Little gnome and a magic drop of dew

Объем: 32 бумажных стр.

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

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A little gnome named Bertie lives in a cozy house near a huge oak tree. He loves to play with bugs, pick wild berries and dream of miracles. One day, Bertie discovers a magical drop of dew that makes wishes come true! This touching tale of friendship, ingenuity and the wonders of nature, written in simple and accessible language, will bring joy and inspiration to young readers. And colorful illustrations will give you a lot of positive emotions.
Книга публикуется в авторской орфографии и пунктуации


Alexey Sabadir writes children’s fairy tales in verse, adaptations of famous fairy tales in verse, his repertoire includes detective stories, a book about vampires, issues of books about various diets, recipes, cooking, and writes humor. With his wonderful works already thousands of readers met.

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Объем: 32 стр.

Дата выпуска: 23 июля 2024 г.

Возрастное ограничение: 6+

В магазинах: OzonWildberries digitalWildberriesЛитРесAmazon

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

ISBN: 978-5-0064-2874-4

Иллюстратор: Leonardo ai

Иллюстратор: Playground ai


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