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A mile a minute
A torrid time
All hands on deck
All hell broke loose
All walks of life
Any port in a storm
Article of faith
As broad as it’s long
As good a place as any
As keen as mustard
As long as one’s arm
At a low ebb
At long last
At your earliest convenience
Avoid something like the plague
Back the wrong horse
Barking up the wrong tree
Batten down the hatches
Be a barrel of fun
Be at a loose end
Be beside oneself
Be for the high jump
Be in a tight corner
Be in deep water
Be in over your head
Be on good terms
Be on tenterhooks
Be on the cusp of
Be on the skids
Beat someone hollow
Bee’s knees
Beggar belief
Belt and braces
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Blot on something
Blow something or someone out of the water
Bone of contention
Bring something to the table
Burn the midnight oil
Burst someone’s bubble
Bursting at the seams
By jove
By leaps and bounds
Call a spade a spade
Cannot do something for toffee
Carved in stone
Cast a shadow over
Cat got your tongue?
Catch someone red-handed
Champagne taste on a beer budget
Chase your own tail
Clip someone’s wings
Close the door after the horse has bolted
Come a cropper
Cook someone’s goose
Cook the books
Couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag
Crawl out of the woodwork
Cry for the moon
Cut short
Cut to the bone
Cute as a button
Dig one’s heels in
Discretion is the better part of valour
Do someone a world of good
Dock someone’s pay
Don’t give up the day job
Down in the dumps
Drop a clanger
Easy on the eye/ear
Eat someone out of house and home
Educated guess
Every dog has its day
Fall by the wayside
Fat chance
Flatter to deceive
Flog a dead horse
Fly off the handle
For donkey’s years
Friends in high places
Get a grip on yourself
Give someone the runaround
Go at it hammer and tongs
Go down like a lead balloon
Go down like ninepins
Go easy on someone
Go off the rails
Go the extra mile
Go through the floor
Guard your tongue
Hang in the balance
Have a bee in your bonnet
Have a bone to pick with someone
Have a short fuse
Have another string to one’s bow
Have bigger fish to fry
Have feet of clay
Have the stomach for something
Have your back to the wall
Have your fair share of something
Hear it through the grapevine
Hold sway
Hot on the trail
Hot under the collar
In a bind
In a stew
In cold blood
In fits and starts
In full swing
In one piece
In someone’s bad books
In store for someone
In the fullness of time
In words of one syllable
It’s high time
Itching to do something
It’s no skin off my nose
Jog someone’s memory
Jumping at shadows
Jumping-off point
Keep a low profile
Keep one’s eyes peeled
Keep one’s hair on
Keep one’s powder dry
Keep one’s chin up
Keep one’s nose to the grindstone
Keep tabs on
Kill or cure
Know something by heart
Labour the point
Lead someone a merry dance
Lead someone down the garden path
Leap in the dark
Leave in the lurch
Leave no stone unturned
Lend an ear
Lie low
Load the dice against someone
Long shot
Loosen someone’s tongue
Lose one’s bottle
Magic touch
Make a meal of something
Make a rod for your own back
Move heaven and earth
Nip something in the bud
No holds barred
No picnic
No prizes for guessing
No two ways about it
Nod is as good as a wink
Not a bed of roses
Not a hair out of place
Not best pleased
Not budge an inch
Not have a care in the world
Not have a leg to stand on
Not in one’s right mind
Of the essence
Off one’s hands
Off the mark
On a hiding to nothing
On speaking terms
On the loose
On the verge of something
On your own head be it
One for the books
Out of sorts
Out of the corner of one’s eye
Over the hill
Pale into insignificance
Paragon of virtue
Pass the buck
Perish the thought
Pipe dream
Plain sailing
Play into someone’s hands
Play your cards right
Pull out all the stops
Pull someone’s leg
Pull the plug
Put it down to experience
Put someone wise to something
Put something to bed
Put the cart before the horse
Rain on someone’s parade
Raining cats and dogs
Ride for a fall
Rob someone blind
Rocky road
Rub shoulders/elbows with
Rue the day
Said the pot to the kettle
Sail close to the wind
Salt something away
Say your piece
See fit
See the light of day
Serve someone right
Set someone’s mind at ease
Set something in motion
Settle a score
Shadow of one’s former self
Shed some light
Sitting duck
Sitting pretty
Slip of the tongue
Small wonder
Smarten up your act
Someone’s lot in life
Splinter off from something
Squeeze something out of someone
Stand your ground
Stem the tide
Straight from the horse’s mouth
Strain every nerve
Sure as eggs is eggs
Sweep something under the carpet
Sweep the board
Take a hint
Take it from me
Take matters into your own hands
Take something as read
Take the bull by the horns
Tall order
Thank your lucky stars
That’s one way of putting it
The jury is still out
The lion’s share
The mists of time
The more the merrier
The worse for wear
There’s no time like the present
There’s safety in numbers
There’s no telling
Throw a spanner in the works
Throw cold water on something
Tie up loose ends
Till the cows come home
To someone’s liking
To the untrained eye/ear
To your heart’s content
Tough act to follow
Treat with kid gloves
Trouble is brewing
True to form
Try your hand at something
Until all hours
Until the dust settles
Walk with a spring in your step
Water under the bridge
When push comes to shove
With flying colours
With one accord
Without a hitch
Worth your while
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