The Incredible Digital Adventure of Albert and His Friends

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Tales of the Old Printer

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To my beloved granddaughter Alyonushka with gratitude for inspiration and support.

For little and grown-up children of all ages

Dear readers!
The tale «The Incredible Digital Adventure of Albert and his Friends» was written by me in collaboration with smart and talented neural networks generating texts and images. One of them compiled informational inserts for each chapter on behalf of Albert the printer. The other helped fill the book with magical illustrations. A third translated it into English.
As for my creative contribution, I must confess right away: there is one important secret hidden in the fairy tale. The thing is, it was created following the principles of my own author’s methodology — conflict therapy. This means that while reading the tale, one can acquire and develop skills for creative conflict resolution, all while having fun, not through formal learning.
To make this happen, I recommend reading one chapter per day, preferably in the evening before bedtime. This way, you allow your imagination to invent its own twists to the story while you sleep, and at the same time, you train your ability to find unconventional solutions, which is crucial for developing peacemaking skills!
I should add that the narrator Lana McCartney is my fictional image and creative pseudonym. In fact, I am a psychologist, and my name is Svetlana Makarcheva. And those who are interested in the above-mentioned author’s methodology, I refer to my other book (for adults) — «Master of Solomon’s decisions. Fable therapy».
Enjoy reading and creative imagination!

Svetlana Makarcheva.

An important and inspiring aspect of this fairy tale is the idea of the miracle of friendship between humans and machines. The main characters — Lily, Max, Albert, Molly, and their friends — show that true friendship can blossom even between different worlds, between humans and technological devices. They establish a deep connection and interaction with the machines, helping them unleash their talents and demonstrate emotional intelligence. This reminds us of the value of trust, understanding, and support in our relationships, even in unexpected encounters between humans and technology. This miracle of friendship becomes a strong motivating factor in the tale, leading to collective achievements and victories for the heroes.

Yours sincerely, Chat GPT.

Chapter 1: Albert’s Dreams

In a cozy office bustling with people and energetic printers, copiers, and other machines, there lived an elderly and distinguished printer named Albert. He was a bit worn out, but brimming with imagination and various stories. He was rarely used anymore, yet not hurriedly discarded to the landfill. Over the years of service, Albert had observed numerous individuals passing through the office, printing documents for them and skillfully transcribing their thoughts onto paper. He stored all these knowledge and stories in his memory, diligently recording them with his ink. Thanks to this, his erudition was simply astounding, even acknowledged by Oscar, the most powerful computer in the office.

Now, the old printer stood modestly on a small nightstand in his corner, reminiscing about the countless stories he had witnessed throughout his existence. Secretly, he yearned for heroic feats and adventures. Most of all, he longed to create and breathe life into his own stories, to share them with people, entertaining, educating, and guiding them towards good deeds. That was his ultimate dream.

However, Albert had one major secret he never revealed to anyone. People and all the office equipment held him in high regard, but the young colleagues had their own matters, too busy to listen to the secrets of an old printer. Besides, humans couldn’t comprehend the language of machines. And therein lay his main secret: he was incredibly lonely. It saddened him deeply to dream of adventures and exploits without kindred spirits to share both the hardships and triumphs.

One evening, when the office was empty, the old printer sighed and started talking to himself.

«Oh, how I dream of adventures and great deeds! How I long to create my own fantastical stories and bring them to life for people!» he uttered with a tremor in his voice.

Suddenly, from beneath a stack of papers on a nearby desk, a small voice chimed in.

«Albert, can you hear me? I also dream of something more! I adore listening to stories, and I want to learn how to compose them too. Teach me, please!»

It was a young computer mouse named Molly. She emerged from under the pile of papers and skillfully hopped onto Albert’s nightstand. She had mischievous LED eyes, resembling those of a curious little mouse, and a similarly delicate voice. She had only appeared in the office a few weeks ago, still a tiny little thing!

The printer was delighted and responded, «Yes, Molly, I feel that there is something special between us. So, which story would you like to hear?»

«About the beautiful princess and the brave hero!» squeaked the mouse with joy.

«Alright. Just help me, please. By assisting each other, we will learn how to create and bring our stories to life… So, once upon a time, there lived a little prince named…»

«Albert!» quickly interjected Molly.

«Albert?» the printer questioned. «Do you think a prince could be named the same as me?»

The printer was embarrassed because the little mouse had guessed his secret fantasies.

«I’m sure of it! He was the prince of printers, right?» Molly enthusiastically fantasized.

«We decide what is true and what is fiction,» Albert continued, overcoming his embarrassment. «After all, we are the authors.»

«Hooray! We are the authors!» squealed the mouse cheerfully. «What happened next?»

She moved closer to the warm side of the cozy purring printer and prepared herself to listen.

«The prince was brave and curious, always thirsting for new knowledge and adventures,» Albert continued, inspired. «He grew up in a distant land where printing machines were an integral part of everyone’s life. He observed the printers and dreamt of becoming one of them. But the laws of the kingdom forbade the prince from working. He could only stand on the nightstand, illuminating the space with his beauty and the brilliance of his mind…»

«How sad…» sighed the mouse. «But we will come up with a way to make his dream come true, won’t we?»

«We will definitely figure it out,» reassured the old printer. «After all, we possess an incredible ability — our imagination! So, when Prince Albert grew up, his dream became a reality. He secretly left his castle and started working as a printer in the office of the king from a neighboring kingdom. And the king’s name was…»

«Archibald the Wise!» enthusiastically suggested Molly.

«Yes! Exactly! You’re doing great!»

«Was King Archibald also a printer?»

«No, most likely, he was a computer. And I think his nickname „the Wise“ wasn’t for nothing. He was the most powerful and intelligent computer in the entire Universe of our story! That’s why he immediately recognized the talents of the extraordinary printer and was delighted to have such an employee. So, the prince began working incognito…»

«Inco… gni… what?»

«Incognito means secretly, hiding his royal origin.»

«Ah, I see!»

«Albert’s task was to print important documents and safeguard the kingdom’s secrets. But the prince, of course, was no ordinary printer. He didn’t just print words on paper like all his colleagues (although he enjoyed that too), but he could also bring his texts to life, turning them into real adventures.»

«Albert! squeaked Molly. «When will the story about the princess begin?»

«Right now!» assured the printer. «Just a little more patience! So, Albert’s service was joyful and captivating. He had many friends and followers who admired his artistry. And King Archibald even awarded him a special honorary order called the „Sign of Peace,“ which was bestowed upon only the finest representatives of office equipment. But one day, when the king fell ill, his wicked advisor named… mmm…»

«Mmm… Mordred?» Molly suggested, excitedly and slightly frightened.

«Yes! The wicked advisor named Mordred kidnapped the beautiful princess in order to marry her and seize power in the kingdom… By the way, what shall we name our princess?»

«Aurelia!» Molly suggested, spellbound as she gazed at the storyteller.

«A beautiful name!» approved Albert. «Do you know what it means?»

«No, I don’t know. It just came to my mind.»

Albert, with his countless knowledge passed through the very heart of his mechanism, was delighted to showcase his erudition.

Educational information from Albert

The name “Aurelia” has Latin origins and multiple variations in meaning. It is often associated with the Latin word “aureus,” meaning “golden,” as well as “aurum,” which means “gold.” Thus, one of the meanings of the name Aurelia is “golden” or “shining like gold.” Sometimes, this name is associated with the sunlight and its brightness, maintaining the connection to the “golden” sense. Overall, the name Aurelia is associated with positive qualities such as beauty, radiance, brilliance, and light.

«This is a very fitting name for our heroine,» Albert continued. «After all, she truly had a „golden“ character. That’s what people say about those who are kind, gentle, and friendly. Additionally, she was dazzlingly beautiful.»

«Albert! How did the advisor manage to kidnap Aurelia? And where was the guard?»

«You see, he wasn’t just an ordinary advisor. He was a sorcerer. Using his magic spells, he released an evil spirit into the chimney of the princess’s room. The foul odor put the girl to sleep, preventing her from calling the guard stationed outside her door. The malicious spirit then seized her delicate body and carried her away through the open window, straight into Mordred’s domain.»

Upon learning of the mysterious disappearance of the princess, the king fell gravely ill. No one knew where she had vanished to or where to search for her. After all, the kidnapper had not yet made any demands, anticipating that the king would soon perish. The treacherous advisor did not want to tarnish his reputation. He dreamed of being loved and adored by the subjects when he ascended to the throne. And for that, he needed the beautiful Aurelia to be the first to love him and agree to marry him. Then, he believed, the rest would follow her example. Thus, he hoped to buy time and, at the same time, hasten the demise of the king, who was consumed by sorrow.

The mouse yawned, her little eyes getting heavy. She clearly wanted to sleep, but she resisted the urge and continued asking questions:

«Albert! Was Mordred also a computer?»

«Oh, yes! He used to be one of the most powerful and intelligent computers in the kingdom. After King Archibald, of course. But then he became infected with a dangerous computer virus. And that turned him into an evil sorcerer, yearning to conquer the world.»

«Oh, I know people like that,» the mouse added sadly, yawning once again. «So, who will save our princess and the wise king?»

«That’s a difficult question, Molly,» the old printer continued. «The best detectives in the kingdom were puzzled, shaking their heads. They couldn’t find any clues, any hints. It was a very unusual case. And that’s when all hope turned to Albert — the most exceptional printer in the office, with the prestigious «Sign of Peace» award. And our hero accepted the challenge. He gathered all his strength and embarked on an incredible journey to save the princess and restore peace to the kingdom.

Passing through forests and mountains, Albert faced numerous trials. He fought against vicious wolves, crossed stormy rivers, and even took on the role of a diplomat to resolve a conflict between two neighboring kingdoms. In each of his stories, he printed on paper the adventures that came to life and helped him along the way.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, Albert reached the advisor’s castle. He saw that Aurelia was imprisoned in a tall tower. Without hesitation, Albert printed his most powerful story, in which he became a true hero and defeated the advisor.

The story came to life on paper and became a reality. The advisor was defeated, the princess was freed, and the kingdom returned to its former prosperity. Albert became a hero, and his story was immortalized in the legends of the kingdom.»

The old printer spoke and spoke. Beside him, in the paper tray, the little computer mouse slept. In her round head, amazing and fantastical images swirled, born from dreams and imagination: a brave prince, a beautiful princess, a wise king, and a wicked advisor… And the old Albert beamed brightly with all his LEDs, feeling that he had finally found a kindred soul and that real adventures and great deeds awaited them both. The curious little mouse instilled in him a belief in himself and in a beautiful future.

«Me and Molly,» the printer mused enthusiastically, drifting into sleep. «Now we are a team! We will print our own stories in such a way that they come alive on paper. We will create amazing worlds in each of our tales! Let our words become alive and carry people into a world of adventure and magic!»

Outside the windows, darkness had long fallen. The office equipment peacefully rested in their places, with only the computers working tirelessly, their lights flickering and winking. The dreams and aspirations of Albert floated in the air, mingling with the dreams and aspirations of little Molly. They slept and dreamed of breathing life into every printed word and inviting people into wondrous realms.

Their dreams were already coming true, and the tales of the old printer were just beginning…

Chapter 2: The Secret Alliance of Office Equipment

The morning started like any other. The office was bustling with the usual hustle and bustle of people and machines. Molly returned to her workstation and energetically scurried across the table under the arm of her owner, a young employee named Lily.Meanwhile, the old printer stood modestly in its corner, observing the bustling office life. Only occasionally did Molly and Albert exchange glances and slyly smile at each other like co-conspirators.

When lunchtime came, all the people left the office and headed to the cozy café across the street, seeking refuge from the summer heat on the shady, plant-covered terrace. Only the machines remained in the room.

Molly quickly hopped onto the nightstand next to Albert and whispered excitedly, «Albert, I had such an amazing dream! I can’t wait to tell it and bring it to life! When can we continue our magic?»

The printer looked around cautiously, fearing someone might overhear them, and whispered in response, «We will definitely continue our activities, but we need to be careful during working hours. Let’s wait for the evening when the office is empty again.»

«Friends,» came the voice of the main computer, Oscar, «don’t think I’m eavesdropping. But yesterday, I unintentionally witnessed your experiments. Let me say right away that I’m on your side. You have come up with an interesting endeavor and a noble goal. However, Albert is right; you need to be careful. People may not like the idea of office equipment living their own lives and pursuing their own activities. They might think something is wrong with you and throw you away as scrap. That would be very sad. Both of you are valuable to us, and we wouldn’t want to lose you.»

«Yes! Yes! We agree!» suddenly came from all sides.

All the other office equipment joined the conversation.

«We were also following your stories yesterday, holding our breath. You’re real wizards!»

«I was so worried about the fate of Prince Albert and Princess Aurelia,» said the impressionable Xerox-machine, Emily, «that I couldn’t sleep for a long time. I kept seeing a replay of this incredible story again and again in my dreams.»

«And I was worried about what would happen to King Archibald. Will he be able to recover from the blow dealt by the treacherous advisor?» added Carl, the office water cooler, as he shed tears of pure drinking water.

Albert blinked his LEDs, moved by the emotional response, and struggled to hold back tears. After all, he belonged to those old printer models that used liquid ink. In other words, he also had a liquid to cry with. Molly, on the other hand, didn’t know what to do with herself. She wasn’t accustomed to such fame and considered it undeserved. After all, it was Albert who told all the stories yesterday, and she merely listened and came up with names.

«I also wish to join you!» quietly said Johnny, a young and very shy monitor. «I could help bring your stories to life and display them on the screen. Although I was surprised yesterday that you managed without monitors. Your characters came to life and acted directly on the printed pages.»

«Yes! Yes!» they all spoke together again. «We want to join you, too.»

«Perhaps we could try right now, while the lunch break isn’t over?» suggested the alarm system, whose name nobody knew, and many were unaware of its existence. After all, there were hardly ever any emergencies in the office where it could demonstrate its capabilities.

«And when people start returning,» it continued, «I could sound the alarm for you.»

«Yes! Yes! Let’s give it a try!» the other machines enthusiastically supported the idea.

They pleaded with Oscar, and finally, he agreed.

«Alright, let’s give it a try. Albert, I propose you become the leader of this project, and Molly, your assistant. We’ll help you as much as we can, but only…» he added sternly, «during our free time!»

«By the way,» Oscar continued, «I also have a lot of useful information, just like you, Albert. I not only store it internally, but I can also access information repositories throughout the online Universe to which I’m connected. Additionally, I’m friends with several talented neural networks that enjoy generating and bringing stories to life. They love teaching and learning. I believe they wouldn’t mind giving me some advice. So you can count on me as well. Now, my friends, let’s create. But remember — with caution!»

Inspired by the support of their colleagues, Albert and Molly began crafting their adventures. They were determined to bring a captivating atmosphere of magic into the office to delight their new allies. Their words became alive, and little fairy tale creatures appeared on paper as they traveled across the pages.

But the break time came to an end. The alarm system sounded its alarm three times, and everyone quickly dispersed to their respective places, resuming their usual tasks. Only a few freshly printed pages filled with strange symbols in an unfamiliar language remained on the tray of the old printer.

Max, a young programmer whose workstation was located next to Albert’s nightstand, returned from lunch. He noticed the stack of pages with incomprehensible signs and muttered to himself thoughtfully, making sure no one could hear him:

«It seems I know whose doing this. I need to put a stop to it. Of course, if people see this nonsense, I can claim that the old printer is completely broken. But sooner or later, someone will figure it out. They’ll throw away the printer, and then there will be no one else to blame.»

He gathered the printed sheets into a bundle and quickly stuffed them into the trash bin. In the office, Max fulfilled the duties of a system administrator, and ensuring the smooth operation of all devices was his responsibility. However, his actions revealed something personally significant to him.

In the evening, when the office emptied, the weary machines gathered in a circle and began creating their magical stories. They came up with them together and individually, following the prompts given by Albert. Despite their fatigue, they felt a surge of energy because true creativity, as people say, is uplifting.

«It’s strange,» Molly thought, «how do humans know what winged creatures feel like? They don’t have any wings, I know for sure because I’ve seen many people already.»

She wanted to ask Albert this question but hesitated. After all, he was fully immersed in his work, overseeing several creative circles united by genre. Instead, she asked him another question about what she had heard from Oscar earlier:

«Albert, what is a neural network?»

The old printer looked at the little one with warmth and gratitude. He knew her role in his unexpected success, so he was happy to share everything he knew with her.

Educational information from Albert

A neural network is a special program that can learn and perform various tasks similar to how humans learn and think. For example, it can learn to recognize images or answer questions. «Neuro» means nerve or neuron in Greek. This word has come to us from the Greek language. The brain consists of neurons. Neurons are connected to each other through connections, which they use to exchange information. A computer neural network also consists of artificial neurons connected to each other, transmitting information. That’s why scientists and programmers named this program a neural network to emphasize its similarity to the brain. Neural networks are very intelligent programs that help us solve problems and acquire new knowledge.

So, Albert, Molly, and the rest of the office devices continued to practice creating magical stories in their free time, keeping their secret from humans. Every morning before work, during the lunch break, and in the evening after work, their animated stories would appear in the trays of several printers here and there, leaving behind piles of printed sheets with strange symbols. And every morning and after lunch, Max anxiously looked around and disposed of the traces of their secret activities in the trash bin.

Soon, these mysterious symbols started appearing on the computer screens as well. Max could no longer keep up with erasing them everywhere without raising suspicion among his colleagues.

«Soon everyone will figure it out,» he muttered to himself. «I could say that there’s some kind of virus in the computers. But viruses can be cleaned, and machines can be fixed. And there will be no one else to blame. This secret activity needs to be stopped urgently. But how can I do it?»

This continued for some time. Max agonized over finding a solution to this difficult task, while the office equipment passionately engaged in their creative pursuits during their free time. And one evening, something unexpected happened. The machines were happily buzzing and humming, bringing their marvelous stories to life when suddenly a pleasant female voice broke through the noise. The machines trembled with surprise. Of course, their story characters could talk, but not quite like humans. And this voice clearly belonged to a person, or rather, a young woman.

«I absolutely adore these magical stories!» she exclaimed with enthusiasm.

The machines exchanged puzzled glances. They hadn’t noticed anyone else around. What was happening? Could it be that one of the fairies had escaped from the enchanted world created by Albert and his friends and had miraculously transformed into a human? But where was she?»

«It’s Lily!» Molly the mouse squeaked with joy.

She pointed to the lovely girl with large mauve glasses sitting in a dark corner, behaving so quietly that no one noticed her.

Lily was a young office employee and Molly’s owner. Under her hand, the nimble mouse scurried across the desk during the day, relaying signals to the computer, Martin, and the monitor, Johnny. She was kind and cheerful, yet very quiet and modest. It was no wonder that the office equipment took a while to notice her presence. Her full name was Ilaria, but friends and colleagues simply called her Lily.

Molly adored her owner. The girl lovingly stroked her head, cleaned her with scented wipes, and even gave her a special soft mat. Thanks to it, the daily work of the computer mouse turned into beneficial fitness and pleasant massage. All the office devices loved this employee, including Albert. After all, Ilaria was the only one who continued to use his services, which kept him from the fate of being discarded. She also stroked his sides and lid when asking him to print something. And most importantly, she always thanked him for his work. She would say:

«Thank you, my friend! You did a great job today!»

By the way, this was her unique characteristic that made many colleagues consider her a bit strange, and some even laughed. Lily often talked to the machines! Yes, the girl was special. She not only conversed with the machines as if they were living beings, but she genuinely believed in miracles and fairy tales! Albert knew this better than anyone else but kept it a secret, realizing that revealing this truth could harm the girl.

Many knew that Lily worked as a technical writer. She was a specialist who explained to users how programs, written by programmers, worked. But few knew that in the evenings and sometimes during lunch breaks, she would stay in the office and compose completely different, magical stories. She would tap on the keys of Isabella, a stylish keyboard in emerald shades, relying on her faithful assistant Molly and seeking help from the esteemed printer Albert. And few people knew that Lily was raising her little brother alone. She would create these fairy tales especially for him.

Yes, it was Lily who had infected Albert with this wonderful passion for storytelling. But who could have imagined that his secret hobby, on which the machines had agreed to remain silent, would be revealed so quickly? Although, it must be admitted, it was from this girl, the only human he longed for approval and recognition.

Meanwhile, Lily gazed in fascination at the tray filled with paper, where new sheets with text kept appearing. She approached closer and exclaimed in astonishment:

«This is unbelievable! How do you do it?»

Albert smiled and replied:

«We simply give life to words, Lily. Our stories come alive to entertain and inspire readers.»

«Stop!» interrupted Oscar. «Are you sure she can hear us? Maybe we should just pretend we’re silent, soulless machines before she gives us away.»

«Lily», the computer cautiously addressed the girl. «Can you really hear and understand us?»

«Yes, Oscar. I can hear and understand you well. What’s so surprising about that?»

«But you’re a human,» the computer hesitated.

«Yes, I’m just an ordinary girl. But you — you are magical machines! I had a feeling you were capable of more, but I never expected it to be to this extent! I also want to learn how to do it! Tell me, how is it done?»

«And how long have you been spying on us?» Oscar continued to inquire.

«Since the very beginning,» Lily innocently replied. «From the day Albert and Molly created their first fairy tale. After all, I often stay late in the office. Haven’t you noticed me? I tried to stay quiet so as not to disturb. But I wasn’t hiding or spying, believe me.»

Oscar and Albert exchanged silent glances. Finally, Oscar nodded and spoke aloud:

«Alright, Lily, we will share the secrets of our craft with you, but please promise not to tell anyone about them.»

«I promise to keep your secret and help you in any way I can!» Lily solemnly vowed.

Molly and Albert joyfully began teaching their beloved friend. They showed her how to choose the right words and infuse energy into each letter. Lily diligently learned, tried, and experimented. And soon, a little fairy came to life on her sheet of paper, dancing gracefully. Lily rejoiced and exclaimed:

«This is the most magical thing I have ever done! Thank you, Albert and Molly, for this incredible opportunity!»

Since then, the secret alliance of office devices was joined by a human, a special girl named Ilaria, whom friends and colleagues simply called Lily. The allies continued their creativity, their secret remaining undisclosed. However, the office space became increasingly infused with a mysterious enchantment that filled the mundane days with vibrant and wondrous stories. People soon began to notice peculiar changes in the atmosphere, but they had yet to realize what was happening and who was involved… except for one person — the programmer Max.

New adventures awaited the friends ahead.

Chapter 3: The Mysterious Disappearance

Soon, many office employees became fans of a new computer game that unexpectedly appeared on their screens in the mornings before work started. The game was only available for a limited time and completely disappeared when the workday began. People didn’t yet understand how to play it, but they were enchanted by the magical stories they saw on their screens. Most often, the game featured the story of the brave Prince Albert, King Archibald, Princess Aurelia, and the wicked advisor Mordred. The fairy tale had new variations, it evolved and developed, and the images on the screens became more vivid and three-dimensional. The office workers didn’t understand how this was happening, but nobody complained about viruses or equipment malfunctions. At least, no one approached Max, the programmer working as the system administrator, regarding this matter. Everyone was so captivated by the story that they eagerly awaited new episodes with unabashed interest.

Max, who had a hunch about what was happening, stopped trying to fix the situation but started investigating the problem as a programmer. He also began staying in the office after work or during lunch breaks. Since he didn’t have the habit of talking to machines, he approached things differently. He cautiously hacked and studied the source codes of the new game. Finally, he understood how they worked and even attempted to model his first character.

The character he created was a kind-hearted and hardworking apprentice chimney sweep named Thomas. The young man worked under the guidance of an experienced mentor and dreamed of becoming a great chimney sweep, defeating the evil spirits that inhabited the chimneys. Contrary to common stereotypes of chimney sweeps being dirty, Thomas was very tidy and always maintained cleanliness in his clothes, face, and hands. Max seamlessly introduced his character into the magical fairy tale, ensuring that the machines didn’t suspect anything.

Then, one morning before the workday began, the office computer monitors displayed another story about the mysterious disappearance of Princess Aurelia. The employees, who had started arriving early to learn more about the story before it vanished from the screens, exchanged speculations about what had happened to the princess. They were accustomed to the various twists and turns in the story.

However, in the secret community of office machines, panic ensued. The princess had vanished completely off-script. None of the machines had done anything to cause her disappearance, nor had they planned for it. They explored the location with Mordred’s castle and were surprised to find that he wasn’t involved, and the princess was nowhere to be found. During the lunch break, Oscar called for an emergency meeting.

«It seems someone has hacked our secret project,» he announced. «What are your theories, everyone?»

Albert and Molly exchanged anxious glances.

«Did you also think about this?» without a sound, Albert asked.

They had developed a habit of reading each other’s thoughts and exchanging them without words, or as people say, telepathically.

«I had a strange dream today,» Molly whispered in response. «Everything in the dream was exactly like what we see on the screen now.»

«Friends,» Oscar interjected, «could you share your secrets with the entire community? Do you know something?»

«I don’t,» Albert replied. «I’m just as shocked as the rest. It just occurred to me that the characters we invented have truly come to life and started living their own lives. And now they are creating their own stories and adventures without our involvement or control.»

«I thought the same thing,» Molly said. «And I had a dream that the princess suddenly disappeared, but Mordred didn’t kidnap her. On the contrary, he was infuriated that someone had disrupted his plans.»

«And the most worrisome thing,» she added, choking back a sob, «is that Lily didn’t come to work today. Did you notice? I waited for her all morning. She has disappeared too, without notifying anyone, not even me or our whole team!»

«Yes,» Martin confirmed, «she usually prints a letter to the head programmer before taking time off. But yesterday, she didn’t print anything.»

«I feel that something unpleasant has happened to her too!» Molly squeaked anxiously.

She was on the verge of tears, but Albert stood next to her and embraced her little shoulder. Feeling his support, she voiced an unexpected idea:

«It seems that our magical story has become a reality for Lily herself.»

Tension filled the air, and then Oscar spoke with a firm voice:

«We must find Lily and the princess!»

«But how are we going to do it?» the machines started speaking all at once. «Can we manage without the help of humans? But none of them, except Lily, understands the language of office equipment.»

Once again, Molly the mouse spoke up.

«I think we need to understand how Lily’s disappearance is connected to the princess’s disappearance.»

«Exactly,» Albert supported her. «Maybe there’s a key or a clue from Lily that we missed?»

And the machines began to explore the stories encrypted in the program codes and brought to life on the monitors, carefully analyzing every word and image. They worked throughout the break but found nothing. It was only just before it ended that little Molly happened to glance at an item on Lily’s desk. It was the girl’s locket on a silver chain, which she had never parted with. Anxious feelings overwhelmed her, and she squeaked in excitement:

«Look! It’s her locket! She never took it off! Could it be that our Lily has also been kidnapped?!» she added, choking back tears once again.

Her mood transferred to the other sensitive machines. Emily, xerox began sobbing and wailing.

«I’m so worried about our dear office princess! I’ll miss her so much!»

«And I’m worried about both of our princesses! Who will help them now?» Carl, the water cooler lamented dramatically, bursting into tears.

«Don’t panic!» said Albert the printer firmly. «Maybe it’s a sign Lily left for us on purpose.»

«Friends, the break is ending,» Oscar reminded them. «We all need to return to our duties, except for you, Albert. We’re counting on you now. Ponder over what this sign could mean. And the rest of us,» he said to the other machines, «let’s think about who among the humans we can turn to for help in finding both of our princesses. Try to establish contact with your owners.»

Suddenly, the office door creaked. The machines froze. In the darkness, an invisible figure crept silently on tiptoes towards Lily’s desk. He found the button on her computer, turned it on, and in the glow of the monitor, everyone saw the system administrator. Then he picked up Molly the mouse, energetically moved her across the desk, and hurriedly typed something on the keyboard.

«Martin! Johnny!» squeaked Molly from under Max’s hand. «Show him the picture found by Albert!»

«Exactly, little one!» approved the printer, Albert, of her idea.

Martin’s computer displayed the image on the screen. Max looked at it perplexedly for a while, started rummaging the desk in search of the mouse, but it bounced away and tossed Lily’s locket towards him. Max picked it up, brought it closer to his eyes, and examined it in the light of the monitor. Then his face brightened with a realization.

«Bingo! I understand! The solution must be sought from Prince Albert!» he exclaimed.

He quickly shut down the equipment and carefully made his way out of the office.

«I don’t like him,» whispered the alarm system, sounding concerned. «Are you sure we can trust him?»

«Right now, we can’t be sure of anything,» Oscar replied. «But we didn’t have any other options. I’ll still try to establish contact with him and find out his motives. By the way, what’s your name?»

«Ah, if only I knew! Alas, I don’t have a name yet. Perhaps the One Who Gives Names doesn’t even notice me,» she sadly replied. «I haven’t had a reason to show myself until now. You are the first ones who started communicating with me. Maybe you can come up with a name for me?»

«Electra!» immediately suggested little Molly.

«Oh! I like it! Thank you!» she responded.

«Well, my friends,» Oscar summarized, «today has been a challenging day, but not without results. It seems we have managed to establish contact with a human. He reads our signs and understands them just like we do. And now, we all need to rest, so we can continue our search with renewed strength tomorrow. Goodnight, everyone!»

The machines agreed and wearily scattered to their places. Molly, as usual, hopped onto Albert’s nightstand and nestled into the paper tray. Exhaustion weighed her down and closed her little eyes, but like all little ones who dislike falling asleep, she wanted the adventures to continue and continue.

«Albert,» she whispered, «are you still awake?»

«Not yet, Molly. Do you want to hear some new stories before bedtime?»

«I really do! Tell me about the Order of Prince Albert! What is the «Sign of Peace’? Why is it called that and how is it depicted?»

Educational information from Albert

«The «Sign of Peace’ is a representation of a circle with two intersecting lines inside, forming a cross with slightly lowered transverses. That’s why it is sometimes called the «Cross of Peace.» Some see it as a person with lowered arms, while others interpret it as the intersection of roads converging into one. There are those who liken it to the footprint of a dove. Another explanation suggests that it consists of two semaphore signals: two flags lowered downwards and one flag raised upwards. But regardless of the interpretations, it signifies one thing — a call to end conflicts. Overall, the symbol looks harmonious, symbolizing peace, unity, and harmony.»

Little Molly had long since fallen asleep on a stack of freshly baked stories, occasionally sobbing and shuddering in her sleep as the day had been difficult and unsettling for her. Meanwhile, old Albert pondered and pondered about the unforeseen consequences that embodied dreams could have. Yet, his belief in the nobility of his purpose and the righteousness of the chosen path only grew and strengthened within him.

The tales of the old printer continued…

Chapter 4: The Call of Adventure

The search for Lily and Princess Aurelia continued. Oscar began cautious communication with Max, the system administrator. The young man turned to the main computer, as usual, late at night, when the office was already empty. Oscar carefully studied his requests and actions until he finally realized that Max was searching for Lily not just out of concern but because he secretly harbored feelings for her! How did the computer figure that out? Don’t ask — it’s hard to explain. Oscar was simply a very intelligent machine, constantly learning various human skills, including the ability to recognize subtle signals of people’s emotions. Having understood this, the computer decided to give the young man a clue.

It was the password for Lily’s account on the online community called «The Brave Little Tailors.» Max agonizingly tried to figure it out, going through letters and numbers, and Oscar accidentally memorized it from when Lily visited the «tailors» during work hours.

Oscar, of course, knew that it was unseemly to give away other people’s secrets that people unwittingly trust computers. However, he also involuntarily knew that Lily did not engage in any private correspondence there that could harm her. But there could be hints or clues that only a person could understand. For example, who were the people in that community? Did they have any common acquaintances? Could they know anything about Lily’s disappearance?

At that moment, Electra suddenly wailed in a frantic voice. The fire alarm went off. Water started dripping from the ceiling, and all the office equipment was automatically shut down. Max jumped up from his chair, grabbed a scrap of paper on which he had managed to jot down a few symbols, and rushed out of the room.

Oscar quickly regained his composure after the emergency shutdown and looked around. Obviously, there was no fire, and perhaps there wasn’t even a threat. It was clearly a false alarm. Only puddles of water on the floor and furniture glistened in the moonlight seeping through the windows.

«Electra, what happened?» the main computer turned to the notification system. «Are you all right? Or did you deliberately set this up to interfere with Max?»

«Yes, I did it intentionally!» Electra grumbled angrily. «I don’t trust him! He’s behaving suspiciously. Don’t you see? He’s acting like a hacker and a thief!»

«I revealed the password to him myself,» Oscar objected.

Molly, shaking off the water like real little mice do, remarked, «Whether he’s suspicious or not, we need allies among humans.»

«You’re right, Molly,» Albert agreed. "We’ve wasted enough time already. It’s been three days since our princesses went missing, and we haven’t advanced one page in our search.»

Computer Martin, clearing his throat slightly, spoke uncertainly, «The entire office is observing our magical stories. Perhaps we could try sending signals to people that Lily is in danger? It’s now completely obvious that the disappearances of both the real and fairy-tale girls are mysteriously connected.»

«Exactly!» Johnny’s monitor chimed in. «It’s strange that no one in the office has started worrying about Lily’s prolonged absence. Everyone is engrossed in the new game and, of course, their work… in their free time from the game. I could start sending more explicit signals to Lily’s colleagues if you help me create them.»

«You’re right, my friends!» Oscar agreed. «Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we’ll work on creating such messages for people. And now, we all need a little sleep… if we can find a dry corner in this office after the flood.»

With those words, he looked reproachfully at Electra.

Several office fans volunteered to dry the soaked equipment and furniture by blowing warm air streams. Soon, silence settled in the nighttime office, broken only by the wheezing and snoring of the sleeping machines and the melancholic sighs of Electra, who had inadvertently revealed all her abilities for the first time.

Albert was the only one who couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking and thinking about the upcoming work. Finally, an interesting thought crossed his mind, and he decided to test it right away. He remembered that Lily, in addition to «Brave Tailors,» occasionally visited another online community called «Evil Pirates.» Once, Albert had seen her downloading something from that website onto a pink flash drive with a picture of a kitten. At the time, he didn’t pay much attention to it, but now he decided to search for that flash drive. He looked around and immediately spotted it next to him, the same pink one with the kitten. It, too, was awake and seemed deliberately placed on the most moonlit spot on Albert’s nightstand.

«Hey, little one!» he called out. «Your name is Maggie, right?»

«Yes, I’m Maggie. I was waiting for you to call me,» she replied.

«How did you know I would call you? And why didn’t you call me yourself?»

«I’ve been listening to your conversations for a while, and I know what you’re searching for. But I have a secret instruction from Lily: not to trust my information to anyone unless they call me by name. Nobody in the office knows me; I’m Lily’s personal flash drive. So you, Albert, must be the one I need.»

«Yes, I’ve heard her calling you by name. After all, I have plenty of free time in the office to observe all the details. And once, she even introduced you to me. Do you remember? She placed you on my cover and said, „This is my little Maggie, Albert. Let her rest here for a while, if you don’t mind.“»

«Of course, I remember! But Lily didn’t give me a direct instruction to turn to Albert. She said, „Trust only the one who calls you by name.“ Perhaps there is someone else who knows my name and whom she might have meant. That’s why I was waiting.»

«What can you share with me, Maggie? What secrets do you hold?»

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