Orange vs Brown

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Chapter 1

Why Nazism and fascism?

Nazism is the most understandable and convenient defense. Hundreds of thousands of people find themselves in the unfriendly environment of modern megacities where no one needs them. Therefore, they are forced to unite, even conditionally disliking and despising each other. And who loves whom in a modern city? Citizens poisoned by consumer psychology live in a modern city. These citizens compete for a prestigious place, for profit, and for money. They don’t need anyone. They get married for image, have children for appearance, and often get divorced; they don’t need anyone. The urban environment itself is a factory of egoists. In fact, the psychology of urban loners harmonizes with the liberal canons of freedom. While people do not know what freedom is. All previous theories taught that freedom is independence from tsars, feudal lords, imperialists, occupiers, etc. The enemies of freedom came and took away products, then minerals, and forced them to speak the occupiers’ language. But at first, the monarchy and its vassals did not recognize ordinary people as people. That’s what freedom is; that’s what it was when there were no monarchs and occupiers.

In fact, freedom is not stereotypical freedom imposed by old American stencils. Freedom is not at all what millions of dummies buying a company are babbling about.

In fact, freedom is when you don’t have a family and children. That’s what true absolute freedom is! Yes, absolute solitude is freedom.

Everyone thinks freedom begins with overthrowing the monarchy, just as the ancient Greeks thought when they overthrew the tyrant. In Europe, monarchs have been overthrown on the “Greek” principle. Now, on the periphery, too, imitating the experience of all revolutionaries, they overthrow some dictator. After that, when they overthrow, these fools do not feel freedom for some reason. At first, there was absolute anarchy. History recorded mass pogroms, chaos, as well as a civil war between everyone, festivities, theft, and total corruption, even worse than during the reign of the tyrant and his vassals. Then, a new dictator came. Everyone forgot, and why then overthrow the old dictator? But freedom remained!

Let’s look in order.

Hungry peasants from large traditional families fled to the cities. We’ve already said that. They always remembered where they had escaped from because not much time had passed since their escape, even if they took dirty work: they were hired at the bazaar as porters, were domestic servants, and even engaged in prostitution all their lives. Nothing has changed so far. Until now, people are fleeing from destroyed villages, backward farms, auls. Today, migrants find themselves in the same situation; only modern migrants are not so dirty, they are well-dressed, and the streets of cities are not so scary; on the contrary, these streets are beautiful and bright. They also want to live beautifully. So much worse for migrants.

In the same way, all future Nazis of fascist Germany wanted to live beautifully. Everyone who escapes to cities hates cities and arrogant citizens in the first place. All the townspeople do not behave quite like the really common people. To make the base of Nazism clear, it seems to all migrants that not only do they live in the city not like in the village, but they also speak not like on a farm. If “strangers” not only “live not according to conscience” and speak another language, but also people of another ethnicity and another religion, then woe to “strangers”. The separation of the hostile core occurs sequentially. Migrants need an enemy to calm themselves down. The fact of widespread migration is not enough to understand the nature of Nazism. The basis of fascism is in monoculture, ancestral religion, in the search for relatives, that is, in kindred feelings and blood. The most important thing that distinguishes all traditional peoples is stratification and hierarchy. An army of migrants invades cities, sees a semi-feudal city laid out on shelves and professions, looks at each other, and finds a universal weapon against all citizens. Religion and culture recede into the background for the army of the future of Nazism. They are all squeezed by their status. That’s why they start talking more than shouting. Whoever does not speak like them is their enemy.

(If millions of peasants had not fled to the cities during collectivization, Stalin would not have been able to organize his Moscow trials. The radicalism of the class struggle persisted in Bolshevism. Stalin pointed his finger at the elite, the red intelligentsia, and the generals, who were doomed. But how so? You may ask, where is the innate peasant nationalism here? After all, all the peasants who run away from the village, and today all the provincials, are innate nationalists. Yes, it is. But Bolshevism violated the old hierarchy, exterminated and expelled the nobility — the objects of hatred. Therefore, the provincials could meet the same former peasants in Soviet cities. These fresh townspeople still went home to the village to visit. They spoke the same language and wore almost the same poor clothes. Only the red bosses stood out against this background. All those destroyed by Stalin were cultured and literate. Pol Pot also used hatred of “scientists” in Kampuchea. All traditional peoples are brought up in a hierarchy. Therefore, any coup among such people will accompany mass violence when changing roles. In addition, without influencing the mood of migrant peasants in the form of Marxism, as happened in Russia, Nazism is inevitable. Nazism is a natural evolution of suffering and grief, not necessarily material. The peasant mass meets hostile people, not relatives at all. The strangers would have been beaten if such a meeting had occurred in a village or a village. Nazism, the so-called fascism, is the beating of strangers in the city.

The fascist leaders knew their people well because all these leaders themselves were evil, ambitious provincials. However, all bright Nazis are evil, ambitious provincials. The paternal cultural core, the father — leader, the elder brothers, and the people of their farm are closer, and it turns among related provincials into slogans uber ales — your people and your nation are the best. Your mom is the best, and your dad is the best, but it turns into a superiority over other Untermensch. This old tribal slogan seems childish to us today. But don’t we consider primitive people such as cute savages from distant centuries? In fact, the childish, virgin world, recycled and turned into a Nazi one, works well and inspires. If you repeat and drum superiority into young people for several years, a whole army of aggressive young people appears.


For a new Führer to appear, broad migration and cities populated by “outsiders” are needed to remove migrant complexes.

But all over again.

For a Nazi to appear, he must see a liberal.

And a real liberal has no relatives and horses. Liberals and Democrats can be only those who do not remember the names of their great-grandfathers, who have no connection with their small homeland for at least one generation, as well as all sorts of different bachelors and other old maidens. Bachelors and spinsters are the highest standards according to the liberal canons of freedom because they don’t owe anyone; they have no family and no children.

Chapter 2

Old fascism and hybrid fascism

Despite the presence of a charismatic leader, fascism means a collective dictatorship. Like Roman Caesar, such a leader appeals to every member of the Reich. The fate of the nation depends on everyone! Instead of representatives of noble families, the state bureaucracy rules in the Reich. The parties of the Roman dictators — Sulla, Maria, Caesar, and even the rebel Katelina could quickly call themselves fascist. But after modern, the ancient aristocracy degraded and withdrew from the scene (although the European aristocrats who survived are still credited with a secret {suggestion} influence on modern politics). Ideological statesmen patriots replaced the arrogant aristocracy, originating from the urban lower classes, and their leaders were born in the province (As the son of provincial teacher Benito Mussolini).

It could not be otherwise. The market degradation of morals and morals causes rejection and disgust, especially among the province’s inhabitants. It was in the province that the leaders of nationalism could be born. The process of maturing nationalism will manifest among the former peasants, even if they managed to be citizens for a while. It is dissatisfaction with humiliation and the so-called human rights rooted even in the province because the traditional people (Zerefs) perceive everything at face value. At the same time, all the townspeople have long learned to lie totally, giving rise to fascism. In this sense, fascism owes post-modernism for its total lies. Market competition has left no place for moral truth because an honest path is always a long way to success (while a lie shows a universal rejection, in fact, not of truth, but of tradition: truth is only a part, albeit the main, of traditional morality). Fascism could not but lead to the total lie of civilized citizens and added provincial aggression to the lie because it is the peasants, embittered by crop failure and need, who are extremely aggressive; it is in the peasant nature that aggression is always present. Lies and aggression combined, then turn into the ideology of superiority among the fascists. It is the peasants who are the suppliers of unnatural superiority. This super artificial superiority always lies in the almost childish protest of all the lower classes; otherwise, these inside-out complexes cannot be called. To see fascism, you must first see a strange, poorly dressed, and therefore sullen crowd. Does this crowd remind you of someone? If you have poor relatives, you will find out they are ashamed of their irreverence among all the other guests invited to the wedding. All the provincial Zerefs resemble these most humiliated, killed by their complexes under the oblique glances of relatives. All the provincials also hate the townspeople, considering them too cultured parasites. Currently, in crisis, every ruler must do something to occupy this gloomy crowd, and of course, war is the best means of distracting the provincials.

To see the evolution of fascist affairs and fascist history, you must understand that the modern crowd will not be pushed into the world of slaughter, just like in the 20th century. However, the traditionally large number of European rural families gave the rulers a whole army of soldiers. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Europe was sick of nationalism. However, the proletarians also appeared together with their ideologue, Karl Marx. The workers’ internationalism could not oppose anything to petty-bourgeois nationalism or ignorant and aggressive peasants who had been looking for the guilty all their medieval history. We have already heard about the unfortunate women sentenced to death by the mob for crop failures. The merchants and bureaucrats of the government learned how to manage popular aggression and did not suspect they were managing the traditions or habits of all the Zerefs. Why is fascism aggressive? We also told you about it. He would never have been so aggressive if he had not fed on the primeval juices of humanity. Although, simultaneously, the militarization of provincial complexes and the anger of the provincials, propagandists emphasized that this was a battle in the state’s interests.

I apologize for such a long introduction. For fascism, one crisis is not enough; an army of complex provincials is needed. Traditional nations with many children could afford such an army of soldiers. (Modern Europe is completely unsuitable for the old fascism of the 20th century because Europeans have almost no children; migrants give birth to them. These people have known private property and consumption for many generations and have been living in a world of illusions for a long time like drug addicts: they think the bread rolls grow on trees, and sausage itself crawls into the supermarket window. The world of Europe is a world of potential drug addicts. Only the most marginalized people use drugs in Europe; in fact, the whole of Europe is ready for illusions — the slightest worries cause stress in Europeans. Living in comfort and abundance has created requests and needless family psychologists. When the propagandists showed Europeans the scam in Bucha, they fell into a trance. Like children, Europeans were ready to receive vaccines several times a year. Teenagers cry when they are shown violence on screens. The modern new fascism is well aware of this)

So. The old fascism is refracting provincial mass complexes into nationalist aggression. If the population is sufficiently urbanized, there are few children in families; in this case, the old fascism is impossible. The old fascism had no people to assemble an army to attack. For the old fascism, the mere presence of an army of unemployed is not enough. The old fascism needed a crowd of humiliated intellectuals to simulate national superiority. It is the national intelligentsia that invents the myth of superiority. Complexed provincials are now languishing from complexes and are ready to beat anyone. Humiliated by poverty, the Remids indicate to the Zerefs the direction in which direction to run to punish inferior peoples. Fascism needs a great history of the people to have words for its anthem and bricks for its big building.

There is hybrid fascism.

When there is a crowd of unemployed provincials, there is a crowd of calculating intellectuals, and there are market temptations, pictures of the beautiful life of oligarchs and corrupt officials, and at the same time, there is no great story. Only in the mode of total surrounding lies of post-modernity, when there is no time for truth and tradition, when noble and honest people cause laughter, as the righteous would cause ridicule among the inhabitants of Sodom and Gamorra, a hybrid option is possible. It is still a traditional society, radicalized quickly by the state’s and the elite’s moral decay. These are not savages from the islands and not naive Indians of the time of Columbus; these are people who were totally literate after modernization. After modernization, people understand everything. They are educated. All the events taking place are evaluated well. They consciously choose the side of lies and consciously lie because of market competition to reach the finish line — to success, to wealth among winners. But the temptations are before their eyes! Life inspires them that everything around them is a lottery. Everyone is not lucky. (In Europe, aggressive National Socialism originated in a Protestant environment. Catholic Italy remained within its territory. A strong tradition behaves differently when colliding with the market. Any fundamental tradition does not welcome lies. Conservative circles and the aristocracy rejected barbarism. If there is no aristocracy but a village tradition, the Maidan cannot be avoided in this case. Russian Orthodoxy does not welcome happiness falling on its head through a lottery of luck. Therefore, exclusively liberal bohemians, oligarchs, artists, singers, and showmen in Russia fell ill with pacifism almost instantly, like European parliamentarians. Show business persons in Russia portrayed that they were also used to luxury and, as Europeans, had never seen violence in their lives. Although these people are all provincial, they did not want to lose their money because of sanctions; that is, they are ordinary hypocrites)

Chapter 3

Different fascisms and different communisms

Fascism as a system emerged in the first quarter of the 20th century. The history of communism and its principles are more ancient. Even European scientific communism is a hundred years older than fascism in the sense of involving the ruling regime of the masses of the petty bourgeoisie in its goals.

Fascism differs from previous empires in patriotism. The regime maintains the inferiority complex of the petty bourgeoisie under the old fascism and turns into a means, into a battering ram, to the imperial seizures. It is inconceivable that any aristocracy would seek an alliance with the lower classes, with the rabble. Fascism pushed aside the internal caste hierarchy and moved it outside — to external aggression because people from the beginning of human history wanted to organize and dominate (since the time of monkeys to show superiority).

The old fascism, aka fascism of the 20th century, is organized nationalism (there was no nationalism before that). So fascism is organized nationalism. Ethnically, there have been skirmishes at all times, but only an organized market has simultaneously organized ethnic groups that have now become nations — armies against other nations and subhumans.

It so happened that the old fascism was formed later than the official Russian communism.

Russian Revolution of 1917. The Russian world did not have enough development, capitalism, or organization. Russian peasants lived in the village as a community. But there was no cult of money in Russian culture. From this, the bourgeois nation was replaced by a new Russian community. The Russian nobility did not see the need to organize the bourgeoisie on the principles of superiority. For them, the feudal hierarchy was enough. The Russian bourgeoisie did not have the power and influence that bankers and stockbrokers had in Europe. Due to a lack of money (and the power of money over people’s minds), Russian capitalism organized itself into a proletarian dictatorship at the first crisis. Thus, Marxism helped the Russian elite embody the patriarchal hierarchy as innate, inherent in humanity, into the dictatorship of the workers.

There is such a difference between fascism and communism in the 20th century. The fascist elite rallied the nation, realized the idea of superiority, and deployed the bourgeoisie outside. The communist elite in Moscow transformed the Russian community into a dictatorship of the proletarian lower classes over any aristocracy, that is, inside the community.

The Russian elite would not have enough bourgeois contagion and energy to push its plebs to conquer the world. However, Karl Marx’s scientific communism helped preserve the Russian Empire (afterward, under the name of the USSR). Greed is the main feeling that allowed Europe to abandon Marxism — communism: most Europeans have fled from their villages and forgotten the community and kinship. Greed is a feeling familiar to every trader in general. In the traditional world, the opposite, money did not have that power and authority; therefore, socialism was the only way to develop conventional people in the 20th century.

In the 20th century, the world was divided into two camps — NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Many Third World countries had not yet joined them. In these countries, banks had no power, and no elite for Marxism was formed; that is, tradition was more substantial than money and passion. Former peasants could not contradict their feudal lords. In any case, any top management of the Third World learned in one direction or another or pretended because the world was coming together technologically. The socialist system was closer to traditional peoples, but at the same time, the local elite did not want to give everything to the people. This is how hybrid regimes of the “third way” turned out — in the form of a combination of the market, which inevitably led to the power of local bankers and regular coups of black colonels against them as it was in Latin America, or as it was happening in the Middle East and North Africa where Arab officers all the time proclaimed the “people’s system”. These countries lacked Zeremids, like in Russia, to create a planned economy or Refags men to create a coherent banking system and abandon traditional culture and communism.

In this form, the whole world has crawled into the 21st century.

Due to globalization and the dominance of money, a new fascism began to raise its head. But this fascism is completely non-national, as fascism was in the 20th century. This fascism of the global bank, that is, non-national. There was a subordination of all countries and governments to a single currency, where national banks, so their governments turned out to be branches of the World Bank. All the world’s countries turned out to be vassals of the world government. De jure, they are independent and with “human rights.” De facto, any country whose leader does not obey the world plan falls under sanctions. At first, the most perfect outcasts like Cuba, North Korea, and Iran fell under sanctions in the form of a test of strength and influence. Now Russia falls under Western sanctions; its government behaved like an arrogant Third World elite in the 20th century.

In the 20th century, communism beat fascism.

But what kind of communism was it?

It was rural communism because of the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat. The proletariat is the former peasants disguised in working clothes. With the help of a new discipline and dictatorship, the Soviet government redirected the rebellious energy of the people into creation. But first, it allowed the killing of the old feudal, then the new revolutionary Lenin’s guard elite. This is the same fascist chthonic energy as that of the European petty bourgeoisie. But this energy is directed at the internal extermination of castes and competitors. The old fascist idea unites all lovers and owners of money and directs it against “strangers”; rural communism conversely unites the crowd against “parasites,” and all people with character and snobbery fall under the name of parasites.

The elite of rural communism used the Zerefs for their power, the dictatorship of the party nomenclature. The result was a system of official communism as a counterweight to rising fascism. In fact, the peak of rural fascism and the peak of rural communism fell at the peak of world party building — party against party. The system gathered former peasants in both detachments. Therefore, not only the old communism but also the fascism of the 20th century is also rural. In the 20th century, rural communism opposed rural fascism and even defeated it in 1945. But rural communism evolutionarily fell by itself in 1991, together with the USSR. The fall of the USSR was a warning to other “rural” Third World countries: “You’ll end up like us, too, if you go our way.” Objectively, the barbarians finished Ancient Rome with its culture, organization, and military machine. The leading elite of the Soviet nomenclature was barbaric, that is, peasants, and they weren’t building socialism. They didn’t know what they were building. However, the plan elements, mass organization, and discipline initially worked wonders. All barbarians copy the best organization. The Soviet barbaric elite objectively returned to the path of world evolution, from which it turned in 1917, thereby proving that any fascism lacks just a culture of money and its carriers — Zeremids and Refags. Only 30 years have passed, and modern Russia has received the population necessary for rural fascism.

What is the difference between rural fascism and rural communism in general?

Replacing any hierarchy (by nobility under the tsar, by position under the Soviets) with a culture of money. Since the maturation of the generation of money and private property, when the rootless townspeople become an organized force (with the help of patriotic slogans), rural fascism evolutionarily matures from this moment — whether you want it or not. Let no one be confused by the accompaniment of rural fascism by the townspeople. Citizens quickly mastered competition, cynicism, and hatred. Accompanying the old fascism with a rural definition is necessary for understanding — the mass of the former traditional population, the rural Zerefs created communism and fascism of the 20th century.

But if there is a world fascism of financiers, why is there no world civil communism?

The past rural communism is no good. It defeated the rural national fascism of Germany and Japan in 1945, but it disappeared with the USSR.

Being just an offshoot of the world fascism of bankers, rural fascism at first glance seems weak and unable to resist the united world of money, world fascism. Every leader, every official, and every person who recognizes money as the main value and meaning of life will lose in advance. We need another global idea to form a new discipline and organization. Another value system is very much in solidarity with the conservative values preached by all the traditional communities of the world. All past stereotypes are dismissed as outdated and interfering to see the new global fascism of financiers.

Chapter 4

In the field, the beetle is meat (proverb)

World fascism has chosen its victim now. It’s done it before. It imposed sanctions on Cuba, North Korea, and Iran because the main weapon of the Democrats is not weapons but demagoguery. World fascism has long shown that it has no physical body. World fascism has the largest proxy army, in other words, mercenaries. World fascism begins inside every person and his particle, the beginning of which is called interest or greed. If world fascism suspects a likely rebuff, it sends mercenaries but never regular troops. World fascism sends regular troops to suppress a small state only with total superiority; in other cases, only mercenaries are used. It is the weakness of world fascism — it hasn’t a body. World fascism has a lot of talkative people, demagogues, populists, cynics, and egoists — a lot of mouths that won’t close. But none of these egoists and cynics will take risks, almost as much as the system of world fascism itself. Only with a 100% guarantee that no one will attack a patriot’s plane flying to Taiwan. But the patriot or his family will receive billions of covert profits. No one will ever know why he took such a risk. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel about whom few people have learned so far. But any Refag can put the world on the brink of a world war because of money. This is the obvious madness of an old woman, and a woman’s desire to have a lot of money surpasses the same male passion.

Refags govern world fascism — people of high and extremely mercantile reflection. Isn’t it strange?

Any fascism is based on the ideology of superiority. The most obvious example of fascism in the face of German Nazism chose the German nation and race. However, racists and chauvinists were present in the arena of history long before Hitler. Any colonial seizures were justified by the superiority of the white race, for example. Racists and chauvinists exist everywhere and now. These are all not organized forms of the same phenomenon — dominance on a certain basis. Not every government will take the supremacy of the white race or the nation as the state ideology. But it was the old fascists of the 20th century who did it because they relied on German and Italian fascists on Latin roots. So, the stereotype of old fascism appeared. Fascists are supposedly conservatives based on the history of the soil — radical conservatives. The whole point is that the new fascists beat the old fascists with human rights, freedom, and democracy. The new fascists enroll all conservatives in fascist detachments. Thus, all traditional peoples, and in general all peoples who show at least some independence and independence from the World Bank, fall into the fascist detachments. All socialists with conservative roots, even “old” communists from Russia, for example, also fall under fascists it’s true, they were left-wing fascist statists); liberals, as you know, do not make a difference between fascism and communism; for them, fascism and communism have one totalitarian face.


A totalitarian face. That is, it’s a new, solid organization. National boundaries limit the old fascism here — this is the limit of the old fascism. The new liberal fascism relies on the world banking system, to which all national governments are subject, including all governments that are potentially ripe for using any feature, the same old one, to highlight their internal hierarchy. National elites who have matured to distinguish themselves, as well as their nation, system, or any sign against the rest of the background, obey or are forced to obey the world banking system; like all currency exchange offices, they turn into simple exchange offices. It is enough to replace the most obvious obstacles like executive bank clerks, and here it is! — a new totalitarian model of the world. At the same time, the old fascists are just dwarfed by their signs of some kind of elitism. Naturally, there are dissenters. National elites protested internally against the vassalage or dictatorship of the World Bank. There are tensions within the currency gears of world trade. The trade is going on, but the conflict between the elites, the old and the new fascism, does not stop for a second at this very time. World fascism demonstrates the complete or total organization of world trade but with a creak. New financial speculations are currently slowing down. The creation of a world hierarchical system is currently slowing down. National elites resist the creation of this hierarchy as much as they can. Any conservative model, any nation stuck in the current evolution of humanity in its tradition, has little chance of survival in this struggle if its elites turn into puppets. Therefore, the whole conservative world, which would have followed the path of old fascism or old communism, had there not been a ready — made hierarchy of world financiers, the World Bank, on the evolutionary path, in search of an alternative — in the name of guaranteeing survival resists as can.

Who is resisting? And who gives hope?

Strong states and governments based on the base of soil and a great history of culture, with economic potential for resistance — the former states of the old “rural” communism — China and Russia. The whole conservative world feels this and agrees. The old communism created the lift and superiority of the peasant elite with the help of the total organization of the state. The most important thing here is a ready — made organization. The old totalitarianism created not only elites with a sign of communist superiority — the nomenklatura party hierarchy but also the people — the army. Old communism perfectly organized the people through the idea of the state — community. Of course, the virus of democracy deprived the elite of Russia of total popular support, and Russia followed the path of another consolidation of the community — by imperial statism (old fascism). In any case, the idea and the organization are important. People should see the prospects of both victory and defeat. The whole world also sees these prospects. The new fascism attacks the weakest in the resistance unit. The whole question rests on the ability of the old model of a total organization to resist the new model, the whole strength of which is not even in the global banking system but in the single currency. Organization and consolidation based on the ideas of the 20th century against the world currency of modernity — this is the main confrontation. Although millions of people of the 21st century do not like any total organization, they want freedom and rights — to live and enjoy. This is a kind of the fifth column in any state. It is deduced by all previous human evolution and previous history it is impossible to avoid this evolution. These hundreds of millions are unconsciously drawn to democracy and freedoms as they use exchange offices for their needs. The global case of the virus has taught us nothing. As I have already said, the new world fascism has only money, but there is no army because there is no sign of superiority like the old fascism (in any case, no one sees this sign but feels if you have money, you are God). These feelings penetrate every “democrat” in any place and create everywhere the new army of a new fascism.

Chapter 5

How the old and new fascisms differ

If the new fascism does not have a body, then at least it has lovers of money, the very people whom it is accepted in world science to call the bourgeoisie. How is it that the new fascism does not have a body? Readers will be outraged — after all, there are its leaders, there is a world government, and they direct the fifth column in each national state against their local government. These Democrats are the hands holding the posters and the feet standing on the square in all countries, but not the brains of this world government. Global oligarchs like Soros are the brains and planners of these protest actions but not the liquid brains of these Maidan activists are main.

As you can see, the head and body of the new fascism are in different places. Since the head and body of the new fascism are in different places, world fascism, as I have already said, does not have a body. But there is a general liberal spirit. Many people become the hands and feet of the world government. These are young Refags faced with a market civilization in the first generation. But young people can become just fanatics of democracy because they haven’t seen anything else and don’t know much. All philistines become Refags, that is, people who have not mastered the principles. Various fallen marginals were picked up in the trash or on a social network. Even intellectuals turn into liberal intellectuals because educated people have special ambitions, and these ambitions are especially aggravated in poverty when there is no work and realization in their society.

In general, each of the Refags understands personal interests under democracy. In the market, all relationships are based on personal interest. Therefore, the Refags are the legs, arms, and mouths of world fascism -they shout on a specific square, but the brain of world fascism itself is in another place, very far from the Maidan or even military operations. The world government aims to infect the whole people with liberal values so that the whole people will turn into an “army of freedom” and go to war for these ideals. To turn the people into the troops of world fascism is simply the ideal for a world government. Then, everyone sees the body of the world government. The spirit of hell is when the world government needs anybody to inhabit it. This body will be negligibly small and frail next to the spirit of the universal devil. This spirit is of incredible size, and it lives in everyone. But it can’t manifest. It is impossible to infect all peoples with democracy because every nation has a culture, a tradition, and a great history. Even one nation is enough, and world fascism immediately gets its business, its legs, hands, and mouths, which voice the interests of the world government on the air under the guise of protecting national interests: under the guise of protecting freedom and independence -those memes, those stereotypes that are understandable even to those not infected with Soros’ money. The young bourgeoisie, who recently escaped poverty, got a little rich, fallen, marginal, ambitious intellectuals who willingly supported these slogans. These slogans allow them to eat deliciously, live beautifully, and finally feel like human beings. There is no need to work in a factory (if there are still factories), drag carts in the markets, wash floors and dishes in a restaurant, or even beg on the street. Standing on the square and holding small children in your arms is enough. Market values and just money divide all nations and every society into atoms.

Take, for example, the Armenians, a well-known ethnic group in the Caucasus and around the world with their ancient culture. Armenian Democrats are standing on Yerevan Square today. Together with their colleagues in the shop, they shout about Russian fascism. Together with the children, they chant that the Russian president is a “dickhead” and an enemy of world freedom and democracy (including Armenian, of course). Where is the national memory of the centuries-old protection of Armenians from the genocide? Where are the culture and basic decency here? Are there any such words at all in the market? These Armenians shouting in the square don’t really care about all Armenians. They think about themselves and how much they will earn on these shares against Russia. Then they will go to Europe or relax at world resorts. I said from the very beginning: the spirit of cynicism, hypocrisy, cunning, and double standards among the Refags is high. Like all traders on all world exchanges, markets, and flea markets, the Refags will be cunning and hypocritical for the people to buy their goods on their shelves in the market row. It is business, just business. World fascism saddled not only governments through the world banking system but also put an invisible yoke on all visitors to these banks. Do you like money? Do you want to live decently? Freedom, democracy, love for the people, and patriotism are also business. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a place in the shopping aisles, but everyone can sell their goods. The world government frees any patriot businessman from true love and patriotism, no matter if he is already an oligarch or just a Maidan activist starting his scam. These loud people, mouths, legs, and hands of the young bourgeoisie are the body of world fascism.

We figured it out.

The new fascism is similar to the old fascism despite the differences. The new fascism, like the old one, governs the bourgeoisie: the old fascism gathers complexes from the bourgeoisie and turns complexes into the principle of superiority; that is, it gathers the bourgeoisie in one place and gives strength to its complexes at the level of the national state. Only the organization and management of complexes at the state level strengthen the old fascism. Without the support of officials, fascism cannot gather into detachments. There are a lot of angry, irritated, and dissatisfied people on the market, but this anger still needs to be collected in one place. Gathering these people is difficult and almost impossible without money and financial support. Only support from the outside can turn inferiority complexes into radical superiority; it’s like dressing the hungry and weak, feeding them, and giving them a drink. If people who are dressed well and drunk are released into the street, they will beat everyone different from them, with their heads held high, adding:

“I’m superior to you! I am above all of you!” We are above all! —

That’s all these old fascists want to report. And before, they tried to hide their failures. That’s how the mass complex of marginals turns into a weapon of old fascism.

And how is the new fascism doing in this sense? NF has exactly the same situation. It gathers similar people and calls them volunteers. In terms of hypocrisy and pharisaism, NF will give OF a head start. There are not so many dissatisfied people on the streets of the 21st century, and there is not much irritation. After all, technological progress has smoothed out the contradictions of wealth and poverty, not to hurt the feelings of beggars and caste differences. Social castes receded into the background (this deprived the old communism of influence simply because workers in dirty clothes stopped appearing on the street). There are a lot of Hollywood artificial smiles, democracy, and tolerance in the modern world. Nothing is visible at all. Spiritual and physical genocide is obscured by various shows and news programs (even though all the media are subordinate to the world fascists and they designate themselves as liberal TV). These are absolutely not bloody Nazi concentration camps from the 20th century, and they are almost fashionable hotels and multi-story holiday homes of the 21st century at the same time. But behind such an attractive showcase, behind the shiny and kind packaging, there is absolutely no good content, only wormy stuffing. There is nothing so disgusting at the vaccination points — everything is clean and disinfected. Caring volunteers in white coats meet those wishing to receive the vaccine. After receiving the vaccine, all patients receive certificates. What is not humane here? NF doesn’t have a body as there is nobody in the desire of a street thief. Does desire have a body? Yes, doing has the body of a street thief. But no one sees the theft until they find it missing. Similarly, few people see a catch in vaccination points. It is required to detect a “loss” to detect the effects of injections; therefore, the NF does not seem to have a body, but a crowd of activists are shouting and fighting with the police in the name of democracy and freedom. What kind of freedom? Freedom for whom? It takes time to detect this Maidan scam. Therefore, the NF does not have a body visible again. Why can’t the NF have a body visible? Is it

so hypocritical? World Government says one thing, but thinks about the results that are detected as theft over time? Yes, that’s right. Unlike all traders in the trading rows, the NF has no sign of superiority. Therefore, NF is hypocritical and prostrates in front of a crowd of potential buyers. Therefore, the NF is dressed in white robes and greets all patients with a smile.

The old fascism directly declared “Deutsche uber alles” and all the “old” fascists on the escalator of evolution are doing the same now. The new fascism will never directly declare that it’s superior. The NF will hide until the end that it sells low-quality goods. What gives poison? That it wants to poison. But first, it wishes to get money from the victim. Although the old and new fascism gathers its detachments from the bourgeoisie (from the Refags), the old fascism draws strength from the patriarchal hierarchy because all traditional peoples had an elite, people with innate privileges. The new fascism has no such people, no culture of superiority.

All traders come from the bottom. The new fascism consists of the very rich, the richest people on the planet. But these people have no roots; they have lost touch with their historical homeland. In this case, no state can turn disparate complexes and organize feelings of inferiority into the physical force of old fascism. Where did the new fascists get the desire to be superior? They also want to dominate. They also want to dominate -to rule the world no more, no less they need the whole world. By the way, the old fascism had the same world ambitions. But it relied on the superiority of the nation. The new fascism has untold reserves of money. Money, a lot of money, has never played a role in the traditional world. Therefore, the new and old fascisms collided in a world battle. While the ethnic strength of the Russian people is being tested against the global financial mafia, it all depends on how the elite of Russia organizes its young Refags against world Refags with centuries of trading speculation experience. Only after establishing a hierarchy based on the financial reserves of the elite the new fascism approaches the most traditional-imperial and red China.

Chapter 6

The principles of the dominance of the new fascism

“… and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow, and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you” (Deuteronomy 15:6).

If, for the old classical fascism, the principle of domination is an ethos, a nation, Nazism, then why do we not immediately see similar claims in the new fascism?

On the contrary, the NF willingly supports the manifestation of Nazism among the peripheral peoples of Asia and Africa in the name of democracy and human rights. Such a shy new fascism turns out. Nothing like that! From the outside, the shy new fascism uses the nationalisms of “Asians” underdeveloped from the position of Western civilization as local actions of “useful idiocy”. This support is not only moral but also the financial support of democratic activists put on stream (it is not only pleasant but interesting for these lumpen and declassified people, first of all, national businessmen, to shout about democracy. First, it is profitable). All Asian Democrats and liberals are not only foreign bodies for their traditional autocracies but, first, a ready-made faction of activists for local fascism. Asian democrats and democracies are simply impossible! Democrats and liberals are the second inevitable wave of local plutocracy; no matter what, liberals are actually shouting in the squares there. What they think is much more important. And they think about themselves, about their families, about their money — no less than thieving Asian officials, only the sizes of opportunities are different. It is the culture of the Asian dictatorship. Nothing can knock out this age-old culture — neither the power of the West, primarily the influence and fear of Asian plutocrats, nor the hopes for their enlightenment and improvement of government. Asians will never improve themselves. And they won’t stop stealing. Only under pressure and fear of losing power is it possible. For Asian persons, power is more important in itself. Therefore, for Asians, the best scheme is a dictatorship. I use the definition of “Asia” consciously so that everything about the old fascism is clear.

The old classical fascism originated in Italy and Germany in the 20th century; what kind of “Asia” is this? But Italy, Germany, in general, and Europe in the 30s of the 20th century showed where the modern periphery of civilization — the post-Soviet states of the former USSR — would go. After all, the USSR has turned into a factory of the petty bourgeoisie, and the petty bourgeoisie dreams and learns only to steal — the ideologists of Marxism and old communism, in general, did not know about this, and the USSR was the standard of peasant communism and the standard of old communism as a whole. The scheme of old communism has now been abandoned all over the world, except for China and North Korea. (Do you want to know the true reason for public executions of corrupt officials in China? It is all the same greed of the petty bourgeoisie, who soared in their dreams to get rich at the expense of the state and the rest of the Chinese. All cases are in the same notorious Asian hierarchy. No unhappy Chinese corrupt official will understand why he is publicly executed in such a primitive way because he forgot where he lives. And he lives in Asia — in a truly traditional place. Where no money is valid, but the traditional hierarchy is valid).

I am telling this Asian and Chinese story so that it is clear which sign is chosen by the new fascism as a weapon of superiority. In the traditional world, money is meaningless if it is not backed up by a social status — a paternal force of social authority.

But all the young Refags are caught up in the temptations that this is not the case. That money now raises them in the eyes of their native tribe. Hence the sudden aggrandizement of the ethnos after the next economic crisis because all the humiliated and insulted local feudal lords immediately wanted a lot of gold so that it was like the local gentlemen so that everything was like the former officials of the Soviet regime — the personal ca the Volga GAZ-24 car and the dacha because Soviet officials were like “Chinese” mandarins in the eyes of Soviet philistines.

You will be surprised, but the super-rich world oligarchs are very similar to young Refags as well!

They are completely unsure of their superiority over the world and people and act secretly. They wear exactly the same complexes as the entire petty bourgeoisie during their youth and poverty. Apparently, these complexes are transmitted to oligarchs by upbringing and by genes. It is the main reason why all plutocrats do not stop stealing or robbing any particular state and the entire planet. But financiers act through an intermediate link of their local copies — local oligarchs, through the national plutocracy. That is, a sign, and a shy “shameful” sign of superiority, become money, billions and trillions of dollars, through which local plutocrats move and rob their tribes. Isn’t this the main reason to hate traditional peoples who still have national ideals, national shrines, heroes, and history (money not first)?

For all the world’s plutocrats, the main enemies are strong nations, which means strong leaders who receive the people’s trust. The world Refags can’t tell the whole world — we are the elite of the world! Only popular billionaires dare to appear in the air. But these billionaires do not speak directly — we want to destroy the extra stomachs of the extra people. They speak obliquely, by hints, casually of the chosen topic. They say our planet is heavily polluted and overpopulated: the air is poisoned with various gases, the ocean is overflowing with plastic dishes, laboratories need to be opened to prevent a future pandemic, and so on. New fascism does not directly say what fate it has prepared for humanity. No one knows which virus will appear after the coronavirus, but everyone knows that the next virus will definitely accidentally escape from the military laboratory. Because all the media belong to them, all banks, the entire financial system, the entire state apparatus, all officials, even in the most developed country belong to them, all state leaders, all military, all employees, and all funds belong to them — and in general, they act totally organized. Such power and influence did not dream of the old Nazism.

And this is even though the New fascism has a shameful sign of domination — only the money. Money! They don’t say we will buy any one of their world leaders. In fact, they can buy anyone. They implemented these puppets in the Soviet Union of Europe if anything. No candidate who deviates from the line of the global financial mafia will be able to pass to the elite of Soviet Europe. If any government resists, there are always many different mechanisms at hand — from financial cuts and pressure on the economy through sanctions to organized Maidan and military aggression.

The new fascism inevitably attacks the first empire that comes along, a traditional people with a glorious history, because the elite, even half consisting of plutocracy, of local oligarchs, begins to make an imperial appearance so that it is not suspected of betrayal. Here, you need to understand the clash of principles if you don’t want to notice the big money of discord at the heart. Who will choose what side? It is clear that the plutocracy will always betray. Plutocrats have no ideals. When an empire collapses, the whole apparatus is filled with plutocrats. It is the universal strength of SF, and it has allies everywhere.

“No names” elite need to choose support.

Suppose the main instrument of superiority over the world, over countries, over peoples is money — the power and influence of the richest and most influential multi-billionaires. In that case, this leads to a conflict with the imperial elite of the no-name men. “No names” officials need to choose what to rely on. Whether to rely on your people or choose money is the main criterion for selection to the world elite. No one could offer Hitler — the same no-name man in terms of historical fame — any place in the world hierarchy at the time, and he would have refused. The iconic figure of old fascism did not need a place among financiers, and he hated them. Thanks to technological progress and total control over all finances and monetary transactions, such a choice is inevitable today. Any power means fame is under the microscope today. Therefore, it is easier for a no-name man to bargain for an honorable place in the new world elite than to rest on the laurels of the old design. What is a person from the position of a rich upstart? Noname man has to choose where to lead yourself and the people.

Chapter 7

Why there will be no democracy

Military democracy and commercial democracy.

Theoretical educational explanation in order to avoid a tragedy.

These are two different democracies. Military democracy was at a time of constant war between tribes. At this time, it was of permanent war, hence the actual name — military democracy emphasizing the first-word “war”.

Human warriors create military democracy. During a war, no nation can choose a weak leader. Then, such a people will end if neighbors come and cut the tribe out — the same tribe of warriors. Genghis Khan, or Attila, was tired of military steppe democracy, and they defeated all his enemies. Therefore, they were chosen by the military council. It is a military democracy.

Merchants create trade democracy. People disliked persons engaged in trade at all times. The Japanese, for example, considered them a low caste. No aristocrat was engaged in commerce. Rootless people did trading; that is, people were disrespected by the people. So, to change the situation, merchants united and bought everyone because there have been periods of long peace, and nations have not always been at war with each other. All aristocrats needed money in the name of status and luxury. The merchants made a part of the opposition aristocracy dependent; in other words, they bribed them. The aristocracy gave them positions to thank their money. Some rootless people thus gained power. It was always advantageous for merchants to have a puppet on the throne; behind the weak leader, there were always merchants. Thus came the first democracy — Athenian democracy. Ordinary people voting with potsherds expelled the entire aristocracy from the city, and everyone began to be called citizens. Gradually, the aristocracy was destroyed all over the world by a series of bourgeois revolutions. Instead of the aristocracy, citizens and “personalities” appeared at this stage. Every person is a person, no matter what moral qualities he developed in himself while he lived. Let him be a scoundrel and an immoral type, but he is a person from birth and has the presumption of innocence. In order to become individuals, all nations must trade and give birth to great merchants, businessmen, and oligarchs. No warrior-hero is needed in the world of merchants, only in entertainment films.

And now, did nomads trade in the great steppe, or did they roam with their cattle? Did they roam or trade?

If you answer this question, you will immediately find answers to why nomads cannot build a democracy of “personalities”.

In the tribal world, there were relatives, brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts, but no personalities. If the clan decided to punish a loafer or a criminal, he banished him to the steppe to certain death because one cannot survive in the steppe; one can survive only with a collective of relatives. All modern descendants of merchants are outcasts, individualists, and egoists who have not known their relatives for centuries. They don’t need relatives. They are used to buying all the amenities. How can a people who did not practice the market and did not know about money, and we, nomads, belong to such peoples (traditions), be instantly selfish, not remembering their kinship with brothers and sisters? It explains our problems with the so-called democracy and why we cannot turn into Democrats on command.

We turn into democrats almost on command; this is decided by the government, which talks about democracy all the time, and they enrich themselves in their family circle; that is, they use power according to the good old steppe laws.

What else does steppe democracy represent now besides the notorious corruption?

It is obvious that Kazakh petty bourgeois wants to see or have steppe democracy; in any case, this is what market traders are called according to the classics: owners of beauty salons, pharmacies, and other small and even medium-sized businesses. These people have raised their businesses and, consequently, have risen in their own eyes. They want democracy, believing that the era of democracy will come when Putin leaves, not even local Elbasy. They don’t like Putin, to put it mildly, the most. However, these democrats immediately merged with Kazakh nationalists, Kazakh nationalism. And nothing is surprising in this. All traditional peoples, having received property, turn into nationalists. They are probably afraid that they will take goods away from them.

What is steppe democracy on average?

At the meeting of the traditional world and world trade, steppe democracy is when people without relatives are invited to the same table (they are nothing in terms of weight in the traditional system, the traditional hierarchy) with the elite together with the oligarchs. The aristocracy has not been here for a long time. And the whole aristocracy was killed in the world because money and the market won. Former party leadership (former Communists) which declared independence is not an aristocracy in general, but still the elite; they played the role of the poor Greek aristocracy, combined liberation from the metropolis (from Moscow) at one time, that is, combined independence with democracy, and itself with all state property. Today, there is a second series after the first. If, in the first series, the party and economic elite privatized all the property and created quite a traditional regime where the official is everything, the boss and the oligarch in one person, and the commoner outside the official buildings is a commoner, zero and rabble — so it was, so it will always be in the traditional world, even without warriors and heroes now — this is a traditional world and a traditional people. Today, those with small capitals want equal rights with those with large capitals, and both sides immediately speak their native language well (because nationalism really rules, not democracy). But it is not immediately clear who has what if the conditional former beggars of the bourgeoisie “sharua” — owners of boutiques sit on a par with the bais — owners of industries. From the point of view of the traditional academy, this is a real mess, utter perspective chaos, a madhouse in general, and the end of the world. It is unknown who is sitting higher than whom. It is not clear who the elite is and by what criterion it is higher. This puts you into a stupor, changes the age-old paradigm of communication, and strengthens private despotism and private slavery at certain moments, but in general, it is, of course, psychosis and stress.

All these people, both from the oligarchic bureaucracy from above and from the junk boutique from below, there is a large detachment of capital; in another way, it is the bourgeoisie. There are no teachers among them. There are no doctors. There are no philosophers. No people would put money on the deities of the new pagans. No one cares who is higher and who is lower. And that boutique — junk people want democracy, which means that they want to enlarge their little shop and nothing else. It is how all traditional peoples understand democracy, and this understanding is evolutionary, so the former steppe dwellers understand it. (In Kyrgyzstan, just such a confrontation. There is no industry superiority in the forge of capital. If an oligarch wins, then he has to rake in everything for himself: all Kyrgyz gold, all Kyrgyz stocks, including small businesses, which immediately go to the square because few oligarchs are equal or equal to small businesses in the pre-start conditions of conditional equality. Therefore, we need to look at the Kyrgyz and smile. We do not need the disassembly of small businessmen pumping scarce resources back and forth. We have huge resources. The remaking of a huge pie means great sacrifices, war, and the collapse of our state.

Chapter 8

Who are you?

It is the main problem, except for puzzles about different fascisms. After all, this is old fascism, and the Nazis of Germany bombed cities and seized neighboring states. And the new fascism does everything in the name of peace and democracy.

The new fascism.


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