Lily and Cottonball’s Clean and Caring Adventures

Объем: 22 бумажных стр.

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Chapter 1

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, lived a sweet baby named Lily. Lily had a tiny pet bunny named Cottonball.

Chapter 2

Lily loved playing with Cottonball, but she noticed that their home was sometimes messy. Toys were scattered all around, and there were crumbs on the floor. Lily decided that she wanted to keep their home clean for Cottonball.

Chapter 3

Every day, after breakfast, Lily would grab a small broom and dustpan. With her little hands, she swept the floor, making sure to collect all the crumbs. She was careful not to miss a single one.

Chapter 4

Next, Lily would take a damp cloth and wipe the table clean. She made sure there were no sticky spots left behind. Cottonball watched her with curiosity, hopping around happily.

Chapter 5

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