kettle with water.

— Want some tea?

«Yes, of course,» with these words the girl got up from the chair, and taking her backpack rummaged through it, «here,» she handed the box to the man.

— What is this? — He asked curiously looking at the tiny square.

— Tea. Special tea for special people,» the girl smiled, taking the tea pairs and throwing pieces of Chinese pu-erh tea into them.

— Are you always like this? — the man took the cup in his hand and looked at the piece of tea.

— Like this?

— You carry tea with you.

— Of course, I choose the places where they serve it.

— It’s a lottery. How can you know whether he is there or not when you come there for the first time.

She shrugged and replied:

— There have been no mistakes yet.

— Well, yes, that’s me. You’re a witch, what a mistake. Okay, go take a shower, I’ll go afterwards.

— How nice, you give in to the lady.

«To the witch,» the young man laughed.

The girl went into the shower, and the young man lay down on the bed and turned on the TV. As the girl left, a song about Paris was playing. It would seem that this city is all about romance, but the girl thought it was cloudy and cold, she should go there in the spring. The young man got out of bed when he heard the bathroom door open.

— Enjoy Your Bath.

«Thank you, now it’s your turn to visit the fancy bathroom,» she laughed, «you come out and we’ll drink tea.»

«Okay,» the man went into the bathroom, from where the sounds of falling water from the shower and music were heard.

The girl lay down on the bed and covered herself with a blanket. Time passed and Adele dozed off, woke up from the fact that the young man touched her shoulder and said:

— Shall we drink tea or are you already going to bed?

The girl sat down on the bed and made a gesture with her hand that looked like creeping fog…

«Of course we will, let’s immerse ourselves in the magic of the East,» she smiled, got out of bed and went to the table.

«Will you do some magic,» he asked from under the towel, wiping his head.

— If only a little. Pu-erh tea is unusual, it creates an atmosphere, a mood, its aroma penetrates every cell of the human soul and works wonders,» she poured boiling water into the cups. The man reached for his, but Adele stopped him with a light touch of her hand.

— Take your time, feel the aroma, close your eyes, immerse yourself in a new world.

Her voice sounded enchanting, soft, enveloping, and the young man relaxed while sitting on the chair. Time passed, the tea party was over, and the girl went to bed. The young man sat on the chair for some time, and then turned off the light and also lay down in bed.

The next day they woke up early, both had plans for the day. While the girl was sleeping, the man went for breakfast and was already getting ready for work, when the witch woke up and sat down on the bed with her legs tucked under her chin. There was silence in the room.

— What’s wrong with your mood?

«I don’t like talking when I just woke up.» Silence is gold.

— I understood you. «Breakfast is on the table, eat it when you finally wake up,» he smiled and went about his business on the phone. The girl got up, went to the bathroom, washed herself there and went to the table.

— Do you have any plans for today? — she became more friendly after the morning toilet, — thank you for breakfast, the cheesecakes are delicious, — she brewed some pu-erh for herself and started eating.

«Plans to finish things here and move on, what about yours?» You can stay here and sleep some more.

— No, I won’t go to bed, thank you. I’ll take a walk and go to the station, I still need to work, but there’s no rush.

— Do you always have your work with you?

«Of course,» she pointed at the smartphone, «it’s all there.»

— Okay, then we’ll be in touch during the day, and when you leave the city, write to me.

«Yes, my captain,» she laughed, and then answered, «of course.» Let’s meet in another city, it turns out interesting.

«Life is like this,» she heard the answer and the sound of the door closing.

The man packed his things, got dressed, and wished him a good day and left. Adele also decided not to linger and began to slowly pack her things. Afterwards, she went into the bathroom, did her makeup and brewed more pu-erh; while it was brewing, she did her business on her smartphone. Taking the cup in her hand and enjoying the aroma of tea, she went to the window. Early in the morning, there was a decent traffic jam outside the window of cars rushing to work, one of the drivers noticed the girl and waved to her, she smiled in response and silently wished the person a good day. This was what she had long wanted for herself, an activity that allowed her to be anywhere and still do her thing. The dream life happens if you go for it. Having finished her tea and greeted the new day, she put on her things, took her coat and keys and left the room. There was no one at the reception; the room key was left on the counter. She walked through the city, smiling at passers-by, the weather was sunny, although they promised rain, this made her happy. Adele reached the park and sat down on a bench, putting her face under the rays of the morning Sun and mentally talking to him.

«Well, hello, dear sunshine.»

After sitting on the bench for some time and watching how another day began for many townspeople, she drew attention to the lady with the dog. An elegant, slender older woman walked through the park and a dog with a bright red bow on its small head trotted nearby. The lady, unlike many passers-by, was walking slowly, her phone rang and she did not notice how she had dropped her pet’s leash. The girl saw this and quickly caught up with the lady.

«Good morning, you dropped it,» she held out the leash and looked into the woman’s face, the lady smiled warmly.

«Thank you, dear, have a nice day,» and taking the leash in her hand, she walked on, but after walking a couple of steps she turned around, but the girl had already left the park.

The witch went to the station. Having bought a ticket, she sat down in the waiting room and began her favorite pastime — people-watching. While doing her business on the phone, she glimpsed how people communicated with each other. An elderly couple approached the ticket office to buy tickets. The lady from the couple was unhappy with the rising prices and decided to take out her indignation on the cashier. A scandal broke out that could spoil the impression of the city, and the witch decided to herself that she would not allow this to happen. she stood up and went straight to the woman, who took more air into her lungs to better express her emotions. At that moment the girl touched her hand and looked at her and asked:

«It’s not worth it,» the woman at first didn’t understand what she shouldn’t do, but the witch’s long gaze with steely notes made it clear that she shouldn’t do it. The woman’s husband approached the girl and looked at her questioningly. The girl understood him perfectly without words and answered:

«Years of practice and working with people help resolve conflicts with one glance, have a nice day,» she returned to her place in the waiting room, and people looked at her dumbfounded. It was time to board the bus and the woman’s husband decided to sit next to the witch rather than his wife. The witch looked at him in surprise and took her backpack onto her lap. the bus started moving, and the man began a dialogue:

— How did you do it?

The girl took the earphone out of her ear and answered:

— What do you have in mind?

— There at the station.

«And this,» she looked out the window and continued, «it’s just that your wife understands only those who are stronger than her mentally, spiritually, whatever you want to call it, if she feels the core inside, then she won’t respond to such a person, it’s simple.» She is apparently used to issuing orders at work, her experience as a manager shows. Now she is bored, pension, garden, you children. She doesn’t like this, with such energy it’s not surprising. I recommend that you offer her something more interesting than the listed activities.

«It’s so easy to tell about a man whom you see for the first time in your life at the station,» the man was dumbfounded, «are you a spy?»

«A witch,» Adele answered dryly, and anticipating a wave of questions, she put the earphone back in her ear, making it clear that the dialogue was over. The man was silent understandingly, and came to his senses after hearing the verdict, but he realized that the witch was right and it was worth finding something for his wife to do. The road ran through pine forests, fields that were being prepared for sowing, here and there tractors and people were seen in the fields. About two hours passed and they entered the city. Getting off the bus, the girl said goodbye to the old man and went to the station to find out about the next flight to another city.

All the passengers got out and immediately went about their business; it was clear that many of them were not in the city for the first time, unlike the witch. She stood and went to the road, downloaded the map, and, having found a river port on it, decided to immediately go to it. She arrived safely and when she got off at the bus stop, she looked around; there was an inspiring view of the river and the bridge. Couples, mothers with children and elderly couples strolled leisurely along the embankment.

«I need coffee,» — with these thoughts the girl walked slowly towards the coffee shop. The phone rang, she answered:

— Yes.

— Are you already in the city? — came on the phone.

— I arrived, I’m heading towards the coffee shop, and you got there too?

— Yes, I’m at the hotel, I’ll go through registration, drop off my things and come to you, name the place.

— Embankment… I won’t say more precisely, call me when you leave.

«We agree,» the man dropped the call and walked up to the reception desk. The administrator took his documents, carried out the registration procedure and gave the documents along with the keys. Having gone up to his floor and passing by the hall, the young man felt the effect of deja vu.

«It must have been my imagination,» he brushed aside his thoughts and went into the room. Things were neatly hung and placed in cabinets, then he went to the window and opened it to ventilate the room. He lay down on the bed and opened the application for ordering a taxi, choosing the nearest restaurant to the embankment as the destination of the trip. After waiting for a car to be assigned, he dialed Adele’s number:

— Hello, are you on your way already?

— Not yet, I’m lying on a soft bed, and I think maybe it’s not worth going somewhere? Let’s order food and watch a movie, how do you like this offer?

— No, I mean, you can stay and do that, I want to take a walk, I don’t change cities every day, I understand that you’re tired from work and the road, so decide for yourself.

— I’ll come, I want your company, I ordered a taxi to the restaurant «I Want and ****», will you get there?

— Okay, then let’s go for a walk, right?

— Yes. You can’t go against such energy, it will blow you away.

— Did you say energy? A skeptic who believes in something that cannot be touched? Surprised!

While they were talking, a taxi was already waiting at the entrance to the hotel. The man went down and got into the car, they drove away from the hotel, landscapes of the spring city flashed outside the window, passers-by went about their business. The taxi was already approaching the restaurant when the man noticed a man on the lawn.

— Stop, I’ll come out here. Thank you, all the best.

He headed towards the man and what was his surprise when he saw Adele on the grass. She suddenly opened her eyes and said:

— You blocked the sun!

«I know,» the man said calmly and extended his palm, the girl gave her hand and he pulled her towards him. Adele stood up and brushed herself off, looking at him she realized that the man was waiting for an explanation.

— Okay, I’ll tell you what I did. She received energy from the earth and grass — she told this in an absolutely ordinary tone, as if all people did this every day.


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