The quatrains as a source of the coincidences

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“The paradox is the unwillingness of a stupid Universe to follow the clever theories of theorists”

Internet wisdom

Future as a forgotten Past

It is widely believed that only charlatans can deal with prophecies, since it is impossible to foresee the Future due to a violation of the causal relationship. So, all this is typical pseudoscience. But, a consistent analysis leads to a completely different conclusion. Judge for yourself. As you know, there are three time categories: Past, Present and Future. The past is gone, and the Future is not there yet. “There is only a moment between the Past and the Future. It is called “life”, as it is sung in the song based on the poems of Leonid Derbenev from the movie “Sannikov Land”. Now, that’s not true. It is a widely accepted false stereotype. Well, firstly, it has long been known that we receive information about the world through the transmission of various signals. The fastest is light, which moves at a speed of about three hundred thousand kilometers per second. Therefore, any object, phenomenon will be able to send us it’s information after a short, but… non-zero time. That is, please note: not instantly. Besides, our brain still needs time to transform this information about the surrounding reality into familiar images, which, strictly speaking, we call “Information”. Otherwise, we won’t be able to see, hear, smell, or touch anything. We don’t see with our eyes, we don’t hear with our ears, we don’t feel with our skin! All this is our brain. But while this is happening, the Reality we have realized is already becoming the Past, as Time continues to flow. After all, there is no way to stop him. Therefore, everything that we see around us it… ceased to exist just now. And so, it seems to turn out that the surrounding Reality is only an illusion of the existence of the World itself.

An unreal world

Is it logical? Yes. Undoubtedly. But! There is no one and to realize this amazing fact, because there is no one. Including ourselves. And it turns out that it never even happened! Therefore, what mind was brought this idea about Universe missing? Right. Similar mind is no. So, there is a world. “By default”. Although, it exists, in such a strange way, in the Past. So, if the World is Past today, then tell me: and what will change tomorrow? And in a month? And a year later? In a billion years? Nothing. The situation will not change. And so, therefore, it turns out another mind-boggling conclusion: there is no Future, as well as Present. There is only a known and unknown Past. That is, the Past, about which all Information has been lost, becomes… Future! Isn’t it amazing?! In other words, Chaos and Information are, as it were, a continuous struggle between themselves. But the information cannot be destroyed. Rather, it resembles a large wheel, part of which is in the water and part above the water. And it’s constantly rotating. It is appearing out of the water some drawings and inscriptions made on this wheel.

The Wheel of Time

That’s how we get information about an object, a phenomenon, and immediately begin to lose it. And after a while there comes a moment when we lose it completely. Despite any technological development! It turns out that there is nothing in this World something that didn’t happen in the Past. Do you remember how in the fairy tales of the Thousand and One Nights? The djinns say there: “everything whatever you wish, it has already happened!” Yes. That’s exactly why. And the clairvoyant, in some way that is still incomprehensible to us, receives information about what is still hidden from us, but exists somewhere! Another thing is that until the event has become a Reality, we cannot be sure of the correctness of such a prediction. And then, when the confirmation is received, it still looks like it’s just a coincidence! In other words, it is fundamentally impossible to prove the fact of the fulfillment of the prediction. Therefore, there is no violation of the causal relationship. Moreover, we ourselves, in fact, make predictions every now and then! In fact, if you say, “I’m going to go and have tea now,” then this does not mean that this is exactly what will happen with 100% probability, because unexpectedly, for example, some very joyful news may come to you. And what kind of tea is there! Only cognac. And by all means, the best! But, here another question arises: what is the use of predictions if they cannot be used practically? What’s the use of predicting “you must to afraid the 21st” before became of the French Revolution, how it happened to the French King Louis XVI? If he was executed just on January 21st, 1793. In addition, a truly correct prediction simply has to be vague, because in the Future both people and everyday life are completely different! Therefore, a lot of effort must also be made to correctly identify it. And why, then, is it necessary? The answer touches on the very meaning of Life. An objective study of such a phenomenon as “clairvoyance” is necessary because it allows you to reveal the secret properties of Information, which, in fact, is God himself. By the way, even in the concept of “God” there is also nothing unscientific, oddly enough. After all, it is obvious that there is some kind of Entity that has shaped the Universe. But, that’s just it, it is extremely paradoxical. Why? Because on the one hand, she has to be inanimate, because at the time of the formation of the Universe, there could be no living matter. But she can’t be dead either, because then she would never be able to give birth to a living thing. Otherwise, there would have to be some other “Super God” above God. And if all matter is considered “alive”, then, in the absence of the concept of “dead”, it also loses its meaning. Like a “top” without a “bottom”. So, let’s summarize. Clairvoyance is a way of interacting with God, with Information. And God himself is neither alive nor dead. The universe is and is not, just like we are in it. Therefore, having died, we quite possibly do not cease to exist. After all, we are no more real in Life than we are after Death. Therefore, our Soul is quite capable of existing after death, although this existence is radically different from life here. Thus, on the scale of the universe, a Person cannot be a “grain of sand”… But, of course, this article does not aim to answer all questions of such a global nature. At least, so far, we understand the laws of the Universe too little to draw at least some concrete conclusions about the frailty of our Existence and Life after death. Well, the most famous of all clairvoyants, of course, is Nostradamus.

The alleged portrait of Michel Nostradamus (Michel de Nostrdam)

It is his predictions (quatrains) that are quoted at every “convenient and inconvenient” case, almost always presenting it as “the ultimate truth.” “Nostradamus predicted this”, “Nostradamus predicted that” can be seen among the headlines of the most respected online publications. And since the beginning of the 30s of the XX century, the study of his prophecies was actively engaged in the Fascist Germany, in particular, the secret structure of the Ahnenerbe.

The symbol of the secret Nazi organization “Ahnenerbe”

Moreover, they managed to find quatrain 35 in the third group of quatrains (had named Century), which they began to associate with coming to power Adolf Hitler. And, although, to their credit, they generally defined the meaning correctly, nevertheless, they did not fully understand everything. In particular, the numbering itself turned out to be misunderstood by them, which is not surprising in general. Well, in the vast majority of cases, this is a free interpretation without any justification. In fact, it is extremely difficult to understand exactly what he predicted. That is why there are many people who call quatrains “the mumbling of a drunken monk drunk to the point of delirium tremens”. Although, at the same time, they claim that “they can be ‘spurred’ to any event.” But, after all, this already speaks of his uniqueness! Here, try to describe at least a few famous events in four lines so well. And he has about 1000 of them described! Therefore, his work is worthy of trying to figure it out. Although, it is very difficult. First, the language is Old French, which differs from modern French to the same extent as Russian differs from Old Slavic. And after all, the features of any languages change, as a rule, within 20—30 years. But here, was the centuries of change! Secondly, even if you understand this language well enough, you should remember that in any of them, there are numerous phraseological phrases that, if accurately translated into another language, as a rule, gives out nonsense. And finally, thirdly. Well, how can you describe a full-scale historical event in only four lines, while, even with a very brief summary, you get a big article?

Of course, a more serious analysis shows that it is impossible to call his quatrains a “prediction” in any way. This is, perhaps, only some kind of predictive hints, the meaning of which can still be somehow, and then with difficulty, discovered only after the event has occurred. And it is always impossible to separate a really meaningful prediction of something from a random coincidence, which the predictor himself did not guess at all. Moreover, it is impossible for a person living hundreds of years before the fulfillment of future History to understand the meaning of both the environment and objects, as well as the manifestation of emotions of people of the Future. Therefore, if we look for some meaning here, then we can only count on the coincidences that really exist, and which can’t call them other name besides “strange”. And in order to identify the correspondence to a given historical event or character, in addition to textual correspondence, a search was also made for the relationship between the numeration of the quatrain and the numbering of Century with characteristic digital dates of selected historical events. At the same time, sometimes some other strange coincidences were found. Because of this, a natural question arises: how to understand all this? Everything is calculated for us in advance, even before we are born, and our efforts don’t really matter? Of course, it is impossible to give a completely unambiguous answer.

However, based on the knowledge that modern theoretical physics provides, the source of amazing coincidences is itself The entity that created the World. Theoretical physics has established that it manifests itself in four fundamental interactions: gravity, strong and weak interactions, and electromagnetism. So, if we consider such a figure as a tetrahedron, we will see that it strangely symbolizes the mentioned interactions:

The figure is a tetrahedron

Please note: the tetrahedron looks voluminous only in this position. That is, edge forward. It is worth turning it backwards and it will look like a triangle. And, as you can see, it consists of four triangles, which are its four faces. The lower triangle symbolizes, as it were, gravity, since it resembles gravity, which, strictly speaking, creates the very concepts of “top” and “bottom”. There is a triangle at the back that we can’t see. This, indeed, resembles the strong interaction that is hidden in the depths of matter, in the atomic nucleus. And in front, 2 triangles are very similar to the weak and electromagnetic interaction, which are called “in plain sight”: as the electron shell of an atom, as the light emitted by the Sun, as the very belonging of matter to matter, or antimatter… However, it should also be noted that the representation of interactions in the form of triangles is symbolic. But, in the future, the text explaining the physical essence, explaining their relationship with the sides of triangles and the edges of the tetrahedron, will be italicized so that people who do not want to understand the details of theoretical physics can skip this text.

Indeed, for example, gravity is known to modern science in two forms: gravity, defined as the force of impact on a body inversely proportional to the square of the distance, and inertia, which is the physical object’s ability to maintain a state of rest. Strictly speaking, this concept arises from the second Newton’s law: F = m*a. Besides, gravity, is a “manifestation the curvature of Space”, according to modern concept of physics. However, this concept is meaningless, as philosophy’s view. As look like view a phrase “the correct beer”, for example. Because, it is impossible to imagine any modifications of emptiness: what can bend there if there is nothing in the void? Are any characteristics changing? But which ones? We have no idea about them! Therefore, here it is more correct to assume that in super-massive objects its third form simply arises: “truly strong gravity”, about which we do not know anything yet. But, some third form of Gravity interaction must undoubtedly exist.

The strong interaction, as established by science, manifests itself in three forms: the truly strong interaction that occurs between free quarks with the participation of gluons, the quantum process at an ultra-short distance (much smaller than the size of an atom), which occurs between nucleons (nuclear forces), and the chromomagnetic interaction, which should be discussed in more detail. So, since the atomic nucleus occupies a very small volume of the atom (imagine a millimeter grain in a ball with a diameter of 100 meters, besides, there would be more than one hundred meters between these “balls”), and neutrons do not have an electric charge (hence their name), then their absorption any chemical substance of should, it would always happen with an extremely low probability. It would absorb not much more often than the elusive neutrinos in this case. However, this is not the case at all. There are substances that neutrons absorb very actively, and not only slow, but also fast, arising, for example, during the thermonuclear process. In particular, these are isotopes of the chemical element hafnium. And there are those that are completely transparent, like zirconium (a chemical analog of hafnium), or are capable of only reflecting neutrons, completely not absorbing them, like beryllium (by the way, it is precisely because of this property that it is used as a material for the shell of nuclear charges). That is, chromomagnetic interaction, like ordinary magnetism, somehow affects electrically neutral nucleons. Although, the mechanism of this effect is not completely clear.

Well, electromagnetism, respectively, is electricity and magnetism, described by completely different mathematical formulas. The third form consists in the fact that magnetic and electric quantities have antipodes: positive and negative charge, north and south magnetic poles. Weak interaction arises as ultra-short distances (even smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus), in the form of beta decay, and as a property that determines whether matter belongs to matter or antimatter. And beta decay provide the inertly of reaction mass, that the stars have allowed to emit light, the during at billions years.

Thus, can see, these forms of manifestation of interactions are similar in pairs. For example, the interaction of electric charges and the gravitation of masses are described, as already mentioned, by similar mathematical formulas (some scientists even tried to build a unified theory of electromagnetism and gravity, but unsuccessfully). The inertia of bodies characters the physical object’s resistance to applied force, and beta decay ensures stable processes of thermonuclear synthesis stars, forcing excess neutrons to decay and preventing the growth of the neutron multiplication coefficient. Otherwise, the stars would not have been able to burn for billions of years. Well, the strong and weak interactions manifest themselves as quantum processes at ultra-short distances. Chromomagnetiс interaction resembles ordinary magnetism. And the latter analogy is related to the “mirror” characteristics of the electric charge for electromagnetic interaction, expressed in the fact that they can be both positive and negative. And in the case of weak nuclear interaction, the opposite signs have lepton and baryon numbers (sometimes they are called “charges”).

So, it is possible that our ancestors revealed knowledge about the Secret Symbol of the Universe much earlier than us, because since time immemorial, a symbol began to appear in the iconography of different peoples, as if hinting at a Secret Symbol The universe: an eye in a triangle. Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine the reason why people of antiquity could create this symbol, and even use it so often in various religions.

The All-seeing Eye of God

However, strange parallels can also be found in a number of ancient teachings, such as the concept of “ancient primary elements” (Earth, Water, Air, Fire). There was written in the “Schoolboy’s encyclopedia”, “Inorganic Chemistry”, 1975, USSR, that, before appearing the philosophical concept about atoms as the smallest particle of matter, people “had no idea what to consider a simple substance” at first. That is why, allegedly, such a “primitive” concept of the structure of matter arose. But if you look at it carefully, the associations with the fundamental interactions that have already been mentioned are very interesting. Is gravity the “Element of the Earth”? Undoubtedly. It is enough to remember about gravity, which comes as if “from the Earth”. After all, our ancestors could not have known any other planets. Strong interaction — the “Element of Fire”? Well, of course! Nuclear and thermonuclear reactions are the main “fire” in the universe. “The element Air” — electromagnetic interaction? Of course. Like air, the electromagnetic field transmits information both outside and inside us over vast distances! Is the “Element of Water” a weak interaction? This is also fair. All the so-called “baryonic” matter, which makes up both planets and stars, “floats” in an ocean of neutrinos (or rather anti-neutrinos), and this “ocean” ensures the existence of our matter, not antimatter. Well, the doctrine of the primary elements itself has been transformed into a number of fundamental dogmas of various world religions, although, of course, it should be understood that this is only an assumption that is unlikely to be unambiguously confirmed. So, for example, the Christian Trinity and the way it opposes Satan is very similar to the opposition inside the stars of the strong, weak and electromagnetic interaction of gravity: because, gravity tends to compress matter, drive it into what is called a “black hole”, and the rest of the interactions are resisting. And God the Father and God the Son immediately evoke an association with strong and weak interactions (not a mother and a child, but the father!). The father is the head of the family, the cell, the nucleus. God the son is the personification of weakness. And the weak interaction is often called the “weak nuclear interaction”. Moreover, these are indeed “related” processes, in the sense that they both participate in the formation of the atomic nucleus to a greater extent than gravity and electromagnetism. Finally, God-the Holy Spirit — electromagnetism. Please note: on icons, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. And the white pigeon is the symbol of the carrier pigeon, that is, it can be considered as a hint of the transmission of information. In addition, the word “holy” obviously has the same origin as the word “light”. Light is an electromagnetic wave, as know.

The Holy Trinity

As can see, the associations are very strange. However, there are a lot of oddities in our world, of course.


The tragic fate of Emperor Nicholas II ended after the Bolsheviks came to power, who, as is known, shot not only him, but also his entire family. And 2 quatrains hint “predictably” at the events of his biography. The first of them, under the number 14 of the 1st Century, indicating the October Revolution of 1917. After translation, according to the source, it looks like this:

Slaves will sing songs, hymns and demand,

To release the imprisoned from prisons at by Princes and Gentlemen.

In the future, as headless idiots

They will be counted in divine sermons.

The painting by N. M. Kochergin “The Storming of the Winter Palace”, 1950

First of all, it should be remembered that the main reason for this event was the First World War, which, as is known, began in 1914 after the signing decree about mobilization by the emperor Nicholas in July 19th, as a result of which Germany immediately declared war on Russia. By the way, Nicholas II was the ninth emperor, if we count down from Peter Great.

The emperor Nicholas II

But, his reign was the fourteenth just so, since the country was also ruled by five queens. In addition, again by a strange coincidence, the Bolshevik party that came to power arose just 14 years before the events of October: in 1903, at the second Congress of the RSDLP (Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party). And the symbol of the Revolution, the 1st-rank cruiser Aurora entered service in the same year, although it was launched much earlier. And such name was caused by Emperor Nicholas from eleven other names when the cruiser was still under construction.

The 1st rank cruiser Aurora of the Diana type

By the way, his wedding and coronation were also held on the 14th. On November 14 (26), 1894, in the Large Church of the Winter Palace, he was married to Princess nee Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, fourth daughter Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse and the Rhine, later known as Alexandra Feodor. And in 1896 on May 14 (26), she and Nicholas were crowned, after which on the Khodynka field, through 4 days, that is, on the 18th, during the distribution of gifts in honor of the coronation and wedding of the Romanov couple, more than 1,300 people died, in a stampede and about the same number were wounded, which usually happens only in fierce military battles.

Khodynka field shortly before the tragedy

Of course, this made an indelible impression on both the Russian public and the Romanov couple themselves. The Empress could not recover from this nightmare for a long time. And then, for the rest of her life, she tried, as it were, to atone for this sin, even without disdaining to work as a simple nurse, for example, during the First World War. She was actively involved in charity work.

The wife of Nicholas II, the empress Alexandra Feodor

As for Nikolas, he, of course, as the head of state, reacted to the consequences of the Khodynka tragedy. However, the measures he has taken cannot be called “sufficient” in any way. The Moscow chief of police Alexander Alexander Vlasovsky was removed from office. But, the emperor did not declare at least three days of mourning in the country, did not speak himself, and did not instruct anyone to make a funeral penitential speech to the people. Moreover, the public print media did not mention this event at all. Although, both he and the Empress on May 19 already have visited the victims in hospitals, and the emperor ordered to give 1,000 rubles to each of his personal funds. However, the very silencing of the tragedy turned out to be a mistake that outweighed all his further efforts to make amends. After all, for the common people, the festivities in honor of the coronation of the young emperor were something more than a simple holiday. These were hoping for a better life. But, after the tragedy, the tsar’s gift, the coronation mug already reminded of one of the most terrible catastrophes in Russian history. The people who believed in omens were now sure that the reign of Nicholas II would not be successful and would not end well. It seems that the whole of Russia realized this in an instant and was imbued with distrust and a negative attitude towards the emperor. In 1907, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian poetry of the Silver Age Konstantin Balmont wrote the poem “Our King”, which turned out to be prophetic:

He’s a coward, feels hesitant,

But the hour has reckoned awaits yet.

Who began to reign with Khodynka,

Will finishing by standing on the scaffold”.

Therefore, the emperor was accused of cruelty “behind his back”. The Romanovs’ experiences were inaccessible to the people. And it was then, according to some historians, that Nicholas II received the nickname: “bloody”. Follow, there was a flood in St. Petersburg on November 12, 1903, which claimed the lives of many workers who huddled with their families in barracks. The authorities did not show themselves “from the best side” and here, too. Well, then there was the Russian-Japanese war for control of Manchuria, Korea and the Yellow Sea, which began January 27 (February 9), 1904, which Russia lost (August 23 (September 5) 1905). In the epic novel “Tsushima” by Alexey Sil Novikov-Priboy, the mistakes of the combat training of the Second Pacific Squadron, which caused its defeat, were considered. The point is that, in this novel, the author accuses the emperor of having chosen a very unsuccessful fleet commander.

Adjutant general Zinovy Peter Rozhestvensky

And this once again confirmed the image of the “loser tsar” among the people, who is unable to govern the state. Well, in 1905, against his will, he again confirmed the nickname “bloody” once again, January 9th. There is a peaceful demonstration of workers led by a priest George Gapon was shot and this day was named “Bloody Sunday”. Of course, Nikolas did not give the order to shoot at the demonstrators. He himself was not in town at all that day. And this tragedy has already initiated the revolutionary events of 1905—1907.

George Apollon Gapon

And again, the ninth Russian emperor since the time of Peter Greatest, Nicholas limited himself to decrees on this subject. Again, neither he nor anyone on his behalf made a penitential speech to the people, although, of course, there was a trial above the head of city police. But no one informed the people about this either. On the basis of these events, on January 11, the emperor established the St. Petersburg Governorate, under whose jurisdiction the city of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg province were transferred. Also, Mayor Fullon resigned.

Mayor Ivan Alexander Fullon

That is, these mistakes of the tsar as head of state brought the revolutionary situation closer, and not at all the “class hatred” invented by Lenin. So, the number “14”, as “a red line” (according to the Russian expression meaning “the significance of the event”), like the “reds” who later came to power, as the Bolsheviks were later called, became as the curse of Nicholas, and as his family, and the entire Russian Empire, forever depriving the tsar of self-confidence as the leading politician in the country. That’s probably why the two wars he participated in ended in defeat. Well, he abdicated the throne March 2, 1917, according to the old style, and March 15, according to the new style. And the last ruler of Russia from the Romanov dynasty, brother of Nicholas II, Mikhail, it turns out, is the fifteenth and last ruler of the Romanov dynasty. Because the emperor abdicated in favor of his younger brother. Besides, here was as if, hint that the sovereign with number “2”, whose name begins with the fifteenth letter of the alphabet renunciation is happening!

The pre-Reform Russian alphabet

In addition, even after the reform of the alphabet, the letter with which the name of this emperor begins retained its ordinal number.

The modern Russian alphabet

By the way, it is also interesting to note that the first arrest of the former emperor began on March 9 1917, old style (9th emperor of the Romanov dynasty), and ended on April 1 1917, old style and 14 new. So, the revolution in 1917 became possible also because the tsarist government did not act in the best way in the First World War. Especially, the development of events after the so-called Brusilov breakthrough, when the success gained with considerable blood, was gradually completely lost, “overflowed the cup of patience”.

Adjutant general Alexey Alexey Brusilov

All this led to decomposition in the Russian army, to a feeling of futility, of participating in hostilities, where there is a high risk of becoming disabled, or even dying, as they say, “not for a sniff of tobacco,” while many workers and peasants were waiting for families, their work on the agricultural fields and in factories. In short, an ordinary, peaceful life awaited them. But, in addition to major failures at the front and the loss of a significant number of soldiers, his power was significantly discredited by scandals related to Grigory Rasputin. It should also be noted here that the State Duma, in fact, was already in opposition to the emperor. Finally, the chief of Staff of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, general Alekseev, on the eve of Nicholas’s abdication, deprived the capital protection, stopping with a circular telegram all combat-ready military units heading for Petrograd (St. Petersburg). In general, it is difficult to imagine what else had to be done for the collapse of the Russian Empire.

Well, after the fall of the monarchy, the Provisional Government, headed by Alexander Kerensky, tried to continue waging war, which most soldiers no longer wanted. And therefore, the Bolsheviks, just “hit the nail on the head” with their anti-war propaganda. In addition, the red leaders “on all corners” shouted about freedom, equality and fraternity, about the exploitation of workers and peasants by landlords and capitalists. But, only, with the word “democracy” they immediately got something “arisen the problems”. Instead, the concept of “dictatorship of the proletariat” was actively introduced into the consciousness of the masses, where the key word immediately turned out, just, to be “dictatorship”. By the way, as you can see, here, the word “worker” is replaced by “proletarian” (translated from Latin “common people”, and according to Dahl’s dictionary “homeless, penniless”), because this is the word Lenin liked the most. And the letter “п” (see the picture of the modern alphabet), by a strange coincidence, is the seventeenth in the Russian alphabet.

The poster “Proletarians of all countries unite!”

So, if monarchy did not mean freedom, then Bolshevism did not mean it even more. It seems that mentally normal people, having become, in fact, slaves overnight, sincerely believed that they lived in a free country that would someday provide them with a “wonderful future”. Although, at first, there was even a lot of freedom. But, there was such freedom that it bordered on with Chaos. “Expropriation of expropriators,” Lenin shouted. And without investigation and trial, they seized property and valuables, raped young ladies, easily breaking into any house where the “bourgeoisie” lived, without much hesitation passing sentences with the help of a gun. But, at the same time, every Bolshevik had to be ready to endure any hardships and without hesitation give his health and life itself “for the cause Revolutions”. And each party meeting and then, already, the Komsomol meeting were necessarily accompanied by the performance of two anthems: the International and the Workers’ Marseillaise, which set up full dedication in the name of the “great goal”. As if, following the text of the fourteenth quatrain, slaves, or proletarians, really got the will for many prisoners from masters. In addition to those who were convicted, relatively speaking, for political views, many dangerous scoundrels were released, who, moreover, were also considered “socially close elements” at that time and tried to involve them in the fight against the “counterrevolution”. However, the first stream was organized by the Provisional Government Alexander Fyodor Kerensky.

Chairman of the Provisional Government Alexander Fyodor Kerensky

Because of this, numerous criminal gangs arose, which had almost regular military units and had been operating throughout the country for a long time. But, this time period it would be not quite right to paint only with black paints either. The main achievement of the victorious socialism was the accessibility of school and university education for all and the opportunity to develop their talents in science and invention. In addition, at that time, rationalization proposals, or as they were popularly called, “ratsuhi”, they’re very encouraged at many enterprises. No patents were issued for them, although the very concept of “patent” referred only to the “decaying West”. In general, there could only have copyright certificates that allowed any businessman abroad to use them completely free of charge, without even mentioning the author.

Copyright certificate of the USSR

But, bonuses to employees of the enterprise where the ideas were created were paid from the state budget. However, the fees were “reduce to acceptable values”, usually. “That the inventors, couldn’t get rich. God forbid”. Well, there wasn’t much freedom for creativity in culture and art. Basically, of course, propaganda art and literature were encouraged, where it was necessary to constantly praise the Soviet government. Even the whole History was edited for socialist propaganda. Because of this, many serious scientific historical research was banned, or very poorly funded. And yet, the undoubted achievement was completely free medicine and spa treatment. Vouchers for a three-week vacation in the resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus were generally given for free, which now sounds like fiction. In addition, under socialism, it was customary to exchange experiences between various enterprises for free, and easily transfer secrets of a wide variety of technologies, unless, of course, they were related to defense and security. Therefore, employees of various institutions, and especially various research institutes, had the opportunity to travel all over the country on government-paid business trips, and students also had free internships in various cities of the USSR. Well, starting from the end of 1988, again, as indicated in the quatrain, the Bolsheviks, were “not kicked only by the lazy” for all their “outrages”, especially after there began to open various state archives and even those that were previously deeply classified. By the way, it was then, in Russia, for the first time, as a result of the so-called political campaign “Glasnost” announced by Mikhail Sergey Gorbachev, that translations of quatrains into Russian appeared of Nostradamus. Of course, and, reborn again, the Church no longer hesitated to anathematize the former red chiefs. And, I must say, there was a reason, although this eventually led to thoughtless copying of the conditions of “Western democracy” and the loss of a number of important achievements that called into question the very integrity of the Russian state and a number of former Soviet republics. But, gradually, the “corners have smoothed out” and now, the current heirs of the Bolsheviks, the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have no hesitation coming to the same Orthodox prayer services. Needless to say, History is capable of making very amazing “zigzags”.


Quatrain 15 from the first Century, apparently, “predictably” alludes to the last sovereign of the Romanov dynasty, who was the head of state for a record short time: total 1 day. And after his death, he was canonized by the Russian By the Orthodox Church on November 1, 1981.

Mars threatens us with military force

He will make shed blood seventy times.

The destruction of the church and its shrines

The destruction of those who don’t want to hear about them.

So, the fifteenth non-crowned ruler, starting from Peter Greatest, was Michael Romanov, one of the emperor’s sons Alexander III, the brother of Nicholas II, after he was abdicated from the throne in his favor on March 2 according to the old style, and on (March 15 according to the new one), in 1917, although he did not accept the throne, and according to the law it was impossible to do so. But, formally, he can be considered the last fifteenth ruler of the Romanov dynasty. As you know, Michael did not accept the imperial crown on March 3 (16), because he believed that the all-Russian constituent assembly should choose the head of state, which caused the strongest disappointment in the Russian army. But, it should be noted that the situation itself was not at all favorable for this. There was no longer any trust in the Romanovs among the people. Therefore, Michael would have to prove his complete independence from the elder his brother. And it would be practically impossible to do that. Except to arrange his public execution. But, of course, he would never be able to do this. And he renounced the Russian throne for the second time, because, before that, the chairman of the State Duma, M. V. Rodzianko summoned by phone him in to Petrograd (St. Petersburg) and tried to persuade him to accept the powers of the emperor on the morning of February 27 (March 12) 1917. And a little before these events, in 1912, emperor Nicholas deprived him of all titles and inheritance rights for his “morganatic” marriage with Natalia Wolfert (nee Sheremetyevskaya).

Grand Duke Michael Romanov and Natalia Wolfert

Yes, besides, he also forbade him to return to Russia. By the Supreme decree of December 15, 1912, the prince’s estates were under sequestration (custody of the state). However, when the First World War began, Mikhail turned to his brother with a request to send him to the front. And for the bravery and talent of a military commander shown in battle, Grand Duke Michael was awarded, at first, the Order of St. Vladimir of the 3rd degree (January 20), and then the Order of St. George, 4th degree (March 3), and finally the St. George’s Arms (June 27), 1915. And in the same year, Natalia Sheremetyevskaya and her and Mikhail’s son George received from Nicholas II the title of Countess and Count Brasov. Well, after his abdication in March 1917, Mikhail was in Gatchina. After the Bolsheviks came to power, until March 7 in 1918, he lived as an ordinary citizen, though deprived of voting rights, like all representatives of the Romanov dynasty. On the night of June 12—13, 1918, he, along with his personal secretary Johnson is kidnapped near the unknown place near on Malaya Yazovaya river. But, what was the true reason for this executing, and Mikhail was actually shot, it is not known for certain. An attempt to figure this out is made in the article “The Prophecy about was shot Nicholas II and his family”, because, apparently, there is some kind of relationship between these events. However, here would like to say a few words about something else. Russia, of course, has repeatedly been very unlucky that such noble, intelligent, brave and talented people do not become its supreme rulers, because they are too noble. They, a highly cultured people, did not consider public speaking necessary to recognize their services to the people. They were not ready to wage a tough struggle for power. The same cannot be said about many other figures of different political trends. The same, Bolsheviks, Social Revolutionaries, anarchists. In other words, Michael himself and his brother Nikolai tried to fight for power intelligently, hoping, mostly, only that the people themselves would appreciate their intelligence and talent. In general, as it is sung in the song of bandit Jafar from the movie “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” directed by Yuli Solomon Guzman:

Azerbaijani actor Hasanaga Sattar Oglu Turabov as bandit Jafar

He’s unarmed — I’m always armed

Would have sat quietly, no, he’s getting into trouble

He wants to argue the gun

Big gentleman, but as child!

And he’s an opponent, it can’t be better

You’ll fall, but he doesn’t finish you off.

I stab him in the back and don’t expect an answer

A gentleman is a good man!

If I don’t kill him, then he’s me — that’s the law.

Lamb eats grass for the satiety of wolves.

There are no exceptions to the laws of life.

I am not the enemy of the laws, but he is a gentleman!

And he’s an opponent, it can’t be better

You’ll fall, but he doesn’t finish you off.

You stab him in the back and don’t expect an answer.

A good man is a gentleman!

A gentleman is a rare sight in our neighborhood.

He’d take care of his life, but he wants under bullets.

And he could live a long time, but he will die in the prime of life.

It’s a pity, a wonderful man is a gentleman!

And he’s an opponent, it can’t be better

You’ll fall, but he doesn’t finish you off.

I stab him in the back and don’t expect an answer.

There is no salvation for a gentleman from his acts!

As for the lines of the quatrain about Mars, which says that he “will make blood be shed seventy times” and “the destruction of the church and its shrines,” then, probably, it should be understood as an allusion to the USSR, which will be discussed in more detail in the article “The prophecy about the USSR”, where the quatrain is considered 70 from the second century. During its formation, many churches were destroyed. All religions were outlawed.

The destruction of the Church in the USSR


Quatrain 39 of the 1st Century is quite popular on the Internet, and many rightly interpret it with the assassination of Russian emperor Paul First.

Russian emperor Paul First

Translated, it looks like this:

The ruler will be strangled in bed at night

For bringing the blond man too close to him.

Instead, the trinity is offered to much-tried Empire.

Many will die, and the card and package will remain


His murder took place on the night of March 12, old style, in 1801, that is, 38 years, 8 months and 6 days after the strange death of his father, Peter III. Thus, after almost 39 years. And a little more 39 years, the coronation of the next emperor Alexander First took place, held on September 15, old style and September 27, new style.

The emperor Alexander First, who inherited the Russian throne

By the way, pay attention to the very name “Pavel”. The letter “п” is followed by “авел”, as if some kind of abbreviation for “Александр Великий (Alexander Great)”. And well known, the emperor Alexander was nicknamed “The Blessed One” for his services to the Fatherland. Therefore, it is also appropriate to call him “great”. By the way, it was he who issued a decree on the celebration of January 7 as Victory Day in the Patriotic War In 1812. But, first, it is worth saying a few words about the accession to the throne of the emperor Paul himself, which took place in 1796 on November 6, old style, and November 17, new style. On the day of the death of his mother, Catherine Second. So, by a strange coincidence, he had exactly 6 children, and Alexander I was the eldest. And if we remember that the letter with which the name of the emperor begins in the Russian alphabet is the 17th in a row, then again we get a strange coincidence of the numbers 6 and 17. As for the last days of his life, that it seems to be, according to some data, he was killed as a result of a conspiracy when a group of conspirators broke into the emperor’s chambers, and after being hit with a golden snuff-box, he was strangled with a pillow. It should be noted that this happened in the Mikhailovsky Castle, which was rebuilt from the Summer Palace of the empress Elizabeth First.

Mikhailovsky (Engineering) Castle

And it was this place that Pavel too was born. And see that the strange coincidences here couldn’t without. The main reason for the conspiracy is the severance of diplomatic relations with England due to its seizure of the island of Malta, and the rapprochement of Paul with Napoleon Bonaparte. In addition, Pavel offended the greatest commander Suvorov. At first, he forbade him a solemn entry into the capital after his victory in the Swiss campaign, and on the day of Suvorov death, he announced a military review, not allowing the soldiers to say goodbye to him.

“The Trinity”, which “was offered to much-tried Empire”, mentioned in the 39th quatrain of Nostradamus, are not people at all, but 3 fundamental documents: “The Most Gracious diploma, complained to the Russian people”, “Draft manifesto on the peasant question” and “Draft reorganization of the Senate”. But they were never published due to disagreements. Finally, the “unread card and package” is an unsuccessful attempt to warn the emperor. And, of course, everyone who supported Emperor Paul in one way or another suffered. Although, the conspirators also failed to take influential positions under the new emperor, since Alexander First gradually removed them all out of a sense of “disgust” towards them. However, some of them left the civil service themselves. The exception, perhaps, was the commander of the light-horse Izyum regiment, Leontius Benningsen, who, generally speaking, at the tragic moment itself, was not in the bedroom of the emperor Paul.

Leonty Leonty Benningsen

Therefore, he was subsequently appointed Lithuanian Governor- general. And then, on June 11, 1812, he was promoted to general of the cavalry, and very successfully participated in the war against the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. For which, in the future, he was showered with all sorts of awards. Certainly, the murder of the emperor Paul it was presented to the Russian people as “death from apoplexy”. And there were those who took it as a holiday, but there were those who felt a sense of disgust, suspecting the criminal nature of the death.


There are many “white spots” left in the tragedy of the Nord-Ost, which are connected not only with the circumstances of the use of “special gas”. The crimes of terrorists are terrible, but they are not the only ones who should be considered criminals…

Eternal memory to the victims and those who rescued the hostages!

This terrible terrorist attack took place on October 23, 2002, practically in the very center of Moscow, during which the terrorists captured 916 people. And they were destroyed after 3 days, that is, On October 26, leaving behind questions that many famous people were trying to get answers to. Both leading politicians and journalists, lawyers, businessmen, relatives of the hostages and the hostages tried to figure it out. By the way, the storming of the Moscow Bearing Theater Center occurred, by a strange coincidence, just so through 1 year and 45 days after another terrible terrorist attack, which went down in History as the “Tragedy of the Twin Towers”, where it took place the musical “Nord-Ost”, based on Kaverin’s novel “Two captains”. Well, in Nostradamus, the quatrain 45 from 1 Century hints at this, translated, looking like this:

Strangle the sects, damn the informers!

The beast in the theater is preparing the stage for a conspiracy.

The Inventor gains the upper hand with the old knowledge

Because of sects, the world is in turmoil and split.

It should only be noted that the terrorist leader Movsar Barayev was killed on his birthday, when he turned exactly 23, which coincides with the day of the beginning of this terrorist attack. Arbi Baraev, to whom Movsar Baraev (in reality, Movsar Suleymanov) was a nephew, died on June 23, 2001. If you write it down in numbers, you get: 23.6.2001. And, as you can see, in this date, both significant numbers are “encrypted”: “23” and “26”, although the last number, as it were, “manifests” and not immediately. That is, only when we realize that “6” is the second digit number of the date, since it indicates the month of the year. And this unique special operation, at first, was perceived as very successful. Moreover, president Russia Putin, in fact, rehabilitated himself in the eyes of the people, after the tragedy with the Kursk submarine. But, the surviving hostages, and their relatives, had questions about its conduct almost immediately. The main one is: what is the composition of “spetsgaz”? And other questions followed from it: why couldn’t calculate his dose? Why was first aid provided so badly? Of course, there were independent investigations. Probably the very first investigation was the deputy chairman of the Security Committee of the State Duma, the former editor-in-chief of “Literaturnaya Gazeta”, Yuri Peter Shchekochikhin.

The deputy Chairman of the State Duma Security Committee Yuri Peter

First of all, he tried to deal with the circumstances of awarding the title of Hero of Russia to former Deputy Chairman of the FSB of Russia Vladimir Egor Pronichev. But, in 2003, Shchekochikhin unexpectedly dies from a rare form of allergy, Lyell’s syndrome. Then, there tried to figure it out Anna Politkovskaya, Sergey Yushenkov, Artyom Borovik, and finally Boris Nemtsov. They were all killed. From this affair, or the reasons were different — it is unlikely that one day it will be possible to figure it out. There were a number of lawsuits initiated by the public organization Nord-Ost. A lot of films have been created, interviews with a variety of experts have been published. But, as there was no clarity then, so there is no clarity now. Because, still has ever no was asking the most important questions. First of all, why did the assault become possible at all? After all, even in addition to the suicide bombers themselves, there were explosive devices in the building itself! And sending a SWAT team there means putting the lives of all the hostages at risk. How were they defused, if in the calm environment all this can be cleared, at least for a few days? And if, in fact, the explosive devices were fake, then how could this information get to the operational headquarters? From some kind of “mole” among the terrorists? But, then, why didn’t he report the impending terrorist attack at all? Besides, no one gave a clear explanation for a number of facts described by the surviving hostages. It was simply stated without comment.

The explosive devices, which seized during the assault.

Secondly, have a really the hostages poisoned by the so-called “special gas” there, or was it an overdose of a soporific drug, accordingly the official version? After all, judging by the consequences of this exposure, which were described in detail by a number of hostages, then there is clearly no question of an overdose with “fentanyl-substance” specifically. However, none of the independent experts, both in Russia and abroad, even tried to do any serious and logical analysis of the facts. On the contrary, there are fewer and fewer objective materials on this case. In addition, it cannot be excluded that exposure to a substance such as “fentanyl” can cause a severe distortion of perception of the surrounding reality, which is why the testimony of witnesses cannot be considered an indisputable fact. Moreover, a person exposed to sleeping pills becomes more exposed hypnotic. And who can guarantee that these testimonies were not corrected by a hypnotist from the special services? Therefore, here, more or less, a complete explanation can be considered the so-called “Confession of the nameless inventor”, which it was published in LiveJournal on April 27, 2021 by the author nobody59. Here, this article is provided with some abbreviations:

“Only in fairy tales does Good overcome Evil. In life, instead of one severed Hydra head, two new ones grow. Even scarier, and even angrier. This happened on October 26, 2002. I’m talking about the special operation to liberate “Moscow Bearing” theater center (more precisely, this is the building of the former Palace of Culture of the 1st State Bearing Plant), which later became known as the Nord-Ost tragedy”. “When I heard about the successful assault on television, I was very happy: my ideas worked! Because, it was I who went to our regional FSS (Russian Federal Security Service) on 10/24/2002 after work, and proposed technical solutions, without which given operation haven’t been carried out”. “But, then, the joy of this news began to pass very quickly. The dead among the hostages?! From where?! What kind of gas?! Why?! Yes. Many believe that “special gas” is the most significant part of the operation. In their view, there was turned on the gas, put everyone to sleep. And whoever of the terrorists did not fall asleep was killed in a shootout. And “all business”! But, even for me, in fact, the author of this assault, not everything immediately formed into a final mosaic. And so. The truth is that, firstly, besides the terrorists with explosive belts in the hall, there were also mines all over the building. About three dozen. This would be enough for a platoon of sappers to mine for a month. And even with the risk of dying at any second, because there were no robots then. And it is clear that there was nowhere to take so much time. Therefore, at my suggestion, the mines were frozen with liquid nitrogen. After all, any explosive under severe freezing “hibernates”. And then, we can extract fuse. And go to the next explosive mine. Secondly, it was necessary to manage to enter the building unnoticed. And it was impossible to do this through doors and windows. So, here, too, my idea worked. In fact, you can enter the building through the wall. First, need to freeze it with the mentioned liquid nitrogen. Then pour boiling water over it. No bricks or concrete blocks will hold up. They’ll fall apart like dust. Thirdly, no gas, even if it was “special” three times, couldn’t be counteracted to press the button of the remote controls, which the women-terrorists held in their hands, almost constantly. And they were ready to press it at any attempt to attack them. There could shoot at them from nowhere, and extremely risky. After all, when a sniper’s bullet hits a person’s body, it also receives a strong jolt, which, with a high probability, can trigger an explosive device. And couldn’t became the hall and start firing rifles: the terrorists were covered with the heads of the hostages. In the ventilation duct with a rifle, you can’t turn around at all, let alone aim… In other words, an extraordinary technical solution was also needed that could make the hostage rescue operation successful. And, in fact, it would have been so. But, only, among the leaders of this operation, apparently, there were criminals too. They came up to use the “special gas”, and even enhanced the effect of its use with drug gas “fentanyl”. Well, what kind of gas was it? Since 1785, it has been known as “ozone”. And those people, who released the hostages, used it at them. And it was used together with the mean that had prevented the terrorists-women from pressing the buttons of explosive devices.

She couldn’t press the remote control of the explosive device, although kept in her hand.

And given mean is a jet of liquid oxygen, which was launched at them from above from the ventilation duct. Because of which, she jumped out of her theatre chair in wild pain. So, liquid oxygen is a very strong refrigerant and, unlike liquid nitrogen, is able to penetrate through the human skin to the inside of the person. Therefore, immediately flowing into the flesh, it explosively evaporates and destroys all nerve fibers, causing paralysis of any limbs. In this case, hands. But! Evaporating medical liquid oxygen turns into ordinary oxygen, which, of course, is not capable of poisoning anyone. However, the fighters who carried out the assault operation were intentionally given containers with liquid oxygen within ozone was dissolved, which is very toxic, and even carcinogenic. What for? What were they a goal? I don’t know, of course. I can only assume that this was a test of the action of ozone in order to further create a special special means for a silent and reliable means of killing. After all, at room temperature, ozone decomposes quickly, turning into ordinary oxygen. And therefore, it leaves no traces on objects or in the human body. I think, just, it was used to eliminate deputy Yuri Peter Shchekochikhin in 2003. Shchekochikhin, after all, was actively interested in the circumstances of the storming of the Nord-Ost. And, while serving as deputy chairman of the State Duma Security Committee, he had the opportunity to check the activities of the top leadership of the FSS. Therefore, he had received the “syndrome Lyella” as punishment for it. That is, during his trip, he could have been given a jet of liquid oxygen with a certain lethal concentration of ozone, which acts like radioactive contamination, causes allergic reactions, and fever. Moreover, a person does not die immediately. Everything looks like a sudden illness provoked by unknown causes. By the way, being in a special bactericidal box, which, as is known, are disinfected with ultraviolet light, there was constant contact with the allergen of the dying deputy, since, under the influence of radiation, ozone, just occurs in the air. And, therefore, his death came even faster.


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