The only reason why you don`t own Bitcoin is that you don`t know enough about it…

The only reason why you don`t own Bitcoin is that you don`t know enough about it…

Объем: 176 бумажных стр.

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

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This book is intended to explain all the questions that may arise for those who want to understand the world of Bitcoin. From its essence to the potential opportunities for you, here you will find answers to fully acquaint yourself with this technology and its potential. Written in simple language, accessible to both beginners and experienced experts. This book is one of the best investments in you after Bitcoin.
Книга публикуется в авторской орфографии и пунктуации


From Shatoshi Nakamoto`s Son The Book by Oleh Bozhenko “In the end, the money that cannot be destroyed or confiscated prevails.” © Oleh Bozhenko

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Объем: 176 стр.

Дата выпуска: 15 декабря 2023 г.

Возрастное ограничение: 12+

В магазинах: Wildberries digitalAmazonЛитРесOzon

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

ISBN: 978-5-0062-0259-7


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