The Clan Holost 1. Tribrid

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“Tribrid” is the first book by the young author Mary Spring from the series “The Clan Holost”.

I would like to thank Elena Zvezdnaya for her wonderful works for the inspiration to write this series, Catherine Hardwicke for the beautifully shot Twilight films based on the books by Stephanie Mayer and Matthew Huggins for the series The Ancients.


Oh, this magical Italian city of Pisa is a commune in the Tuscany region, located just ten kilometers from the Ligurian Sea, the administrative center of the province of the same name. Tourists from all over the world go there to see the sights of this city with their own eyes.

A special attraction of Pisa is the Leaning Tower, which was built from 1173 to 1350.

This city has preserved most of the contour of the ancient walls and a unique historical atmosphere. Summers are dry and hot, and winters are cool and humid.

It is in this quiet provincial town, which is famous for its artistic and architectural treasures, that our heroine settled.

Who would have thought that she would choose this glorious city? But of all the countries, of all the possible cities, she chose Pisa.


France, Marseille, 1865.

One spring night, the forest silence was pierced by the cry of a newborn baby. It was a truly magical night. The blood moon rising in the dark sky foreshadowed great changes — the birth of a new race, in whose veins the blood of a vampire and a werewolf flows.

— Rather, she’s close, — a man’s voice sounded nearby.

— They found us, Riley, — Sophie whispered resignedly.

Riley looked deep into the forest, already preparing to transform. Fangs appeared on his teeth, his eyes began to change from brown to rich green, but when he felt the gentle touch of his beloved, he stopped.

— You can’t. You can’t handle everyone, — tears welled up in her eyes. Looking at the peacefully sleeping baby in her arms, she said in a trembling voice: — You have to save her. Take our daughter and run without looking back until you realize that you are safe.

— Come with us,” he took her hand. — This psycho is going to kill you.

— I know, — Sophie replied. — But I’m too weak and I’m going to slow you down.” They will catch up with us and kill our daughter if I go with you.

Her gaze was full of determination and, despite all his reluctance to leave his beloved to perish, he understood that she was right. She had already accepted her fate, and this meeting was the last for them. Riley touched her salty lips for the last time, took the baby from her arms and disappeared into the darkness of the forest. Suddenly it began to rain heavily, as if nature itself had come to their aid.

After a while, several magicians dressed in black cloaks appeared in front of her, their faces were hidden by hoods.

He was in charge — Balfour, the most powerful magician alive. The old man took off his hood and said:

— Well, hello, Sophie. We finally met.

— You’ll never find her, you’ll never get her, — the girl said, looking into his smug face.

— Believe me, my dear, I will find and destroy not only your offspring, but also the entire race, both yours and your beloved, — he grinned and, as if with relief, sighed. — I’ve been chasing you for so long. You have put so many people to death.

— You killed them! — Sophie exclaimed furiously.

— Yes, but you are responsible for their deaths. You forced them to cover for you.

— We’re similar in that, aren’t we? — She chuckled. — I’m the only one who kills people to feed and survive, and you’re losing your mind.

He looked with disgust at the dark-haired girl dressed in a long white dress, already soaked and stained with blood. Then he turned to the other magicians and exclaimed:

— Remember this moment, my faithful companions! — Balfour pointed a finger at the girl. — Now the end of the life of the most powerful vampire in the world has come!

There were cheers all around him. He looked at Sophie and pointed his hand at her, whispered a spell that tore her heart out of her chest. The once-living face of the girl, who did not have time to take her last breath, turned gray and covered with protruding veins.

— Find the dog and the child, they couldn’t have gone far.

Our time

Italy, Pisa. The year is 2013.

I was sitting in a small cozy restaurant in the center of Pisa called “Peperosa”. This restaurant is famous for its famous Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, and also has an extensive wine list. However, local wine is especially popular among visitors.

I made an order, after which the waiter brought a glass of dry white sparkling wine and said:

— Prosecco as a gift from the institution.

— Thank you, — I took a sip and felt the aftertaste — light, refreshing, with a fruity and floral taste.

Yes, Paolo Bisol definitely knew a lot about his business. The last time I felt this unforgettable taste on my lips was in the sixties of the last century.

While waiting for my order, I looked at the room: the wooden ceiling is combined with stone arches and peach wallpaper, and above each table there are neat shelves with bottles of wine. Lots of local people, lively atmosphere.

Finally, the order arrived, and the traditional Pappardelle dish appeared before my eyes — pasta in the form of wide strips with wild boar stew in chocolate chips.

After tasting this dish, I was once again convinced that it was not for nothing that I moved from St. Petersburg to Pisa a year ago. Of course, I’ve been to many places, but it was Pisa that captivated me with its incomparable charm.

The combinations of ingredients in this dish seemed to show an ancient connection. The sense of taste that I felt was systematically misled by the new, never-before-experienced flavors of this dish.

— Hello, sister, — I raised my head and saw in front of me a slender, even fragile-looking, but perfectly proportioned girl. Her perfect features were framed by long brown hair that fell in waves almost to her waist.

— Named, — I corrected her. — How did you find me, Daria?

— Oh, it was difficult, but still some of your habits remained unchanged, — the waiter came up to her and took her order for red wine “Canyati”, which had a mild taste.

I knew this wine — it tasted like freshly baked rustic bread and fragrant floral honey at the same time.

Wine made from juicy Sangiovese grapes in the eighteenth century became the standard of winemaking, without which no festive celebration could do. Such wines were often ordered by my father to the castle for various celebrations in the middle of the nineteenth century.

— Don’t worry, — Daria continued meanwhile. — What your father did to you as a child still protects you from being searched by magic.

— What do you need? — I got right to the point.

— For you to come back.

— I don’t see the point. My father is doing fine without me.

— Your father is missing.

I choked on these words and, staring at Daria in a daze, said:

— It can’t be.

— I’m sorry. Your stepsister Natalie rules the clan now.

— In that case, I guess I’ll rephrase my words — I don’t see the point in coming back, Natalie will do fine without me.

— Your sister is a diplomat, but not a warrior. You should know that many people will want to take over your clan in the absence of the king, and some will even destroy it.

— Impossible, — I whispered, realizing who she meant.

— Exactly. There are still Balfour’s followers, — the girl lowered her voice. — And rumor has it that he made a deal with the devil himself to finish what he started.

— Not my problem, — I replied, and after paying for the order, I left the restaurant, thereby putting an end to our conversation.

It was already dark outside, and despite the fact that the weather was warm, I felt a grave chill along my spine from an irrational animal fear of Balfour.

I stood at the entrance to the restaurant in a black silk dress with golden patterns and breathed in the fresh air, trying to calm my racing heart. The dress, which reached almost to my knees, clung to my figure, the deep neckline did not hide my rounded shapes, and dark curly hair, waist-length, was perfectly arranged in an intricate hairstyle.

Of course, I was worried about this whole situation, even though I didn’t show it to my sister. I replayed the information in my head over and over again, which eventually led to a firm decision to return home and find my father.

Chapter 1

At the foot of a wide semicircle of mountains, in the vicinity of Rome, lies the hilly plain of Azienda di Roma. This is where I grew up, where my childhood was spent, here is my home!

It was not an easy path. The flight from Pisa to Rome itself, which, although it took less than an hour, seemed like an eternity to me. When I finally found myself in my native environment, a wave of memories flooded over me: I remembered how once in winter huge flocks of sheep grazed here, and in the guise of a snow-white wolf I chased them, feeling this feeling of hunting and the sweet scent of fear emanating from them. It was a fun game for me, because unlike other werewolves who could only turn when the moon was full, I could do it whenever I wanted.

A smile lit up my face from the memories of the very first appeal. I was sixteen at the time. All the bones inside me were breaking in turn, and I felt terribly unbearable pain. It seemed like it would last forever, but at one point everything stopped, and true bliss came. That was the first time I went out into the forest in the guise of a wolf. Oh, these feelings are unforgettable: when you feel the ground under your paws, a light breeze caresses your fur, when you become a part of nature — real freedom.

I remembered opening the windows of my chambers wide at night and listening to the silence filled with the chorus of frogs. Oh, and these birds that live in the thickets, they still sing, and their singing is still beautiful. The light of the sun’s rays penetrating through the crowns of the trees fell on my pale skin, warming me. Of course, the sun didn’t burn me like other vampires, because I’m not just a vampire — I’m a hybrid, a vicious offspring of a vampire and a werewolf.

I found out about the true death of my mother on my twentieth birthday, on the day when the cycle of my growing up stopped and my vampire essence manifested. Emotions, feelings — everything seemed to have escalated a thousand times. That day I found out that my father had lied to me, and not wanting to be around him anymore, I ran away and started a new life. But everything ends sooner or later, and my new life is over.

I’m here now. In front of me is a huge palace, fenced off from the outside world by an iron gate. However, there is something on this gate that those who are not part of the clan cannot see — a protection spell. Only members of the Holost clan can open the gate, just a drop of blood is enough. The guards that should be on duty around the clock were absent, which was quite strange. This has never happened before.

Baring my snow-white sharp fangs, I bit into my palm and guided my bleeding hand towards the gate. My blood flowed smoothly into the lock on the gate. They shone with a bluish light and creaked open (apparently no one had greased the bolt for a long time). Instead of the ground, there were paving stones underfoot, neatly trimmed bushes around, and opposite there was a wonderful fountain made of stone. Although the palace is Gothic in style, however, it has not lost its spaciousness and elegance.

Due to my background, my sense of smell, hearing, sight, strength, and speed were much better than those of other vampires and werewolves. It’s quite difficult to find someone who would be my equal.

I listened and heard voices in the throne room, hundreds of voices. And dressed in a white loose T-shirt, which only emphasized my curvaceous forms; in tight-fitting denim trousers with small slits in the knee area; in a medium-length blue blazer with a slotted pocket and cufflinks from the little-known Russian company Bbroshka, I moved to the very end of this long and wide corridor.

With every step I took, I became more and more convinced of how much I still missed my home.

My house is still elegant, still with the same mysterious grandeur — high ceilings made of cobblestones; walls decorated with imitation stones and painted gray; floor covered with a wide variety of ornaments. The walls were decorated with many paintings. I sent some of them to my father as a gift, for example, a painting by the great Belgian artist Rene Magritte “Lovers”, painted in 1928. But, of course, the paintings of the American artist Boris Valeggio, painted not in the most distant years of the twentieth century, were of particular importance.

The doors of the throne room, covered with various ornaments of gold, swung open. The crowd of standing creatures immediately turned around. With every step I took on the vintage red carpet, the crowd parted in front of me, whispering, “The Princess is back. The princess is back”.

The hall was large and spacious. It had a high ceiling with small windows decorated with multicolored stained glass. In places, candlesticks still stood, illuminating the hall with their light when the ball was held. Centuries have passed, but the interior has remained medieval.

Finally, when I came to the throne, I saw my younger half-sister. Holding my gaze on her, I was able to see her: a young girl, like a teenager. Short, thin build, medium-length brown hair with curly ends, large dark scarlet eyes, slightly plump lips and a round face like a child’s. A pure-blooded vampire.

— And you’ve changed, grown up, — I said.

Dressed in a dark blue dress with a full skirt, slightly open back and silk gloves to the elbows, Natalie, rising from the throne, sedately descended and, curtsiing, said:

— Welcome home, Sister.

— Thank you, — having looked around the hall once again, I still did not find my father or stepmother. — Can we talk in private somewhere?

— Yes, of course, — after dismissing everyone present, we headed to the library.


The library was located on the second floor of the castle. The room was a spacious hall with a high ceiling and bookshelves located around the perimeter. A large number of various furniture, mostly upholstered, arranged in a traditional style, divided the room into several zones. Many elements were used in the decoration: lancet windows with stained glass elements, a wooden panel ceiling, two-level wall decoration, in which the shelving acts as a lower level, and the upper level is covered with wallpaper.

We chose a small area between the right bookshelves, where we often spent time as children.

— How old are you now? — I decided to start the conversation first.

— One hundred and fifty. After my twenty – three years, I stopped aging, — Natalie, without stopping smiling, stared at me with all her eyes. — I can’t believe you’re here.

— Yes, me too, — I couldn’t help but smile. — Tell me something, is my father really missing? And where is Eleanor?

— Unfortunately, it’s true, — she stopped smiling and her eyes showed concern. — My mother disappeared too.

— How? When? — I just couldn’t believe it. My father, who became the first and last immortal werewolf with the help of an ancient, long-dead witch, disappeared, and even with Natalie’s mother.

— A year ago, — a rather familiar male voice sounded from the side.

I turned around. Standing in front of me was a tall, dark-haired seventeen-year-old who had been turned into a vampire four hundred years ago, long before I was born.

— Uncle Alan, — I bowed my head in greeting. There was no limit to my joy at seeing my dear uncle, although I behaved quite restrained.

— I am glad to see you in good health, Your Highness, — he bowed, then sat down next to my sister.

— That’s why we gathered the entire clan in the throne room today, — Natalie said. — Everyone is looking for him and my mother, but there is no result yet.

— Tell me in more detail how and under what circumstances they disappeared, — I looked at the two of them carefully. After all, people, and especially not people, can’t just disappear like that.

— Your father and I were discussing a not very pleasant situation that day, — Alan began. — Shortly before his and Eleanor’s disappearance, the Lausan clan turned to him for help. According to your father, they had a conflict brewing with a pack of werewolves, and they asked for his help and support in case everything could not be resolved peacefully. The next day, your father and Eleanor went for a walk, as usual. And they didn’t come back.

— That’s weird, — I muttered. — Daria did not tell me that her clan turned to us for help.

— And what does Daria have to do with it? — he asked.

— She told me about my father’s disappearance, — I shrugged and sighed. — So, okay, what time did they go for a walk?

— I don’t remember exactly, but it was after lunch, on a sunny day.

Well, there is little information, but you can work with it. If they went for a walk on a sunny day, and usually they returned after two or three hours, then they could not have been kidnapped or killed, at least by vampires, and werewolves simply could not cope with them. And why would anyone do that? The witches and wizards of New Orleans do not meddle in our affairs, as we do in theirs, according to a long-accepted magical agreement. Other magicians couldn’t find us, at least because of the agreement, thanks to which every member of the clan was hidden from any magical search. We don’t seem to have any enemies. Although I was away for quite a long time, maybe they appeared?

— Do we have any enemies?

— No, Sister, — Natalie answered me. — We maintain neutrality with everyone.

So the assumption of enemies disappears. I need to find out what kind of pack my father was talking about. Although… What about that crazy magician who killed my mother? No, it’s unlikely, it’s been so long. He couldn’t have found us, if only because he’s been dead for a long time. And the rumors may be just rumors. What happened that day?

— You must be tired from the road, — Alan interrupted my thoughts. — Come on, I’ll take you to your room.

— Yes, of course, — I smiled wearily and trudged after the man.

— I’ll see you later, — Natalie called after me.

I entered my chambers and, looking around the room, felt an indescribable sense of relief. I didn’t even realize how tense I had been all this time.

There was a Persian carpet in the middle of the room, and a crystal chandelier with electric lights towered over it. Next to the carpet, on the left, there was an exquisite double bed with a headboard against the wall, made with black silk, next to which there was a small vintage sofa. The rays of the sun passing through the wide window opposite me illuminated the room. Near the window there was a small table with a candlestick, which filled the room with fiery light at night. To the right of the window was a desk with a chair. There was a door leading to the bathroom nearby, and not far from the door was my closet.

— Nothing has changed here, — I went to my closet and noted that all my clothes were still exquisite and not shabby. But you can’t walk around the city in this now, the times are not the same. And since I arrived light, I will have to visit a local boutique in the near future.

— We haven’t changed anything since you left. Your father ordered us to maintain the same appearance here in case you return, — after a moment’s silence, he added: — Rest, Your Highness. Tomorrow is a difficult day.

After Alan left, I didn’t even have time to sit down on the couch when there was a knock on the door.

— Come in.

A girl, about twenty-two years old, entered the room. Blonde, with a pink streak in her hair, a straight nose, short stature and a rather slender build.

— I am your servant, Your Highness, — the girl said in a thin voice, curtsiing.

— What’s your name?

— Avril, Your Highness.

— Avril, prepare a bath for me, then give me a glass of fresh blood, — I ordered her. I rarely drink blood, but sometimes the essence of a vampire takes over.

— As you command, Your Highness.

Soaking in a Victorian bathtub and sipping blood from a glass, I thought about the immediate situation. It’s a rather strange situation with my father. He was never frivolous. He couldn’t just leave his clan and leave. And Eleanor would not have allowed this to happen, she is a wise and responsible woman enough. We need to figure this out.

When the water began to cool down and the glass was completely drained, I wrapped myself in a towel and looked into a small wall mirror near the sink. A pretty girl looked at me one and a half meters tall: an oval face with well-defined cheekbones, green-blue eyes had regained a scarlet hue from drinking blood, vividly expressing the vampire essence, a small snub nose and plump lips.

When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed that it was already night, and my maid was waiting for me with a white nightgown in her hands. Have I been in the water that long?

While the girl was helping me put on my shirt, I found out that she was a vampire not so long ago, just a year ago. I’d like to know more about her, just in case. Turning out the light, I got into bed and instantly fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Chapter 2

Riley de Holost

Heavy rain muffles the sound of my footsteps. I’m running so fast that I can’t even breathe. But I just don’t have the right to stop. The baby in my arms surprisingly does not cry, as if he understands that now is not the time to make loud noises. I’ve been on the run for hours. I believe we have entered the very depths of the forest, where no living creature will venture, even on pain of death. It is rumored that an ancient and very powerful witch lives here, who can kill anyone at will: be it the strongest werewolf, an ancient vampire or a powerful magician.

After a few more hours of wandering, I finally found a small hut. It was made of old, seemingly rotten planks, the roof was made of straw, the windows were so small that the light was barely visible from them. There was something so terrifying about this place that I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

But I have no choice. I can’t run or fight, I’m exhausted. And if we stay where we are, they may catch up with us, and then my daughter will definitely die. What if this hut belongs to that witch? No one saw her, there were only rumors. But those who Balfour could have sent for me and my daughter were definitely seen. I decided to take a chance. When he reached the hut, I knocked on the door.

The doors opened, and in front of me I saw a young black girl, whose snow-white hair, like waves, fluttered over her shoulders, reaching the floor. With her mist-gray eyes, she seemed to be looking into the very depths of me.

— Well, well, and who do we have here? — She looked at me first, then at my daughter. — A werewolf and his little hybrid. Well, come in, since you’ve come.

— Excuse me, what did you call her? — I asked, going inside.

By the way, the interior inspired comfort. The floor is made of fresh wooden planks. The walls are made of stone. To the right is a dining table with chairs and a window, quite ordinary, not the small one that I saw outside. How can this be? Magic? A little further away there was a fireplace in which lights were dancing merrily, two armchairs next to the fireplace. A little further on there is a single bed pressed against the wall. And on the left there is a closet, as I understand it, for clothes, not far from it there are hanging shelves and a cauldron with something edible. I was surprised, because the house was clearly bigger inside than it looked from the outside.

— Illusory repulsive magic, — the sorceress kindly explained, noticing my surprise. — And your baby is a hybrid. A rather rare manifestation of natural magic. Usually, no children are born from the connection of werewolves and vampires.

— Did you say rare? — I seized on a fleeting word. — So this has happened before?

— Not really, — the girl replied as if reluctantly, pursing her lips. — Let’s feed and put the baby to bed first, and then I’ll tell you a story that was once told to me.

— Yes, of course, — I carefully handed the child into her arms. — I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself to you. I’m Riley.

— Tasmin, — the witch introduced herself in response, taking the girl in her arms. — What’s the baby’s name?

— Sophie, — I answered after a moment’s thought, bitterly remembering my beloved, who is probably already dead.

— Sophie… — Tasmin seemed to savor her name. — You have great things ahead of you, Sophie.

Removing the rain-soaked cloth, Tasmin wrapped her in a warm little blanket, magically heated the morning goat’s milk and fed the baby. Then she offered me a meat stew, which I couldn’t refuse. We sat down in the armchairs by the fireplace, and she began her story:

— Seven hundred years ago, there was a very powerful witch named Bridget. She had four sons and one daughter. One moonlit night, her youngest son was killed by a werewolf in a fit of unrestrained rage, as it happens on the very first conversion. But who cares about such little things? — The girl laughed hoarsely. — After the death of her youngest son, Bridget went mad with revenge and turned to dark magic. With the help of dark magic, she turned her children into monsters, into vampires. What she didn’t think about was that the restraining magic imposed on her middle son, born from her connection with a werewolf, would not withstand dark sorcery and collapse. That’s how the first hybrid was born. It was difficult for him. He was feared and shunned by both vampires and werewolves. Out of resentment and anger, he killed anyone who looked at him badly.

— You don’t mean to say, — I began with a sinking heart. — That my daughter will suffer the same fate?

— Your daughter has the blood of two warring races in her, — Tasmin replied. — Great things await her. Of course, she will be many times stronger than any vampire or werewolf, given her background. She will also not be harmed by sunlight, but what kind of essence will take more up, and how her first conversion into a werewolf will take place, I cannot say.

— I will do everything possible so that my daughter does not repeat the fate of that poor hybrid boy, — I had firm intentions. You may even have to create your own clan of vampires and werewolves to be on equal terms. Of course, it’s difficult, probably even impossible, but I have to at least try!

— Keep in mind that most people may perceive she a threat and try to destroy it, — the witch warned, taking the empty plate from me and offering me a warming tea made from herbs and berries. — Her mother is dead, I take it?

I didn’t want to answer that question, so I looked down, hiding the heartbreaking pain.

— I suppose the answer is yes, — she continued, understanding everything from my appearance, or maybe feeling it? — I do not know which clan the mother of this child was from and I do not want to know, but to protect her, I can fix a brand on her, thanks to which other supernatural beings will not be able to feel her energy. But I want to warn you right away that the stigma will only be in effect for a few centuries, then it may have a certain effect.

— What is the effect? — maybe it’s not worth it after all? What if this brand kills her later?

— I can’t tell you that. I’ve never cast such a spell in my entire life, but it’s not fatal. Don’t worry. If you agree, then I will need a few days to prepare for it.

— Okay, I agree, — I replied after a moment’s thought.

— As for you, — Tasmin continued after a few minutes of silence. — I will give you a gift in the form of longevity, considering that you are the only native person of this poor child. Live your life wisely, don’t waste it.


I woke up lying on the cold stone floor, chained to the wall by shackles. I had no strength, I felt terribly weak. What happened? The last thing I remember is my wife and I walking through the woods on horseback, then a pain in the back of my head and darkness. Blinking a little, I tried to look around. There were some shelves with jars and boxes around. Is it a storeroom? Suddenly, the door in front of me opened and a bright light hit my eyes.

— You woke up too fast, — a raspy voice said.

— Who are you? Where am I? — I asked in a whisper because of my parched throat. — Where is my wife?

— Oh, you don’t have to worry about her. You better worry about yourself, — the woman grinned and came down to me.

I was finally able to see her. She was a decrepit, wrinkled old woman with short gray hair. Her eyes were almost faded, it seemed that if she took another step, sand would fall out of her. When I saw the mug of water in her hands, I felt terribly thirsty.

— Do you want to? — the old woman asked, and, as if mocking, poured the water right in front of me.

I was furious. I tried to pull away, but it didn’t work. The shackles only gave a glint with each of my jerks, squeezing my wrists even more.

— The one who gave birth to a monster and allowed it to live deserves exactly that, — the old woman laughed. — But don’t worry, I won’t kill you. They need you alive.

A monster? Is she talking about Sophie? Did someone besides my clan find out about her?

— Touch her with your finger and I’ll tear you to pieces! — I growled. My claws lengthened, the conversion began, but it did not have time to complete — a burning fiery whip wrapped around my neck, taking away my strength. I need to distract her, otherwise I will definitely lose my air and lose consciousness again. — You said they needed me alive. To whom?

— You’ll find out about that soon enough, — she smiled wryly and scattered the whip. Breathing has become much easier.

But I didn’t stay conscious for long. I looked at her, breathing heavily and mentally promising myself to get out of here, and then a blue ball flew at me. A bright flash of pain enveloped my body, and I blacked out.

Chapter 3

Sophie de Holost

I looked at my reflection and tried to figure out what had changed. It seems that the face is still the same, the eyes have returned to their former green-blue color, nose, lips, figure — everything is as it was before I went to bed. But still, I feel that something is wrong. Precisely! Hair! My jet-black, waist-length curly hair has changed. A white curl appeared in them, but how? From where? The golden snake tattoo that had been on my wrist since childhood has disappeared. There is also a strange feeling, as if there is some kind of energy in me, but not mine, alien. I know my energy by heart. What’s happening? Perhaps I should visit the library. We have a lot of different books and archival records, maybe I can find something? I’ll talk to Alan at the same time. After all, he is already more than four hundred years old, he definitely has to know something. Yes, I will do that!

But first, it’s worth going to a local clothing store, and shoes won’t hurt. At the same time, I’ll look into the bank of our clan, make my small contribution. After all, in my one hundred and fifty-three years I managed to save up a little. I can’t keep all this on a plastic card, considering that saving is clearly not my thing. Having distributed at least the first half of the day, I dressed in yesterday’s clothes and left my chambers.

— Hey, who are you? — I heard a voice from behind.

I turned around and saw a tall, red-haired young guy with a pumped-up body, who was grinning as if the whole world belonged to him. Werewolf. I felt it. And not even by smell, as it usually happened, but as if she had determined it in her gut. This is strange.

— Excuse me? — I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest. Did he just address me as you? Too bold, arrogant, or just new?

— Your Highness, — a man’s voice sounded nearby. — Please excuse my son. He only recently turned into a werewolf and therefore did not recognize you.

The same red-haired man of about forty was bending down in front of me. Probably his father.

— Fool, this is Princess Sophie. The daughter of the founder of the Riley de Holost clan and the older sister of the current queen Natalie de Holost, — he has already addressed his son through clenched teeth, standing next to him and clenching his hands in displeasure.

— I beg your pardon, Your Highness, — the young man immediately bowed. — I didn’t know…

— It’s okay, — I interrupted his apology by raising my hand. — What’s your name?

— I am Horvath, — he introduced himself.

— The sun loves you, Horvath, — I said mockingly, looking at his red hair, and immediately turned to his father. — By the way, have you seen my Uncle Alan?

— The counselor left this morning, Your Highness, — the man replied.

— Father, isn’t he afraid of the sun? He’s a vampire, — Horvath whispered.

— Thanks to the solar artifact, daylight is not dangerous to him, — I replied kindly when I heard his question. The guy looked surprised, I must say. — These are very rare artifacts, because they require quite a lot of magical energy from witches. Therefore, only those close to them have them.


After I went to the bank and bought my things, I headed home with the bags. Walking through the city center, I felt the wonderful aroma of baking. Across the street from me, it turns out, there was a cozy little pastry shop Le Levain Roma. When I went inside the bakery, I found that French cuisine prevails here. Having ordered a kropizza — a small round flour product made of thin fragrant croissant dough, seasoned with a very sweet tomato sauce Agromonte datterini, canelles de bordeaux — a small crispy box with the aroma of rustic rum and bourbon vanilla, as well as a bottle of pineapple-flavored fruit cocktail called “Marco colzani”, I sat down at an empty table. I never thought that food could be so delicious. Why didn’t I notice this before? Especially caneles. One bite and I was already in love with this dessert. It has such a caramelized, almost crispy surface, which is emphasized by the hard, but at the same time creamy custard inside.

I was distracted from enjoying this wonderful moment by the feeling of someone staring at me. Looking around, I did not immediately notice the girl at the next table, drinking coffee. She had gorgeous, snow-white, straight curls. But there was also a strange energy coming from her. Not like vampires or werewolves, and not the kind of energy that I started feeling in myself today. Her energy was different, as if dark, hostile, repulsive. Deciding that it was better not to tempt fate, I quickly finished my meal and headed home.

I turned onto a deserted street and, before I could even take a few steps, I fell, feeling a sudden pain all over my body. It was as if some force suddenly lifted me up and threw me against a stone wall, pinning me against it. I couldn’t move, and the impact made me dizzy.

— So that’s what you are, — a gentle voice said.

Somehow I managed to open my eyes, and I saw in front of me the same girl with snow-white hair. Her hand was pointed at me, holding me in the wall. His lips curled into a grin, and his eyes reflected disgust. — Hybrid. I thought you’d be stronger. What a disappointment.

— Who are you? What do you need? — I asked, trying unsuccessfully to move at least a finger.

— Do you know what it is? — The girl asked, ignoring my question.

There were ashes in her free hand. It lit up, first forming the shape of an icy black icicle, and then burst into flames.

— That’s what’s deadly to you — the ashes of the phoenix. Phoenixes are very rare magical creatures that are reborn from their own ashes. But I found another, more useful use for it.

I had only time to close my eyes when a fiery icicle flew at me. I thought I’d feel a hell of a pain, but… I felt free – my body was no longer pressed against the wall. Cautiously opening my eyes, I was surprised to find a handful of ashes in the place where the girl had just stood. Feeling myself from all sides, I did not find any damage. What happened?

My thoughts were confused from the shock. Did I do this? No, I couldn’t. I don’t have witch magic in me. So it was the ashes of the phoenix that gave such a kickback? Then why am I alive if it was the effect of the phoenix ashes?

Lost in thought, I did not notice how I reached my chambers. I took a shower to get my thoughts in order, then unpacked and changed my clothes. This time I decided to wear a light scarlet sundress with straps, fitted at the waist and a loose floor-length skirt. Adding black sandals and a family pendant to her sundress, I went to the library. There are too many oddities for one day, it’s time to deal with it!

Having surrounded myself with books and archival records, I began to study them. So, what do we have here? Founding of the clan: “The Holost clan was founded in one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one by the werewolf Riley de Holost in Italy, in a city called Rome. Initially, the clan planned to accept any supernatural being, but vampires categorically did not want to get along with werewolves. In the end, the founder decided to accept those who needed help and protection into the clan, having previously concluded a written contract with them. A few years later, the clan had more than seventy vampires and seventy-five werewolves from different countries. Then economic and social development began. Vampires, after learning how to contain their dark essence, began working with humans. And werewolves developed trade.

Five more years later, a magical agreement was concluded with the witches of New Orleans, which was that the clan did not interfere in their affairs, and they in the affairs of the clan. Also, in honor of the conclusion of the agreement, a ball was organized, which took place in the castle of the Holost clan. At the ball, the head of the witches, who was nicknamed the Scarlet Witch, presented a gift: ten artifacts of the sun, ten artifacts of the moon and an artifact of the magical conclusion of a contract set up for the Holost clan. From that moment on, the previously ordinary written contract has now become magical on blood”.

Yes, I remember that time, I was eight years old then. It was the very first ball in our castle, and it was at it that my father met Eleanor. As I remember now, she was then in a green crinoline dress with open shoulders and arms, and with smooth blond hair gathered, in which fresh flowers were pinned up. She stood out among all the vampires present for her grace and beauty. The next day Eleanor and Natalie joined our clan, and a year later she and my father got married, and the queen appeared in the clan. How did she show up at the ball, by the way? Oh, right, Alan brought her, who, as it turned out, was her brother. He wanted to ask my father to accept his sister into the clan in order to save her from the magicians who wanted to kill her. After Eleanor joined, we destroyed those magicians. As it turned out later, they were one of those who shared Balfour’s views. My father and Eleanor even thought that their union would create a hybrid like me. But it didn’t work out, apparently I’m the only case of natural magic. Eleanor and Natali and I got along right away. Although I was able to call Natalie my sister, I couldn’t call Eleanor my mother. Those were probably the best years of my life. Smiling at the memories, I continued my search.

So, where and how vampires came from, the appearance of the first pack of werewolves, economic and social development, the beginning and end of the war between humans and vampires, the war between supernatural beings… None of this is what I need. Oh, magic and its beginnings, it should be interesting. I’ve never been interested in her before, but now there’s just such a need. Maybe there will even be something about the consequences of using phoenix ashes as a weapon? The witch who attacked me couldn’t just turn into ashes.


“What is magic? Magic is an art, the ability to cause changes according to one’s will. In more ancient times, both witches and sorcerers lived separately, in different parts of the world and were very limited in their abilities and skills. However, back in those days, people considered magicians (as they called them then) special, those who were endowed with an exceptional gift. Most often they were called “priests” and attributed to them much more abilities than they actually had at that time.

Gradually, people began to forget about how they used to respect magicians, about their help to ordinary people. Respect was quickly replaced by fear. But let’s go back to the first millennium of our era. Magicians could not help but try to protect themselves, so where they lived, studied or worked, they cast various protective spells. Also, almost every magician had his own familiar to normalize his own power. A familiar is not a weapon, but a friend, an assistant. Nowadays, when magicians have many sources of knowledge, they don’t really need a familiar. Now it is started only at will, and not out of need, as it was before. Gradually, more powerful magicians created their own spells and entered them into their family grimoires, which were passed down from generation to generation. Then they began to create books with spells and rituals — the so-called textbooks. Now magicians are trying not to show themselves among people, so that a new war does not resume.

Now let’s talk about magical creatures. We will tell you only about a few types of magical creatures:

1. A brownie — is a domestic spirit and the patron saint of the house. The brownie often helps, both with household chores and with the magical energy of magicians.

2. The cat — is usually the magician’s familiar. It can be absolutely any color, but more often black. They show themselves as a portal biogenerator, which protects the host from the negative influences of entities with the frequency of its waves.

3. The raven — is another creature that can be a familiar. He is connected with the afterlife. The raven acts as an energy guide to the other world.

4. The phoenix — is a golden bird the size of an eagle. Only the most powerful magicians with a very rare gift can have phoenixes. The phoenix itself is invulnerable when it is next to its master. Thanks to his resurrection gift, he is able to heal even the most serious wounds. However, if it is possible to use other familiars as weapons and pay for it only with partial or complete deprivation of magic (with partial deprivation of magic, it can be restored), then when using the phoenix as a weapon, you will pay with your life”.

So it turns out what happened? She used her familiar as a weapon and eventually died. But why am I alive then? If she was so powerful, she was unlikely to have made a mistake in any letter of the spell. Moreover, knowing in advance that she is going to commit suicide.

— What are you doing, Your Highness? — I didn’t notice how Alan sat down in front of me. — Why do you need all these documents?

— Something happened today, — I replied, putting the book down. — I was almost killed.

— What? But how? You… are you okay? — His eyes widened in fright, and he began to stare at me intently for injuries.

— It was when I was heading from the city to the castle. Some girl, apparently powerful, but a young witch, wanted to kill me. She created some kind of weapon from the ashes of the phoenix, but for some reason it didn’t work out, — now his mouth is slightly open. The poor thing looked completely confused. — I don’t understand what happened, but in the end there was a handful of ashes in her place, and I stayed alive.

— So they were able to find you, but how? — He looked at my hand and frowned. — And where is your tattoo?

— I don’t know, — I shrugged. — She disappeared this morning and this white curl in hair appeared instead.

— Was there anything else unusual?

— Yes, I’ve been feeling weird all day.

— I can feel it in you too, some kind of energy unknown to me. I’ll deal with it, but for now, stay in the castle and don’t go anywhere.

— Okay, — I sighed. — They told me this morning that you were somewhere.

— Yes, we are continuing the search for your father. We thought we had found a clue, but it turned out to be false, — he couldn’t help but sigh. — The meeting begins in the throne room, you and I need to be there.

— Yes, of course, — I got up from my seat. — By the way, tell someone to put everything in place here. Otherwise, information about different creatures, including magic, lies together.

— As you command, Your Highness, — Alan bowed.


The hall was full. Natalie stood near the throne dressed in a green vintage lace dress with a v-neck and a full floor-length skirt. Alan walked past her and stood to the left of the throne. I planned to do the same, just stand on the right side. But when I passed my sister, she stopped me next to her. I looked at her in surprise, to which Natalie only smiled encouragingly. Everyone present, as I noticed, was also smartly dressed. Some kind of holiday? Or maybe they were able to find my father after all, and the adviser just lied so as not to spoil the surprise?

— As you all know, the king’s daughter, my elder sister, the heir to the throne, Sophie de Holost, has returned, — Natalie began. There was applause and hooting all around. — Therefore, by law, I am obliged to hand over the crown to the true heiress.

She turned to me and took off her crown, made of black gold and decorated with red, green small and large rubies. I needed to get down on my knees to take on this burden, but…

— I refuse, — my voice suddenly rang through the throne room. Everyone fell silent, as if they had stopped breathing. — I, Sophie de Holost, daughter of King Riley de Holost, the eldest heir to the throne by right of birth, renounce the right of succession in favor of the next heiress after me and your current queen, Natalie de Holost.

Chapter 4

The day was sunny, without a single cloud. My sister and I sat on a bench near the training ground and watched the training of werewolves. It has been several days since I renounced the succession to the throne. Because of this, there was a lot of hype, because by refusing to inherit, I also lost the title of princess. Now, according to the magical agreement made between me and the clan, I am Duchess Sophie Castell. I have been given my estate in Palermo, a city on the island of Sicily, but I have not seen it yet. In light of recent events, the adviser asked me to stay in the castle and not go anywhere, and he left a few days ago to deal with what was happening to me.

— It’s a pity that you have to leave and live on your estate, — Natalie brought up the subject again. She didn’t expect me to give up on becoming queen and was afraid that the clan might consider it a betrayal, but everything turned out fine. — You’ve been gone so long. I missed you.

— In any case, this is the best outcome that we could not even count on. We’re lucky, — I replied, taking her hand. — And we can visit each other. After all, the estate is not so far away. Besides, you’ll know where I am.

— Yes, because the last time you left, we had no idea where you were, — she smiled and squeezed my hand. — Why didn’t you tell anyone?

— Because if I had told, father would have rushed after me at the same second, and that’s it — goodbye, freedom, — my lips also stretched into a smile.

It was a warm conversation on a carefree day. But despite everything, I can’t wait for Alan to return with at least some news. Patience — is not my strong suit, and therefore being in the unknown drove me crazy. What if some kind of parasite has settled inside me in some unknown way and is now slowly killing me, devouring my essences? Although there are no symptoms other than discomfort, this may be just the beginning.

— Your Grace, — one of the werewolves said to me. — Her Majesty’s Counselor is waiting for you in his office.

— Thank you, — I got up and headed towards the castle.

— Sophie, — my sister called out to me. — Should I come with you?

— No, you don’t need to.

Natalie knew about my situation and was very worried about me. Apart from her and Alan, no one else knows about the strange things that are happening to me. She also knew how much I cherished my freedom, and therefore understood why I refused to become queen.

It’s different for people. The title of duchess could only be passed down by inheritance or from her husband. The human duchess also has many responsibilities and limitations. However, our situation is a little different, for example: I got the title according to the agreement, and despite the fact that the queen has more power, the duchess has more freedom. In any case, I have to deal with important political issues of the clan, participate in various events, attend balls, participate more in battles if necessary, but it was worth it. Initially, I was ready to be stripped of my title and kicked out of the clan, but everything turned out much better than I expected.

— Good afternoon, — I greeted, entering the office.

— Good afternoon, Your Grace, — Alan bowed slightly and pointed to a chair. — Please, have a seat.

— You know that you can now address me as “you” without witnesses, right? — I asked, looking around the office.

The study was furnished in the Renaissance style, which was very fashionable in the late 60s of the nineteenth century. The room was a comprehensive and consistent example of masculine design: heavy furniture, along with imitation golden leather on the walls and coffered ceiling, created, I must say, an old-fashioned atmosphere. For the most part, the room was characterized by the adviser’s favorite colors: yellow and red shades.

— After all, I’m not a princess anymore, much less a queen. And you should know that we have a lot of things that are not like people. Especially in terms of titles and everything related to them.

— Me still have to get used to it, — an embarrassed smile lit up his face for a moment.

— Please tell me you have good news, — I sank into a chair and put my hands in front of me, fingers crossed in a lock.

— Let’s just say I have two pieces of news, — he began from afar. — One good and one bad. The bad news is that I haven’t found anything specific about your case.

I was upset. But the royal advisor had said there was good news, I reminded herself, trying not to get too upset.

— And the good news is that I was able to arrange a meeting with the Scarlet Witch.

— The Scarlet Witch? — I asked in surprise. This is the high priestess, after all, the head of the witch clan. Obviously, she agreed to the meeting for a reason.

— Yes.

— Do you think that she will examine me and identify the cause of what is happening?

— Exactly, — he nodded affirmatively.

— So, what did she demand in return?

— I do not know that. She said she would explain everything at the meeting. However, we still have no other choice, so it’s worth the risk.

— Okay, — I sighed after a moment’s thought. — When do we leave?

— We’re leaving tomorrow, — Alan replied. — We have to fly for a day, including transfers. The ball will take place the evening after our arrival.

— A ball? — I asked in disbelief.

— Yes, she invited us to the ball in honor of her bicentennial birthday, — the royal advisor confirmed, handing me the invitation and tickets.

— Uh, okay, — I replied, a little confused. I thought the meeting would take place somewhere alone, but the ball… There will be a lot of people there. Maybe this is her usual safety net? After all, she could have invited us any other day. — Then I’ll go get ready.

When I returned to my bedrooms, I got acquainted with the tickets in more detail. One was from Rome to New York, the other from New York to New Orleans. The invitation was sealed in an envelope. I decided not to open it yet, I will open it on arrival. There are more pressing issues right now. First, you need to pack your things. We don’t know how long we’ll be there, but hopefully no longer than a couple of days. Secondly, New Orleans is the United States of America. And in America, oddly enough, Balfour has more henchmen who can detect me than in Italy. And this is despite the fact that Italy is closer to France, where he lived, than the United States. Thirdly, I don’t remember the priestess very well. The first and last time I saw her was when I was eight years old. What if it’s a trap and she just wants to kill me? And even if it’s not a trap, what if she discovers something in me, after which she decides that I’m dangerous enough and deserve to die? But Alan is right. It is not known what is in me, and what is happening to me, it needs to be dealt with. And the sooner the better. And since there are no other options, you’ll have to take a chance. If my fears turn out to be true, I will not give up so easily!


I spent the rest of the next day in the city, choosing a gift for the priestess. I was allowed to leave the castle, however, under the protection of two big werewolves.

After going through a lot of jewelry, travel and bookstores, I still did not find anything worthy. I was about to return in upset feelings, when my attention was attracted by a rundown antique shop, which no one seemed to pay attention to. When I went inside, I smelled incense. The lights were dimmed, but despite this, the display cases with all possible products, ranging from candles to all kinds of amulets, were clearly visible. Walking along the storefronts, I looked at a variety of products. There were a lot of things here: Tarot cards, branches from trees, various canvases for rituals and much more. Finally, when I reached the very last window, I stopped. They were amulets of different sizes and colors, but one of them still interested me — a pendant with one of the rarest dark blue minerals in the world — Benitoite. He seemed to attract me with his splendor, saying: “Buy me, please!”

— An excellent choice, — a female voice said next to me. I turned around and saw an elderly woman wearing a hoodie. Her hair was sticking out in all directions, as if she had just got out of bed and hadn’t had time to use a comb.

She took out an ornament that interested me, and we went behind the counter. After packing the jewelry in a black matte box and paying for the purchase, I was about to leave when I heard her words coming after me:

— You should be careful. There is a long and hard road ahead that will lead you to what you are so desperately looking for. But fate is cruel to you. What you find, you will immediately lose.

I turned around to ask what she meant. But there was no one behind the counter anymore. The woman seemed to have disappeared.

I thought about her words all the way to the castle. What did she mean by that? Was she talking about what was inside me? Will I find the answer? But what will I lose? If she was talking about losing my essences, then I’m going to die. Does this mean that a trip to New Orleans will be my last road in my life?

I felt goosebumps from fear, because I’m not ready to die yet. Oh, now I doubt even more that it’s worth going to the ball. Can we cancel everything? I’ll find some other way to find out the answers to my questions. No, I can’t do that. Anyway, I’m still the face of the clan. And if cancel everything at the last moment, it is tantamount to disrespect. The witches won’t forgive us for this, especially the priestess. God, I hope she’s just a charlatan and not a fortune teller.

Chapter 5

I leaning against the back of the seat, looking out the window of the plane. The view was amazing — the clouds were so airy, light, carefree. It’s a pity that I can only jump far, imitating flight, and not actually fly.

— Did something happen yesterday? — Alan asked suddenly.

— What are you talking about? — I didn’t understand.

— In an antique shop, — he looked at me intently.

— They told you, — she guessed, shaking her head.

— They had to, and you know it, — uncle continued.

— There was a strange situation with the saleswoman in the store, — I replied, unable to hold back a sigh. — When I had already bought a gift for the Scarlet Witch and was about to leave, the saleswoman said that I would find what I was looking for, but I would immediately lose it.

— And you think they’re going to kill us at the ball? — he chuckled, knowing my distrust and caution all too well.

— Well, maybe not at the ball itself, maybe after… — I suggested uncertainly.

— Nonsense. Witches are smart, they won’t frame self. And if one of them tries to destroy us, he will endanger not only himself, but also others.

— That’s right, — I agreed. — But what if one of them is in cahoots with Balfour’s supporters?

— It’s impossible. The witches and wizards of New Orleans do not share the views of his supporters. Even if there is a traitor among them, as soon as he tries to break the agreement between us, magic will kill him.

— Okay, let’s say. Then what about that witch who attacked me in Rome? She knew who I was.

— That’s what we need to figure out. Your father once mentioned that he did something so that no one could find you. But apparently this “something” has stopped working for some reason.

— And we need to find out what it was, and for what reason it stopped working, — I guessed.

After landing, we headed to a cafe called “Croque Madame”, located near the second terminal, from where the flight to New Orleans was planned. I needed something to eat urgently. I was so hungry that the vampire essence was hard to contain. Of course, Alan offered to share the blood from the bottle he took with him with me, but I refused. It’s better to snack on human food than to give in to instincts. After ordering chicken in pita bread with vegetables and a cup of cappuccino, we sat down at an empty table.

— Why didn’t you eat in the morning? — Alan asked, sitting across from me.

— I ate, — I replied, swallowing the food. — But I got hungry earlier than usual. It’s probably nerves.

I usually ate only in the morning to satisfy a natural need, and that was enough for me, but now I feel hungry as often as ordinary people.

Sipping a coffee drink, I looked at the area around me. Suddenly, a man who was standing on a flight of stairs caught my attention. I just couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was beautiful. He is dressed in a high-quality, obviously expensive, business suit. He is tall and looks thin. Thin lips, a straight hooked nose, pale skin with a slight olive tinge, and tousled brown hair looked like a creative mess… A vampire. Yes, I felt it.

— We have to go, — I said to uncle after finishing her coffee, getting up from the table. Our plane was supposed to arrive soon.

We went to the waiting area. I couldn’t get this vampire out of my head. On the one hand, I hoped to see him at least once more, even if only briefly, but on the other hand, I was afraid. What if he turns out to be one of Balfour’s henchmen? This psycho, although he disdains to contact vampires and werewolves, but you never know what.

About four hours later, we stayed at the three-star “Mercantile” Hotel, located near the French quarter. As soon as I entered my suite, the guest area appeared to my eyes. To my right was a gray sofa, not far from it was a cabinet with a sink and a microwave oven, above which hung a mirror and two lamps. A little further on is the slightly open door leading to the bathroom. To the right of the door, a plasma TV was attached to the wall, next to which was a desk with a desk lamp and a computer chair. On the left side, as I understood it, was the entrance to the bedroom.

Leaving my suitcase with my things in the guest area, I headed to the bathroom. It’s already eight o’clock in the evening, should have dinner, but first a shower. The bathroom had a window with vertical blinds, on the right there was a toilet, towels and a sink with a large mirror above it, and on the left there was a spacious bathtub with a separate shower and snow – white curtains. After a quick rinse, I went down to the hotel restaurant. It was a vast Art Nouveau room with a variety of tables and two bar counters: one sold alcohol, the other could order food. After ordering a “New York Strip steak” -a steak cooked on coals, with salad and French fries –I had a quick dinner and went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day.


When I woke up late in the morning, getting out of a soft, warm bed, the first thing I did was look out the window, which was to the right of the bed. And since the bedroom is in bright colors, the view from the window is especially beautiful — the sun is shining, cars, people — everyone is in motion, everyone is in a hurry. There are small bedside tables on both sides of my bed, on which there are lamps, and on the right, not far from the exit to the living room, there is a wardrobe. Yesterday I left my suitcase unpacked, I should change that, and maybe even take a walk around the city. Not alone, of course.

After unpacking my things, I dressed in a light lilac jumpsuit with flowers. It had long sleeves, a short loose skirt and a slightly open back. She added beige sandals to the dress, braided her hair into a high ponytail and was about to head to her uncle’s room when there was a knock on the front door. Alan appeared on the threshold.

— Are you going somewhere? — he asked.

— I wanted to take a walk and was just following you, — I replied with a smile, going out into the corridor. — And why did you come?

— I was thinking of going to breakfast with you. And the walk will have to be canceled, it can be dangerous, — he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.

— Well, first of all, if something happens, I will be able to stand up for myself. Secondly, when will we visit New Orleans again? — I didn’t lose my optimism, whereas Alan’s crease between his eyebrows went even deeper. — Come on, don’t frown. I’d rather die than live in fear and seclusion all the time.

— Okay, — he gave up after a minute of silence. — Only for a short time. We still have to get ready for the ball.

That was the end of it. First of all, of course, we went to the French Quarter. Walking along the Royal Street, we looked at various antique shops and art galleries. Numerous festivals were held here, and jazz performed by modern musicians could be heard from everywhere. I was so caught up in the general fun that I couldn’t resist joining the dancing people. Even Alan’s condescending smile didn’t spoil my mood. Having had a lot of fun, we continued our walk.

Not far from the Port, we came across a “Cafe du Monde” eatery. There were a lot of tables on the outdoor veranda, some of them were already occupied. When we went inside, we found that it was even more crowded than outside. As I noted, mirrors and various paintings of past centuries hung on the walls of the institution. We were seated at one of the free tables on the veranda, and after ordering orange juice with pancakes called “Delicious Orleans Ile”, which was accompanied by fried apple, cheddar cheese and maple syrup, I inhaled the wonderful aroma of the food and enjoyed the surrounding view. Still, I like this city even more than any other I’ve ever been to. Maybe, when everything gets better, I should buy a small house here and stay alive? That would be wonderful.

— How do you like New Orleans? — I asked Alan curiously.

— Beautiful city, atmospheric. However, don’t forget that this city belongs to witches, especially the French Quarter.

Well, I think it will be possible to come to an agreement with them, if anything, right? At least, I hope so.

After lunch, we went to the City Park. We wandered around the botanical garden, visited the art museum, even played golf, and somehow imperceptibly it was time to return to the hotel to get ready for the ball.

All the rest of the time until the evening, I put myself in order and mentally calmed down, repeating: “Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine”.

I put on a pale pink floor-length dress, covered with a translucent smoky fabric on top, with a v-neck studded with small red leaves, sleeveless and laced at the back. I added evening makeup to it, braided her hair into an intricate hairstyle, decorating them with flowers. I didn’t forget the gift box and… it’s time.

We drove up to one of the mansions in the French Quarter. Two male guards stood near the white-painted doors. After showing them the invitation, we went inside, and immediately a loud voice rang out:

— Her Highness Sophie de Holost with Royal Advisor Alan Utgoff.

Arm in arm with Alan, we walked decorously to the rest of the guests. It seems that no one knows yet that I am no longer a princess. That’s probably even better. They’ll be more afraid of killing me than if they knew I was a duchess now.

It was good that it was the first floor, and immediately from the entrance we got to the place where the ball was held. There was a fountain in the middle of the hall, a buffet table on the left side, and small sofas for relaxing on the right. At the end of the hall, musicians were playing light jazz. It was noticeable that the house was built back in the XVIII century. The lamps were only on the second and third floors, on the first floor the lighting came from the numerous candles that hung above us.

— Welcome to my house, — a red – haired woman in her mid – thirties greeted us. Green eyes, snub nose, slightly plump lips. She was dressed in a chic puffy black, vintage floor-length, sleeveless dress with a deep v-neck.

— I’m Sabine Sammot. Known to many as the Scarlet Witch.

— Thank you for the invitation, — I curtsied, and the counselor bowed. — You have a very beautiful house and a beautiful city.

— The dancing will start soon, make yourself comfortable, — she said with a smile and left to meet some more guests.

We went to the buffet table and took a glass of sparkling wine. Someone was sitting and chatting, someone was dancing. Alan and I, after taking a couple of sips, also decided to join the dancers. I felt a lot of eyes on our characters. There was hostility in some, curiosity in some, and arrogance in some. Still, despite the agreement concluded between us a long time ago, it is not easy for everyone to come to terms with the current state of things. I still had a gift for Sabina in my dress pocket, I just had to wait until she was alone. After a few dances, I seized the moment and approached the birthday girl.

— I have a gift for you, — I took out a black velvet box and handed it to her. — Happy birthday.

She opened the gift, and I saw satisfaction in her eyes.

— Come with me, — she said, and headed for the stairs leading to the second floor.

We stopped in a half-lit office. There were bookshelves on both sides, not far from which were white leather sofas. There was a panoramic window in front, and next to it was a table made of oak with a computer and various papers.

— Do you know what it is? — the woman asked, holding the pendant I had given her in front of her. — This is a storage artifact. Not everyone knows, but the magical energy of witches is not infinite. It takes time to replenish it. Into this artifact can put a particle of your energy so that you can use it later. Such artifacts are very rare, where did you get it?

— In an antique shop in Rome, — I honestly admitted, surprised by such a revelation. — I’ve been looking for a suitable gift for a very long time, and eventually came across this pendant. I was interested in him, so I bought him.

— I see, — the witch smiled knowingly. — Counselor Alan told me about your problem.

She went to her desk and took out a transparent ball from it. These are usually used by charlatans to “summon spirits”.

— Put your hand down, please, — she said, pointing to the ball.

I did as she asked. When I touched the ball, I felt its coolness, but nothing more. Nothing happened, at least for a while. Then it began to fill with fiery bursts. There were more and more of them. It seemed that a little more and the ball would explode. I jerked my hand away in surprise and looked at the witch questioningly. What the hell was that?

— Well… — she was clearly crestfallen. — You definitely have magic in you. Fiery.

— This can’t be happening, — I shook my head. — There were no witches in my family.

— Your father once told me an interesting story, — Sabine said thoughtfully, putting down the ball. — One hundred and fifty-three years ago, he was on the run, with a child in his arms, he came across a very powerful witch — my late sister Tasmin. She cast one complicated spell on you, thanks to which you could not be detected by the others. This spell should have lasted at least two centuries, but apparently for some reason it stopped working a little earlier, and now we see its effect. The magic in you is the effect of that spell.

To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. I had no idea about that. Is that what Uncle Alan was talking about? Is this the “something” that the father did? I always thought that this was the usual effect of a spell that was present in our clan’s contract, so that none of us could be found using magic.

— You need to study, — the witch continued meanwhile. — I am the rector of an institution where young witches and wizards study. You need to go there.

— I don’t think your students, or your colleagues, will be happy with my studies there, — I said ironically.

— I’ll take care of that, but I’m afraid you don’t have a choice. If you don’t learn to control your magic, it will eventually drive you crazy. And since you are a tribrid, the magic of witches will strongly conflict with your two entities. Therefore, it is better for you to agree, if you do not want to lose your mind soon and harm not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

— You probably misspoke. I’m a hybrid, — I don’t know why I said that. Probably because of the shock of the current news.

— No, Sophie, I said it right, — she came up to me and took my hand and smiled. — You’re not a hybrid anymore, you’re a tribrid. The most powerful being, in which, in addition to the two warring races, the magic of witches flows.

Chapter 6

Well, now at least one witch knows that I’ve been a duchess lately, not a princess. Alan accidentally made a slip of the tongue in front of her, addressing me: “Your Grace.” Sabine, of course, was surprised. I had to tell her how I gave up the throne legacy. When asked what she wanted in return for her help to us, the answer was: “I wanted to propose a new magical agreement for mutual assistance. Times are different now, and therefore it’s better for all of us to stick together.” As a result, Alan promised her to discuss this with my sister, the current queen, and then give her an answer. The counselor brought my things, which I left at the hotel, and went back to Rome. Of course, I was worried that the clan might be attacked in my absence, but Alan assured me that if anything happened, he would be able to protect our clan.

I had to stay at Sabina’s mansion, because in a few days the exams will begin, the result of which will affect my admission to her educational institution, the Day Lines Academy. By this name, it is known to people. For us, it is known as the “Academy of Magic”. Of course, ordinary, unsuspecting people send requests for admission to the academy, but for obvious reasons they are rejected. As the rector told me briefly, there are several faculties, including those not related to magic. In her academy, witches and warlocks are not only trained in magic, but also receive ordinary human education in their chosen field. Of course, these are mainly law, economics, linguistics, philology and several other faculties.

— As a rule, they come to us from the age of 18, — we were sitting in the dining room on the ground floor, where the ball was held only yesterday. After a small breakfast, we were served toast with peanut butter and coffee. — Before that, they study in ordinary schools, and they study elementary magic at home.

— I have so many questions, — I said dejectedly. After all, I’ve lived for one hundred and fifty-three years, and I don’t really know anything about magic and everything related to it. But knowledge is power, as my father used to say.

— Ask away, — the witch smiled condescendingly.

— Why do I feel hungry more often than before?

— Because of the magic in you. Magic is closer to humans than to werewolves, and even more so to vampires.

— So you mean that I have become more human?

— You could say that.

— Okay, — I was thinking should I tell her or not? But if she doesn’t give me the answer, then no one can. — Recently, an incident happened to me… One witch wanted to kill me. She even used her phoenix familiar for this. It was some kind of powerful spell that was supposed to destroy me, but I stayed alive, and that witch turned into ashes.

— Hm… — she thought for a moment. — Perhaps your magic protected you as its bearer. Most likely, due to the threat to life, there was an outburst of magical energy, which formed into a reverse shield, thanks to which you are alive. This is the only possible explanation.

— What is a reverse shield?

— There is a regular shield, and there is a reverse shield, — Sabine began to explain. — An ordinary shield protects by absorbing a spell aimed at you. And the reverse shield not only protects, but also redirects this spell to the one who used it.

— But why did my magic choose a reverse shield instead of a regular one?

— It was probably instinctive. Magic is as alive as your essence. She has a mind too. The only difference between magic in you and your essences is that you were born with your essences and therefore accepted them easily, whereas magic appeared in you quite recently, and it will be more difficult to accept it. Do you still have any questions?

— Not yet, — I replied after a moment’s thought. I need to digest all the information that has fallen on me, and then, if there are any questions, ask already.

— Okay, in that case, follow me.

We went into the living room. She was on the second floor. In addition to the study, there were several other living rooms and a library. The third floor was given over to bedrooms.

The living room we entered was decorated in beige tones, the floor was parquet, and the ceiling was decorated with a crystal chandelier. In the middle of the room was a fluffy white carpet made of ultra-soft pile. There was a brown leather sofa, two armchairs of the same color and a marble coffee table on which there was a glass vase with a bouquet of lilies. A little further along the wall there was a fireplace, above it hung a painting with an abstract image of leaves. There are windows with thick curtains on both sides of the fireplace. As additional lighting, there are two floor lamps on both sides of the room and several wall lamps.

— To begin with, — Sabina waved her hand, and papers in Russian appeared in front of me. — These are your new documents. For everyone, you are my distant relative, who discovered her gift late. Your ancestors’ gift was lost long ago, so you’ve never studied magic, even elementary magic, and you don’t really know anything about it. If someone finds out who you really are, a lot of people will want to take you over, and then the hunt for you will become fiercer.

— Why are you helping me? — I asked, looking at the documents. There was a birth certificate, a Russian passport, a certificate of completion of nine grades and a diploma of secondary vocational education, which stated that I graduated from the law school in civil law. And all this is in Krasnodar. Great, I actually studied in Russia once, getting a law degree. Of course, I received both psychological and linguistic education, but this is not so important at the moment.

— Because it’s better to have someone like you as an ally than as an enemy. It’s a pity that not everyone understands this.


According to the documents issued to me, my name is Sonya Kozhushko Andreevna. I has been a native of Russia since March 30, 1993. I was born and lived all my life in Krasnodar. After receiving her law degree, I worked as a lawyer for the Haval dealer center. An orphan, the only one in the family, no husband and no children. A lonely, boring life.

— Apparently, Sonya’s life changed dramatically after the appearance of magic in her, — I said with a grin.

— That’s right. According to legend, magic appeared in you after the attack of a maniac, whom you burned due to the release of magical energy. I felt it, found you, explained everything and persuaded you to move to America. If anyone has any questions about how I contacted you, tell them that I moved through the portal. To the question: “how do you know English so well?”, you will answer that it was a mandatory program at the Faculty of Law. Now let’s talk about the upcoming exams, — we settled down on the sofas. — There are several types of magicians: the new generation and the old generation. The new generation are those whose ancestors lost their gift and after several generations appeared in their descendants. The old generation, they are usually called “high – born” — these are, respectively, those from whom the gift was passed on for several generations in a row, without breaking off. As you can see, you are a beginner. The exams are different for beginners and high-born ones. Beginners take written grammar and punctuation, mathematics and a test of magical potential. The highborn also take a written exam and mathematics. However, instead of testing magical potential, they have exams in the history of magic and basic spells. Any questions?

— Yes. I can still understand the written exam, probably in order to write spells correctly, — I suggested, looking questioningly at the witch. She nodded in approval, and I continued: — But why mathematics? And what does “testing magical potential” mean?

— Mathematics is necessary for correct calculations. Magic is produced not only by words, but also by thoughts, and sometimes by gestures. That’s why gestures need a correct mathematical calculation, because if you calculate incorrectly, then, at best, the spell will not work. And at worst, it will turn against you, — to be honest, Sabina surprised me. I didn’t know about such subtleties. I thought it was simple. Meanwhile, she continued: — As for checking the magical potential. Not all beginners can master magic, even if it is present in them. You need to have at least an average entry level. If the level is below the norm, then there is no point in teaching, since in a maximum of a year the magic itself will run out before it has time to replenish. In such cases, even familiars don’t help. After all, to acquire them, again, you need a level of magic not lower than normal.

— I understand, but why don’t they check the potential of the high-born? Suddenly, it may also be below average for them.

— Maybe. They are also being checked.

— Basic spells. They need at least an average level, — I guessed.

— You’re learning fast, — she smiled. — Well, now let’s test your knowledge.

I spent the next few hours studying for my exams. At first, in writing, the witch dictated the sentences, I wrote them. Then we started doing math. I’ve solved a dozen examples of various difficulties. It was only after that that Sabine nodded in satisfaction.

— Take this, — she handed me a velvet box. — It’s not an artifact, but I enchanted it myself. Wear it and never take it off, at least as long as you study at the academy. With it, others will be able to feel only magic in you.

Opening the box, I found a neat silver ring with a small diamond.

— It very beautiful, thank you, — I smiled and put the ring on my index finger. — Will I live here with you during my studies?

— No, you will live in a hostel, and on vacation here. Periodically, you can go to your father’s castle for a short time, but also only on vacation. The guardians of our adherents pay for the hostel…

— The adepts? — it was an unfamiliar word for me.

— Yes, it’s like people — students. So, the guardians pay for accommodation in the hostel, as well as for tuition. A new generation of magicians is entitled to a scholarship for good academic performance. Royal Advisor Alan will be paying for you. He and I also arranged for you to stay with me on vacation, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion. And accordingly, since you will be staying with me, I am also responsible for your safety.

I wonder why it is my uncle who pays, and not my sister? Maybe so as not to undermine her position? And as I understand it, no one in the clan knows that I have magic in me. He probably told everyone that I had gone on a trip again for an indefinite period. After all, if the werewolves and vampires have come to terms with the fact that I am a hybrid, then they are unlikely to be able to accept me as a tribrid with witch magic.

Chapter 7

We were standing at the iron gate, behind which was a snow-white palace. The forest surrounded us, dragonflies chattered merrily, birds sang their songs, and the fresh smell of pine needles gave a feeling of peace. We drove to the academy for an hour and a half by car, today I had to take the entrance exams. The gate was opened to us by two men dressed in a black robe, on the chest of which the letter S was emblazoned in red and white.

— She’s with me, — the rector said to them.

When she saw my curious gaze directed at them, she explained that they were the guards of the academy. They are needed in case of an unforeseen threat, or if some curious person wants to get in here.

— Can’t magic create something like a protective shell around the academy? — I asked the witch.

— You can, but it’s too energy-consuming. After all, this shell will periodically need to be filled with energy, and then magicians will be out of work. Some adherents get a job here after training, while others just go to work with people. All the employees of the academy were also once adepts and studied at magical institutions.

We walked slowly, so I had time to look around a little. There was masonry underfoot, neatly trimmed bushes on both sides, behind which flowers and trees grew. There was a two – level fountain in front of us, a green carpet on both sides of it, on which there were several gazebos, and a little further away — a large oak tree. The territory was really huge. Ahead, as Sabina told me, was the main building with four floors. On the ground floor there was a recreation room, a ballroom, a dining room and a library. It turns out that ballroom festivities were also held here: autumn (after admission) and winter (pre-Christmas). On the second floor there are classrooms, master’s offices (yes, they are not called professors, like people, but masters), the dean’s office and the rector’s office. The third floor was completely given over to the gym, and on the fourth floor were the bedrooms of the masters — those who had a long way to go home and, accordingly, it was too energy-consuming to use magic for portal movement literally every day.

The center was connected by two more buildings on both sides: on the left was a three – story women’s dormitory paved with gray masonry. There was also a commandant in it, who is responsible for moving in, eviction and all household issues. On the right is a men’s dormitory made of dark bricks. Also on three floors and also with his commandant.

Exams, as I learned, will take place in several classrooms, but the training itself will last not three or four years, as in an ordinary human educational institution, but as many as six years! The first course is general educational, followed by exams on the material passed. The second year — after the distribution of faculties, a training program was assigned according to a certain faculty, of which, by the way, there were several: combat, necromancy, healing, alchemy and artefactorics. The Faculty of Combat trains warriors, the Faculty of necromancy trains magicians who understand evil spirits and dark magic, healing — healers and herbalists, alchemy — researchers, and artefactorics — diligent magicians who understand artifacts and create them. At the end of each course, the adherents leave for a month with their supervisor for field practice, during which they are given a “credit” or “non-credit” for the use of learned materials in living conditions. And so it continues until the fourth year. Already in the fourth year, an exam is taken, and then each adept is obliged to choose a direction of higher human education, studies for two more years, passes the appropriate exams, and that’s it — the end of student life.

— Won’t they suspect me that I’m not getting old? — I asked, a little nervous.

— No, you don’t have to worry about that. Magicians age slowly.

We entered the building, and I saw a bright, wide corridor with a stone spiral staircase ahead, due to the three-leaf windows that continue each other. The vaults of the building were decorated with bright decorative paintings, smooth marble floors and brick walls with mounted lamps. After going up to the second floor, we turned left and stopped at the door number 401.

— There will be an exam for the “new generation” here, — Sabina said. — It will be conducted by the teacher of the history of magic, Master Valerie Tulle, and the members of the commission, including me.

When I entered the office, I found that half of the desks were already occupied. The office, by the way, was also bright. Transparent curtains hung on the windows, various paintings decorated the walls, and right in front of the desks was a platform on which stood a long table. There were three women at the table, including the rector, and one middle-aged man. Apart from Sabina, they’re all dark-haired, as a matter of fact. Nothing remarkable. Sitting at a desk in the last row, I pricked up my ears and listened to what was being discussed by those around me, perhaps future adepts:

— God, I’m so worried…

— It’s so cool! Magic really exists. Have you ever imagined that we would become real magicians?

— I’ve heard that high – born magicians study here. And there are rumors that because their parents pay a lot of money, they live in their apartments.

Well, it makes sense — good conditions cost a lot of money. If the average tuition in the United States costs a maximum of eighty thousand dollars, then their parents probably pay at least two hundred thousand a year.

A tall, blue-eyed woman wearing a long-sleeved white shirt tucked into a medium-length black pencil skirt entered the office. Her blonde hair was tied in a tight bun, but a few strands still escaped, giving her a slight carelessness. She approached the members of the commission, clearly tapping her heels on the laminate, and asked:

— Shall we start? — they nodded in agreement, after which the woman turned to us: — My name is Magister Valerie Tulle, but you can just address me as Magister Valerie if you manage to stay.

How reassuring, the tension in the room was immediately felt. She clapped her hands and clean parchments with quills and an inkwell appeared on our desks. Curiously, instead of white sheets there is cream – tinted thick, instead of ballpoint pens there are quills with an inkwell. It was like I was in the 19th century.

Meanwhile, the woman continued:

— The first exam is mathematical calculations, the second exam is a test of your spelling and punctuation, and the last exam is a test of your magical potential. You are given 45 minutes for each exam. There should be no strikethrough marks or ink drops on the sheets. Any questions?

— Excuse me, — the girl with the quiet voice sitting in front of me raised her hand. — Why can’t write with ballpoint pens?

— Because this is an Academy of Magic, which honors traditions. And not a human educational institution, — the master replied sternly. — So, the time has passed.

After her words, seven equations of various difficulties appeared on the board behind the commission, which we had to solve within the given time. As soon as she turned over the hourglass, everyone started the task.

I won’t hide it, I solved these equations in half an hour, and as soon as I finished, the parchment disappeared from my desk and appeared, as I managed to notice, looking towards the commission, on their table. When the last grain of sand fell, everyone had a new blank parchment to replace the old one.

— Now I will dictate to you one of the works of William Blake, and you will need to write it down in a line, — this time, the magister did not turn over the hourglass (apparently this part of the exam won’t be for a while), she just started dictating monotonously:

“I was angry with my friend —

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe —

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears:

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.

Till it bore an apple bright.

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veild the pole;

In the morning glad I see;

My foe outstretched beneath the tree”.

If I hadn’t been so focused, I would have fallen asleep for sure. I can’t even imagine listening to her lectures if I pass the entrance exams. As soon as we finished writing, the parchments disappeared from our desks, as they had the previous time. Only now, the quills and inkwells have disappeared after him.

— Well, young magicians, — said the man who sat with the commission. — Two exams have been passed. Now I suggest we take a fifteen-minute break, and then we’ll continue.

— I want to remind you, — Magister Valerie addressed us after the man sat back down in his seat. — That the next and last exam is a test of your magical potential, so after the break, we enter the office in turn at my invitation.

During the break, I decided to go down to the break room. I don’t think anyone is there right now. The weather is sunny, despite the beginning of the autumn season, for sure many people will want to soak up the sun.

“I just can’t believe that all this is happening to me. Who would have thought that the magic of witches would appear in me? I was already strong, and I have even more strength… I wanted a free life, but I got even more responsibility,” — I thought.

I did not notice how I went down to the first floor for my thoughts. So, where do I go now? I decided to go right first, and I did not lose. I immediately came across massive, fully glazed, double-leaf doors with the inscription: “Recreation room”.

After opening the door, I froze for a while: the room was slightly darkened due to the lack of windows, the room was illuminated by hanging lamps in the loft style. The walls on the right and left were made of red brick, with paintings hanging on the plastered wall between them. There were several ottoman chairs on either side of me. Two sofas made of soft red upholstery stood at the end of the room, and next to them were coffee tables.

Stepping onto the laminate floor, I noticed that a group of young people, consisting of two girls and three guys, drew attention to me.

— Get out of here, you poor, — a guy with curly, tousled chestnut – colored hair addressed me. His quite handsome face was distorted by a grimace of disgust. Now it’s clear who their “boss” is.

I decided to ignore this minor misunderstanding and sat down on one of the ottomans in the corner. I closed my eyes and was about to relax, but “curly”, as I called him to myself, apparently was not used to ignoring his person:

— Hey, are you deaf or something?


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