Here’s how it works

Бесплатный фрагмент - Here’s how it works

People who know the same thing are not equal in their knowledge

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This entire book is a concept that presents a set of perspectives to help better understand the world and learn. This system includes universal laws and models applicable to various aspects of life: science, business, personal relationships, parenting, etc. The same laws work in different spheres. By studying them, you’ll be able to understand anything in a short time.

The main goal of the concept is to help people learn faster and become masters in their field. For some, this system will become a learning tool, for others — a means of transferring knowledge, a method of predicting the future, or a philosophy explaining the world and its laws.

As you read, you’ll learn to quickly understand any process, evaluating it from different angles. You’ll see details and connections that others might miss, and make predictions about the future.

To achieve this level of understanding, you need to think in a certain way. When you start learning about a process, it’s important to immediately evaluate it from different perspectives. This helps to analyze and predict, understand relationships, and forecast the future development of the system. Masters who have reached this level can immediately see the entire process and draw conclusions without wasting time on details. They understand the system as a whole and can quickly evaluate it, making predictions based on this understanding.

This system and approaches to studying the world help reduce learning time and deepen understanding of processes. Awareness, rather than memorizing facts, allows for better assimilation of material and its practical application. For example, once you learn to ride a bicycle, you retain this skill for life, which is different from simply reading books about bicycles.

Main Goal

People who know the same thing are not equal in their knowledge A. Kalabukhov

Each person will have their own system. When I started writing, I was only thinking about how to convey my thoughts. But in the process of work, this system turned into something else for me — a philosophy. For some, it can become a model that helps understand the essence of a process, become a master faster and improve their skills, make fewer mistakes. For others, this model can serve as a way of teaching themselves and others, helping to convey thoughts and knowledge. Some may use it to model the future, analyzing the current process and trying to assess the entire system, after which they engage in predicting the future, that is, futurology. Others will be able to use it to evaluate surrounding life, relationships, and understand how to act in life, how to react to various events. And for someone, like me, this system can become a philosophy describing not only processes and systems but the world itself. It helps to understand what is happening in our world, why it is happening, and how it might develop further. Such a model helps find answers to the most important questions: why are we here, what is this “here”, where are we going, and what is the world. Then you will begin to live according to this theory, see everything around you through it, and live differently.

This is just a philosophy, not a dogma or the ultimate truth. It’s research, an attempt to understand and answer questions. Many things here will be repeated, but not directly. These repetitions are made to create depth in understanding the entire topic.

3 Principles That Explain Everything

Everything in the world is created according to 3 principles: fractality, oscillation, and equilibrium. If you understand what they represent, it will be easier to understand the world, as well as comprehend objects and thoughts from different angles, in order to ultimately see the complete picture.


Although fractals are familiar to many from mathematics courses, they actually go far beyond textbooks. This is what surrounds us, what we live in: from nature to business. The essence of a fractal is that it consists of identical elements of different sizes, so it infinitely repeats itself.

This principle illustrates the main feature of fractality — “part-whole,” when large and small elements of the system copy each other. This is found at different levels of world organization:

Electrons depend on the atom and move around it, the same happens with planets that rotate along a trajectory around the Sun. In both cases, there is a nucleus and elements dependent on it. Even the trajectory of movement is similar.

Yes, fractality is not only about visual self-repetition, but also about the repetition of systems and behavior models:

We are a “home” for bacteria and viruses. When we take antibiotics, it harms not only pathogenic microorganisms but also beneficial bacteria — they die. This can affect us through metabolic disorders and problems with the immune system. And vice versa — if we feed them fiber, probiotics, exercise, it will stimulate the bacteria and we will feel better.

In the same way, we influence the “well-being” of our home — planet Earth. Due to human industrial activity, the average temperature rises, forests burn, glaciers melt faster. But if we change our everyday habits, and corporations start production without harming the environment, ultimately not only the planet but we ourselves will feel changes for the better.

Work in companies is also built on the principle of fractality:

Companies consist of departments, teams, employees. The company “thinks” in departments, departments in teams that work on projects, and teams in people, each of whom does their own work.

If you observe animals in a pack, you can see curious parallels with society, business, and politics.

For example, the pack leader — the wolf — although a leader, is not a separate element. He lives in a fractal system: he feels himself a part of the pack. An independent part.

If there are problems in the pack, it’s his shortcoming as a leader. Therefore, he changes tactics and makes other decisions. The system checks his leadership qualities. Hence the attacks and checks from younger wolves. The pack is a reflection of the leader, and the leader is a reflection of the pack. They are inseparable and live as one organism.

A classic wolf pack living in the wild consists of parents and their offspring. The pack may also shelter immature young wolves. The leader here is not a tyrant; he lives in a fractal and understands that he’s part of a larger system. In other words, it’s a family with only children and parents. We see the same thing in humans.

There’s another pack model that everyone likes to talk about — a rigid hierarchy with alpha and beta males, where management occurs “top-down”. This model emerged out of necessity. Wolves typically formed it only when they were confined in zoos and reserves for research purposes. This is no longer a family, but adult individuals who are strangers to each other, trapped in one place. Therefore, there was a need to fight for a place in the sun.

In such a system, the dominant pair — the leader and his female — stands at the top. They also have the unique right to reproduce. The leader is the brain of the collective; he alone decides which territory the pack will occupy and where it will hunt.

A boss can manage a team in a similar way — giving orders, controlling exact execution, not welcoming the expression of opinion and initiative from subordinates. Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes are also built on such principles.

These regimes are an attempt to move away from the fractal, that is, to build a system where the boss and subordinates are not connected to each other, do not have to live in harmony and interconnection. As if these are different worlds, denying each other and living in struggle. Such interaction is ineffective, as there is an imbalance of energy and resources.

At the same time, in nature, there is an opposite management system where the equilibrium frame is present:

In fish, almost any individual can lead the school. Leadership here is short-term and situational, and the school functions successfully in any scenario. Here’s a fish that was swimming in the tail, and now it’s indicating the direction for the others.

In personnel management, you can also find something similar. In contrast to authoritarian management, there are flexible management methodologies. The team here is mostly self-organizing. Where everyone has the right to an opinion and can propose an idea, where everyone is an independent unit responsible for their work. In such a team, there is also a leader who deals with strategy, planning, analytics and forecasting, looking for new development opportunities.

If we talk about the political regime, we can find similar features in democracy.

Everything around us is similar, and information can be extracted from everything, compared, and parallels found. If we move according to this methodology, the first step will be to think about what systems exist in general: inside, outside, above, unrelated, similar. To evaluate a system, you need to understand what it resembles, what nesting exists, in what field it is located. This will be a top-level examination of the fractal.

For example, the nesting for a department is the company’s employees. Departments are inside the company and interact with each other. Companies form partnerships and cooperate at the state level. And states, in turn, build relationships with each other.

To understand how states cooperate with each other, you can observe how companies compete, departments within a company, employees. Everywhere you can find common patterns and understand the situation deeper through examples that are clear to you.

If we encounter something new, when we need to solve a problem that we have never solved before, or come up with something from scratch, the main thing to remember is that something similar already exists in the surrounding world, this problem is not new and has already been solved by someone, at least partially.

Tip! Try to find analogies in the surrounding world — read popular physics, biology, chemistry, or watch program cycles (documentaries). This is more interesting than classic textbooks. Such content has many interesting real-life examples and doesn’t delve too deeply into theory.

The frequency of fractals indicates that different structures are arranged according to the same pattern, so you can take a model and test it in your niche.


Nature repeats itself, so you can often find something similar in different areas. In it, you can find answers to questions and examples — everything we need.

But does everything really repeat? How about if you want to create something new that has never existed before?

People often try to come up with something new that no one has thought of before them. Make a breakthrough discovery that will amaze everyone. They believe that repeating others’ ideas is plagiarism.

This is a thinking trap. In reality, it’s impossible to come up with something that didn’t exist before us. In some form, everything is already in the system. And in our head, there is nothing that we have never encountered. The most ingenious and breakthrough discoveries happen when a model seen in nature, business, and other systems is rethought and implemented in one’s own business.

This becomes clear if you listen to iconic directors and science fiction writers who invented and filmed incredible worlds, entire ecosystems.

For example, the director of the film “Avatar”, James Cameron, wrote the script based on science fiction books he read as a child. And in terms of visuals and camera work, according to him, he was inspired by two films: “Blade Runner” and “Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior”.

Self-sufficiency of the system

The system has everything it needs, and you can use this to reach your goal. This is how visualization works. It’s not magic, but a consequence of thinking patterns and actions: we start thinking about what we need, imagine the result, and tune our brain to see opportunities.

Before us is a huge number of opportunities. And they constantly pass by: some we don’t see, others we simply don’t grasp. Our subconscious, however, sees more, and through visualization, we ask it to show us these opportunities.

Opportunities exist not only outside but also inside us. If we need to analyze a situation, in most cases we can refer to how we are structured.

Entire worlds exist within us — for example, about 1 kg of bacteria. They interact with each other, reproduce, die, influence us with their presence. We have atoms, molecules, electrons, and protons that form an energy structure so rigid that it cannot pass through other matter. That’s why we can’t pass through objects and walls as in films.

If we turn to the subconscious and body, we can generally study the world without seeing it, without additional sources of information.

We know a lot about our organism, which means we can understand the basic laws and structures of the surrounding world. Our subconscious controls our entire organism and interaction with bacteria, exchanges information with them, controls each organ, which consists of cells and smaller substances.

There’s no need to look outside to learn something; much is inside. But it’s not worth limiting ourselves to this information, as it may not reach the conscious level.


Systems inside and outside are structured the same way. They exist together, interact, and reflect each other. For example, if you understand what processes and interactions occur at the level of microorganisms, you can understand society.

There’s feedback everywhere. We reflect everything around us: our body adapts to the temperature of the room where it is — if it’s cold, it starts to cool down; if it’s warm, it warms up.

If we come to work in a company, we can adopt its values. Or when we move permanently to another country, we assimilate: we learn the language, cook national cuisine, study the culture.


A fractal is a large system created from its copies. These copies are also systems, and they cannot exist without each other.

The interaction between the human organism and bacteria is indicative. For them, we are just a habitat, but we get quite a few benefits: protection from pathogens, stable digestion, and immunity.

We can also influence bacteria. When we experience strong negative emotions or stress, certain substances are released in the body that can have a detrimental effect even on microbes.

If the bacteria are doing poorly, we’re doing poorly. They die, and we start to have an imbalance in the body because no one is protecting it. In most cases, they actually help us, as they live in symbiosis, not parasitism. Due to discomfort, we experience pain, start to get nervous, angry, and may quarrel with a loved one or yell at someone on the subway.

Everything is connected to each other, and nothing is separate. Our connection with bacteria is a process that works in two directions and is reflected in our life, behavior, and ultimately, in our decisions. If we exaggerate, the bacteria inside us control our choices, because if they influence, then we are no longer the sole masters of our lives.

We, in turn, also influence their life and population. Different types of bacteria have their own “preferences” in food. For example, bacteroides live in the intestines, which better perceive protein, and their “neighbors” — firmicutes — prefer fast carbohydrates and fats more. So through diet, we can make some populations stronger and others weaker.


Oscillation is the movement of particles, energies, which is shown through different positions on the graph. Everything in the world oscillates; this is movement, and movement, as they often say, is life.

The atoms of the universe’s matter are constantly moving and simply cannot stop. It’s impossible. If molecules stopped, the air would be motionless and we couldn’t breathe it in, there would be no such thing as heat, and we wouldn’t be able to function as living beings.

Movement must be mandatory: circular, oscillatory, spiral, which to some extent repeats itself. And oscillations cannot be single, as they contain other, smaller ones within themselves, and this is how fractality is expressed.

A company’s profit is constantly changing; it’s constantly going up and down along some trajectory. In business, oscillation is manifested by jumps and falls in revenue.

If everything is great this month, then probably next month revenue will fall. Profit can change during the day, year, quarter, half-year. There are always fluctuations that tend to sum up either to growth or decline and have different time intervals, that is, frequency and amplitude.

The same is true in relationships: sometimes everything is wonderful, and sometimes crises occur.


Movement in a broad sense is similar to a sinusoid — when there is an up-down trajectory and certain changes.

As black changes to white, so do upper maximums change to minimums — lower peaks. And there are an infinite number of such cycles. All maximum points are at different heights and depths. Therefore, in life, we may feel happy at some moments and think this is the maximum we can feel, and then 10 years later feel even greater joy, euphoria. This will be a new maximum point.


Just as the atoms of the universe move incessantly, they also vibrate. This is the same continuous process. Vibrations never move smoothly and wave-like; it’s always ups and downs.

Maximum points

There are always peaks, maximum points on a sinusoid. When something reaches peaks, an “explosion” occurs, and then we fall down, as there must be compensation — equilibrium. This is precisely one of the three principles along with fractality and oscillation.

In NLP, there’s a method by which you can destroy emotions and feelings. If you’re bothered by some feeling, you need to start experiencing it more strongly — bring it to the maximum. You apply different frames through which you look at relationships, change the settings of how you see the situation. These are called submodalities.

When you bring a feeling to the maximum, at some point it intensifies and rolls back to a minus state — you stop feeling it. This happens instantly.

The more we strive for peaks, overdo it, do something through force, the “more painful” the fall will be. And this should be expected everywhere — in relationships, feelings, business, and self-development.

How it happens: you spent your day off studying English — reading books, doing exercises, learned 50 words, got tired and didn’t study anymore all week until the next weekend.

You can overdo it in attempts to improve physical shape — overload yourself in the first workout so that it’s difficult even to get out of bed afterwards.

Or as in childhood, if you over-learn a poem, at some point you can overload yourself to such a state — you repeated it 10 times without stumbling and instantly forgot everything. The maximum point was reached and an “explosion” occurred — the poem was erased from memory.

All resources are inside: viruses and microbes

Viruses and microbes regulate our body better than we do ourselves. We coexist in symbiosis with beneficial subtypes — this “cohabitation” is good for both us and them. And conversely, if they are uncomfortable, we will also feel a deterioration in well-being.

But there are viruses that control thinking, and this is amazing. Some viruses attach to insects as parasites, begin to control them, use their body for carrying offspring, make them find food, and then simply kill them when no longer needed.

Cold viruses that are transmitted by airborne droplets “force” us to sneeze and cough. On the one hand, this is how the body gets rid of irritants, on the other — we help the virus spread. It is quite likely that this is actually a built-in program for the spread and survival of the virus.

And this is justified, since a virus, like any living organism, has a need for replication, “reproduction”. Such a program, when molecules accumulate in a critical mass in a certain place of the organism and cause irritation, is the fastest way to move from one person to another.

Viruses are transmitted through the smallest droplets of liquid. Most effectively — during sneezing and coughing. Without this, it is difficult for the virus to spread and progress. If the spread occurred only through close contacts, for example, through kisses, then the speed would be lower by tens and hundreds of times.

Therefore, all manifestations of the disease in us do not occur for nothing.

Returning to the question of mice and cats: toxoplasma needs to move from one cat to another, but transmission through a cat is rather weak, and another way is needed to pass through food. In this case, it’s mice.

And here’s how it works. If toxoplasmosis killed mice, it would be disadvantageous, because cats are interested in hunting, they need a live healthy mouse. Therefore, the disease did not interfere with the vital activity of mice until they found cats.

Why mice? Their habitats are extensive, so they are good spreaders, good “containers” for the disease. But here’s another thing: mice are eaten not only by cats. It is not necessary for the mouse to be eaten by someone else, for example, a hawk, and therefore the parasite created a state in which the mouse’s fear when it feels a cat was replaced by interest. The mouse’s brain is restructured, that is, it consciously looks for a cat in order to be eaten and pass the disease on.

At the same time, the mouse reacts to other predators as usual — it runs away and hides. It’s amazing that parasites without intellect, plan and strategy, created such a complex logic of distribution, where everything is thought out.

If we try to recreate a similar model in the laboratory, large budgets and more than a dozen specialists will be needed, but no one guarantees that it will succeed. Especially with existing knowledge and technologies.

It is almost impossible to influence the brain and make it secrete a chemical element. And even if we imagine that the virus randomly implemented such a process, it would not pass this information to others, since the virus does not have such abilities, it is too simply arranged.

But nevertheless, parasites can do what we cannot. And only one justification comes to mind — all the information is there, we can use it, but we need to know how. There are too many unknowns and coincidences to explain this disease by evolution. Perhaps there are information blocks and rules for the development of nature that we do not know, or deny at the current level of development.

If this is a coincidence, then such an outcome of events can be called incredible. Probably many repetitions and coincidences were required for the disease to come to this very form. People themselves do not know how to control someone else’s consciousness like toxoplasma. Parasites often change the thinking of other creatures for their own benefit — this is their essence.

Toxoplasmosis is an example of how necessary information can be extracted from the information field, genome, from the environment and used in one’s own interests.

Viruses are also amazing in that they can start a pandemic, and then suddenly disappear without prerequisites for this. Many pandemics suddenly stopped, but not because we cured or overcame them, but in a natural way.

Some researchers allow the idea that viruses are created and maintained to regulate society. Since regulation must occur from outside: due to overpopulation or if the course of global politics and economics is moving in the wrong direction. There is still logic in managing masses of people and animals in such a system.

Of course, viruses were not created to regulate the human population. But probably this is one of the criteria for their appearance.

The spread of the virus has a certain logic: there is always an incubation period during which the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and a person can infect others without even knowing about it. The disease cannot develop quickly. If people die quickly

The most beneficial outcome for the virus is to integrate into the body at the level of a connection or symbiosis and not cause us severe discomfort that will make us treat quickly. After all, for example, with a mild cold, a person can walk for several weeks, but not do anything serious. This way the virus will be able to stay in the carrier for a long time.

What happened with the coronavirus: it became simpler, spread faster and caused less harm, because only in this way can it survive, because this does not create many obstacles to its existence.

Think about what power such microbes have, and how easily they influence living beings without having intelligence like humans. But they are capable of embodying complex informational ideas.

And then there’s HIV, which changes us at the genetic level, and its influence is even deeper than the influence on the brain. Since at this level we still have not grown in understanding and technology to change and treat something. Therefore, medicine for complex and rare diseases associated with genetic mutation costs several million, or even tens of millions. There are not so many consumers, and a lot of labor, time and production capacity is spent.

Such viruses affect the genome and force the body to produce substances for survival in order to exist in comfort for a long time. Perhaps this is just a reaction to changes in the external environment, adaptability, and not some great plan. The result is the same: in this way, complex information processes can be carried out.

After all, all our mental activity comes down to trying to reach the information of the subconscious. Nothing can be invented, we do not have something that we have never encountered. We dig and pave the way to the answer from the subconscious.

Moreover, if neurobiology research says that we make a decision a few fractions of a second before we realize it, then consciously we do not make a choice at all. Although we have surpassed all living things in intelligence and consciousness, globally our thinking does not differ from other beings — formally, we think like all living things.

The whole structure and system is filled with intelligence, so we can conclude that all the information that exists already exists within us.

Nothing to strive for

You cannot offer an idea that has not existed before. Everything that a person invents, someone has already voiced in some form. For the most part, new ideas and “old” reworked thoughts.

Even if we are talking about new businesses, technical discoveries, you can notice that many ideas have already been talked about before and even implemented. Whether a company will grow or not is more a question of management than ideas.

The best companies in the world broke forward not because of a brilliant idea, but because of persistent and high-quality implementation.

A person always tries to invent something, always be the first, but it is no longer possible to be the first. Thoughts, discoveries, everything that happens new is already in the system, but in a different form.

Often the process is more important than the result. A person at the cognitive level is more inspired by the “carrot in front of the nose” — the idea of the result, not the result itself. For a researcher or businessman, the process of creation, creativity, trial is important. It is interesting to achieve the result step by step, but when it is achieved, the joy is fleeting and we immediately set a new goal.

And it’s as if you can’t stop and just live for yourself, since the idea of constantly setting goals and striving for them hovers in society.

There is a concept that a business idea needs to be implemented quickly, because within 2—3 months this same idea will probably appear in someone else. After all, we all boil in the same information field, so it’s not uncommon for several people from different parts of the planet to come to the same discovery or idea. And here the question is different, whether you can withstand the competition or not. It’s always more important who’s first: who we learned about faster, that’s the leader. But the thing is that you need to be not just the first, but the first and at the right time. Usually, pioneers are completely forgotten, as their companies do not develop and do not become large enough to be remembered.

And already after the path is paved, the next players begin to fight for the first places. Here the system is just learning about new opportunities. In the second wave, the system is already ready for changes. Therefore, it is important to be the first among the second wave, then you can be accepted.

And most did not understand this: people rejected this thought even in professional circles.

Nevertheless, it was already a management rule then: if an idea appears, do not delay, because someone can get ahead of you. This is dangerous for business, as a competitor can simply declare that he has done something new in the market, and bring out a product that is not fully ready. If it fails, then your product will also be evaluated negatively. So your competitors can drag you down with them in case of failure.

This is a story about how everything is in the system. The system prepares, changes and creates regardless of your participation. If not you, then someone else will do the work for you and will be in your place. In life there is no main character, like in movies, who can bypass everyone, make a breakthrough and no one can compare with him.

Many discoveries are made simultaneously, in one form or another, because the system does not rely on one element. And this happens at about the same time. The system chooses conductors who will bring ideas, discoveries, inventions to the world. And necessarily someone of them will be the first. There is an element of fate and psychotypes that are more or less suitable for this. It is clear that some idea and discovery will not come to everyone at all, for this there is some chosen group of people.

This is part of the system, not something completely new. And if we analyze everything new, then it is often already long-forgotten old. For example, artificial intelligence is an attempt to repeat the work of the brain, only at a mechanical level.

Even if a person began to study thinking with artificial intelligence, then sooner or later he will return to how the brain thinks, how it makes decisions and functions.

Everything is in the system and it is always in a balanced state: good balances evil — these are multidirectional parts that cannot exist without each other. This does not need to be changed, because it is natural. Everything moves both forward and backward, respectively, if you develop, for example, a company, then its growth will decrease and it will probably close.

If it doesn’t close, then its form of existence will change. You created a business for the production of printers, and then decided to rebuild and make cars. Now this is no longer your company.

It often happens that a company prospered during the founder’s lifetime, but as soon as the rule passed to his descendants, everything failed. You can’t do something once and forever, thereby completely turning the world upside down. Progress will still go in the opposite direction.

If we look at early history, at kings and emperors, we can see that all empires collapsed, and attempts to conquer the world and create a new system of values were not successful. Not a single result was fixed for centuries.

A dictatorial system in which everything is controlled sooner or later ceases to exist and the bias goes in the opposite direction towards democracy.

It will not be possible to create something once and for all. The world is not static and the system is constantly moving — either developing or degrading. Of course, any changes teach the system: after it has reached the extreme point of dictatorship, there is a sharp rollback to the opposite. And if the regime remains the same, then it is transformed. The principle will remain, only the “wrapper” changes. Therefore, it may seem that the system has changed a lot, but in fact it will remain the same.

When creating, you need to be prepared for the fact that soon others will do the same. There is a choice: to go in the first wave or wait for the second, when the pioneers will bump their heads, evaluate the result, draw conclusions and adjust your project.

When something “genius” and “completely new” comes to mind, do not rush to implement it. The idea needs to pass the test of time. Therefore, postpone it. During this time, you will be able to think it through in detail, find out if the world is ready for its implementation and see how much it will intersect with trends. You can study literature, prepare infrastructure and think through processes, and when the time comes, you will be truly ready.

It happens that people are not ready to perceive the idea at the current moment. At the same time, through you and others, it will seep into society and gradually prepare it for acceptance, move the system in a certain direction. But this will happen gradually.

This chapter is not about the fact that there is nothing to do in life and that everything will be done for us. It’s more about how the system develops, what happens in it and will happen, how to look at it and what to do to see relationships that are not yet available to you. The same idea is implemented by several people at the same time, because we all boil in a common information flow: we read the same books, watch popular TV series, grow under the influence of the same views.

You need to learn to feel the world and information flows. For example, business is not always about discoveries and breakthroughs. You can just copy business models, you don’t have to invent anything. In fact, you, like in Lego, make up a new model from cubes. For the world, it may seem new, but in fact, it is created from what has long existed.

Everything already exists and you will not bring anything new globally, but you can rethink what has already been created by looking from the side. This is what absolutely everyone does — they create new things from what has long existed.


As they say: “Happiness is the same for everyone, but problems in each family are unique.” In fact, the problems are more or less the same. Basically, it is misunderstanding between people and unwillingness to resolve it. No less problematic is the fact that many live with ideals, that is, they draw an image of relationships and a dream partner. But reality is very different from fantasies, so by creating ideals in your head, you can be very disappointed.

Good relationships are when they don’t take much effort and you don’t think about them much. If you are treated badly, they arrange emotional swings, you spend a lot of energy and everything is in vain, this is not a relationship, but a one-sided request for them.

Both partners should be interested in building. In such a healthy model, when relationships are not the center of your life, but a pleasant background, you can calmly focus on your career, hobbies and develop as a person, not degrade.

Yes, any relationship, even good ones, is work. It is impossible to avoid negative situations, since we are all human, not robots. Perfect relationships that are shown on TV are just a picture, in life people do not behave like this.

Love is emotions, our thoughts, values and their reflection. And the partner and relationships that we build are a reflection of what is in the head. You broadcast your thoughts, beliefs and values, thereby attracting people to whom they respond.

People who surround us should coincide with you in views of the world, then you can enjoy relationships. If they do not coincide, it develops us, because it creates conflict, new points of view, thoughts, new movements, but all this is in our head.

Objective concepts do not exist. For example, for one person love is when gifts are given, for another — when a person spends time communicating and shares interests. There is no right or only correct version of interpretation. Everyone has their own.

Management policy

To some extent, management knowledge is already embedded in us. We observe them in other systems if we think fractally and connect feedback. This connection reassesses your steps, relying on the reactions of the system, and the system itself relies on your actions, closing the feedback loop.

There is no such thing that someone is more important and someone is not. The crowd can control the top. At the same time, the top manages, because the crowd is in the position of subordinates. Such a structure is formed at the level of information agreements.

The leader and the crowd work in a feedback loop. For example, the leader in a dog pack is indisputable. They are not attacked. But they can be torn apart if one day the crowd decides to do it. This happens extremely rarely, because there is a mental agreement that there should be a leader in the system who is not stronger than everyone, but manages everyone and they allow him to manage.

Our discoveries are the realization of what is in the world. No more, no less. For example, electricity has always existed, and all we could do was discover it.

Career is advancement in the hierarchy of society. Even animals have their roles in the division of labor. We decided that we need to strive to build a career, we set ourselves the task, but this is a completely invented abstraction.

We do not create phenomena, but agree to endow them with new meanings. Until some point, currency did not exist, then everything was decided by barter — an exchange of goods that was beneficial for both. Later, we agreed to pay for goods and services with money. This agreement exists as long as everyone agrees.


In childhood, our body adapts and heals much better, and internal systems function at a high level. In adulthood, we don’t get sick often, but for other reasons: due to hand hygiene, warm clothing, and timely taken medications. That is, the reason for low morbidity is not in good health, but in good care.

Health becomes strong only if we focus on the body and give it the same load as in childhood, keeping ourselves in shape.

We are born with an ideal system inside, which can control itself, develop and cure almost any disease. There’s no need to try to improve this system or change something. Everything is already there and is in perfect condition. And then we can either worsen it, or preserve our abilities and properly use what we are given initially, what can improve health.

And this applies not only to physical, but also to mental health. A child uses their capabilities at the maximum level, at a level that we ourselves strive for. Because they are constantly learning, there is no such thing that after failure they immediately abandon the activity. In a way, it turns out to be an ideal manager, if we don’t interfere and just guide them a little, or an ideal employee. Then we begin to teach the little person to live in this world: we explain the rules and set boundaries, reducing their capabilities.

So, to develop yourself, you need to learn to manage the perfect machine for making decisions and processing information in the form of a brain, and not try to come up with something new. Of course, this does not apply to cases when a person was born with serious pathologies or genetic diseases, when organs, including the brain, function differently.


We develop through oscillations: we move now in one direction, now in another, we find people with qualities opposite to ours, which we rejected in childhood. And so we move along our path of growing up.

All age crises are the control points of our life, and with each of these points we move to a new round of understanding the world. Children and young people are more energetic and risky. Then a person has less energy and more information. And this is not because they have become smarter. Just psychologically, they have moved to the next level and have become useful in mentoring young people, because they can no longer move so actively, this ability goes away.

At this stage, an adult begins to use accumulated experience and knowledge.

The younger generation, on the contrary, has a certain maximalism in judgments, the desire to go ahead and “break walls with their head” in the name of goals. To some extent, this approach works, because if there is no narrowness of thinking, it will not be possible to focus on something specific, which means the impulse that knocks everything down will be lost. If a person thinks broadly, instead of breaking through the wall, they will start to rush and think, in the end they will not fulfill their mission.

Youthful enthusiasm needs to be directed, because they have more energy going into active actions, not reflection and awareness. Youth and maturity are parts of one system that cannot do without each other. The first is the personification of chaos, the second — of stagnation. This system is interconnected.

When a person faces a crisis, this is the moment when the wave of oscillation, that is, development, reaches its peak, passes it and moves down. The task of everyone here is to change the direction of movement so that it goes in another direction, towards calming down and searching for new meanings.

For example, a person sacrificed a lot for their career, and then realized that they want to enjoy the simple joys of life that they lacked all this time. This is a common story. While we have a lot of energy, we run, but we cannot slow down and calm down on our own.

If energy is not expended, we fall into a depressed state, as we do not realize ourselves. When the energy potential begins to decline, thoughts about the rationality of actions come: was I doing the right thing all this time.

If you have such thoughts during crisis moments of life, know that you have always been on the right path. It’s just that now is the time to change this movement. After all, if you always move in one direction, there is no development, and it should be due to multidirectionality.

Multidirectionality is about balance, since there are always two extremes, and oscillations, about how to move in these different directions. Therefore, even if it seems that a person needs to be rescued from a crisis situation, most often this should not be done. People who are engaged in a career just need to be engaged in a career, this is their life, their path. It will be more difficult for them if they are pulled out of this system and placed in another, where, say, they need to deal with family.

There are many supporters of the idea that you can’t take away a child’s childhood, forbid playing, give a lot of load. However, many people who were “deprived” of childhood in this regard say that they would not want to change this. Because years later they see the fruits of that training. Moreover, there are many children who like to learn new things, play sports, music, etc. Moreover, often professional athletes, musicians, artists, etc. began to master their craft as children.

In the movie “The Eighties” there was a dialogue that probably can happen to everyone, when one teenager complained to another about life and he replied that everyone has skeletons in the closet and if you knew what life is like for others, you would never want to change. No one wants to change skeletons in closets, and everyone has them.

When a person vividly shows on social networks or in communication that everything is wonderful for them, most likely, in real life everything is bad. It is impossible to arrange your life so that only good things happen. This contradicts the law of equilibrium. Having reached the good, the trend goes down, because it has reached the extreme, there is nowhere higher. The question is only how strong the rollback to the bad will be and how we can influence the situation.

Problems are necessary for us to develop, and everyone has their own. You don’t need other people’s problems, they will either not develop you, or will be beyond your strength, not for your experience.

Many think that millionaires and billionaires live amazingly, constantly rest and do nothing, but in fact they work around the clock and almost all people who envy them would not withstand such a rhythm of life and would not want such problems.

Everything is to some extent as it should be. Our problems are given to us because we can potentially cope with them. A person develops and each time thinks that they know everything, and what is not confirmed by current science is unrealistic.

It seems that everything has already been discovered and everything that can be is already known. This is because a person relies on knowledge, written truths and rules that are written in books. But when everything changes, and this always happens, thinking changes.

Earlier, peoples worshiped gods. There was an understanding that harvest, climate, weather changes, human actions — all this was influenced by someone from above. This was considered a written truth and passed down from generation to generation as a fact.

With the development of science, figures began to come to the revolutionary idea that a person thinks for themselves and is not driven by god, but by physical triggers, therefore they act in a certain way. The opinion took root that physiology acts on our decision-making, on the brain, on how a person generally adapts in our world. And it all comes down to the fact that there is a body, and there are thought processes, triggers and reactions that affect it.

Those who believed in gods, and those who explained everything by physiology, are two opposing camps that are divided by opposite ideas. Since the second approach is explained by science, and the first has not yet been proven by anyone, most people tend to adhere to the second and be skeptical about the first.

After all, how can someone control us, we make decisions ourselves, not gods. We do this inside our skull. And it seems to us that this thought could have been reached even then, in antiquity.

After this, there was a shift to another polarity — everything that happens to us happens thanks to our brain and nothing more. This is about physiology, impulses, chemicals and reactions.

But now we understand that besides this there is a genome and subconscious. We are beginning to understand that in fact decisions are not made at the level of the body and chemical reactions, but, including through the subconscious. It makes a decision and gives the right answer a fraction of a second before it comes to consciousness. That is, we, like puppets, are driven by some ephemeral thing, and we can’t even see it, touch it and study it.

No one can answer the question of what the subconscious is. And here we think that we have stepped onto a new round of awareness, made a discovery, hacked the system, but in fact we have come to the fact that we are controlled by some “god” inside us. We renamed it the subconscious and are satisfied, as if we did something new. For us, the subconscious is a completely different structure that does not grate on the ear.

The difference between the subconscious and god is that we imagine god as an alien being, and the subconscious as part of ourselves, our psyche. Well, god seems to be one, and everyone has their own subconscious. Although we don’t know for sure. We can control the subconscious, reach it with the help of psychologists. It’s harder to negotiate with god: before, this was done through rituals and prayers, that is, we also made concessions to the gods, analyzed whether we were acting correctly, made sacrifices, that is, performed actions, showing readiness for actions. And then something changed in this way, as with the subconscious. Now, in order to change ourselves, we negotiate with another entity — with the subconscious.

Earlier we thought that fate was some kind of mythical story, fairy tales, but now we have discovered that there are genes. Now we believe that our behavior depends, among other things, on heredity, on these genes. They form our reactions to events, predisposition to diseases and the type of partner we will choose. This is not quite fate, rather a variation of how we will behave in life. But this is what makes up our fate.

Before, we believed that everything was predetermined, but we could influence fate. Now we know that genes determine our fate, but we can change it. But these are completely different theories, two different meanings.

People constantly make pseudo-discoveries, but they develop our awareness. Now we have come to the idea that there are no gods and fate, but then we return to approximately the same thoughts on another round of these oscillations. We move up and down from mysticism to logic, return to what we left, and look at it already from a slightly different angle. At this moment, we make a discovery, call it differently, begin to look at it differently, consider that this is something completely new and this helps us to understand it a little more.

These discoveries are not useless. Even if factually nothing has changed, we still develop.

But frankly speaking, it’s easier for us to understand ourselves when we know about the subconscious, genes and physiology than if we thought that divine forces influence us.

Perhaps we have moved to a new level of awareness, or maybe we have built ourselves a new illusion — we have tied reality to what we are thinking about now. And reality is always just tied to our level of thinking.

We have thought revolutions and they are useful. We need to strive for them, ignoring written truths. Because everything that is now written in textbooks will change. And we will look at familiar things differently: at politics, relationships, psychology, physics, etc.

The perception of the world and points of view can change. The structure itself will not change much, it’s we who will begin to look at it differently, create more theories and explanations for ourselves. Thinking will become multivariate.

If we look at the evolution of thinking after tens of thousands of years, then all these revolutions and changes are useless. Humanity will still move, regardless of how we behave and what we do. Because the system will still reach the level it should reach. If we do not explore space and try to relocate life to other planets, in the end all of humanity will still die out, because the planet has a limit.

On another planet, there will probably be completely different rules, life, thoughts, science — a completely different world that will not be like what we are doing now. On the one hand, all this is not important, on the other — the process itself, life, movement and development are important. You need to strive to be in the process and immerse yourself in it completely, while trying not to spoil what already exists.

Nature definitely needs to be preserved. All we can do is just help it not to degrade.

For example, our actions on soil feeding and care can have a negative effect from the point of view of development. After all, if a tree grows and bears fruit and at the same time survives without intervention, then with additional care it can become weak and less adapted.

For us, juicy and tasty fruits are good, but for a plant this can be a negative factor. The same situation is with predators — they should not be fed. In this way, we interfere with nature and disrupt the natural course of events.

Predators will also relax from feeding, lose vigilance, or will not be able to hunt and die. All these positive movements of ours can be negative. In NLP there is the concept of “causing good”, that is, doing something good for a person that will later come back to haunt them. However, ignoring people’s needs and not helping at all is also not allowed. Context is important.

People don’t get smarter over time. But it seems to us that people have become smarter in the context of history. For example, in ancient times, peoples didn’t understand many things, worshipped gods, conducted wild rituals, but how far have we really come from them? We do well on IQ tests, understand technology, speak and count faster, but does this say that humanity has become more developed?

In fact, no. This all just indicates where global trends are directed. Now we are surrounded by the internet and a huge mass of information that we physically cannot use in full. There’s so much of it. Clip thinking is progressing and we no longer think as before. It’s easier for us to grab the tops rather than dig deep. Therefore, we don’t see the full picture and all the interconnections.

If we believe that the IQ test is important, we teach children to pass it. And if children successfully pass the test, it doesn’t mean they have a high IQ.

In ancient times there were no fewer sages, people understood life and relationships at no simpler level, and probably did it subconsciously. Probably our descendants will consider our credo “Earn as much as possible” as savagery. We don’t develop society as a whole, but engage in politics, business and ourselves.

We can’t predict the result of our actions, we don’t know how to build strong and healthy relationships, and how not to harm our own planet.

Basic things in development and thinking have remained, priorities and trends have changed.


Parts copy the whole element. And the whole element repeats the form of the smallest part. Planets, organisms, companies — all this is the same from the point of view of structures, systems, but at the same time they are completely different things in essence, as they work differently.

Fractality is the endless repetition of system elements that copy each other. There are not so many real fractals in life, but they exist and they are structural. When you think about the world fractally, you change your perception from some separate element to the whole system and read the similarity of all principles and the whole structure.

Similarity is the identity of individual parameters in different systems or entities, because of this we cannot call them exact copies of each other, but they are similar.

In nature, there are many complex composite things that are created fractally. This is manifested in the repetition of patterns or the same form on different scales. Each leaf of a fern is a reduced copy of the whole plant.

For example, the health of the bronchi is assessed fractally: if the bronchioles (branches of the bronchial tree) are similar to larger elements, then the organ can be considered healthy. Since this is a paired organ, similarity plays a big role here.

In science, the fractal method is used for research. For example, the coastline is often estimated by its parts, as this is the only simple way. It’s difficult to calculate the length of the coastline, as it is broken and ragged, and if you need to calculate the area or perimeter, it’s difficult to measure the distance, taking into account all these irregularities.

At some point, scientists realized that if you take a certain part of the coastline, count it and then multiply by the value of other parts, you get a very accurate hit in the area and perimeter of the territory. That is, they take a small element, calculate its parameters and simply scale. The result of such calculations turns out to be very accurate.

From the point of view of logic, such similarity may seem fantastic. But it turns out that this is how it works: structures are simply built on the principle of similarity, so you can look at one element and learn information about another or about the system as a whole.

Interestingly, this approach simultaneously contradicts the principles of systems thinking. It says that you cannot, by looking at one small part, understand how it interacts with the whole structure and what properties it has.

And this is true. For example, if you look at water molecules and even combine them into a general picture, you will not understand that water is wet if you don’t already know this fact. The system on a larger scale, when combining different variations of elements, gets new properties that were not visible before. But the structure is still similar in some way.

There is a line when you look at similarity or when you try to evaluate the full system. Learning to think fractally is to see patterns and accept that systems do not completely copy each other, that is, systems of larger scale differ from smaller ones in some parameters, indicators and properties.

In relationships between people, fractality can manifest itself as follows. Between similar people, a neural connection arises. This is when one sees another and accepts them, evaluates their state, value, beliefs and position, and then equates them to themselves when they feel similar. A neural connection arises. If you don’t identify yourself with a person, you will not feel such attachment and empathy to them. And this happens due to the similarity of personality structure and experience.

If we talk about business, then here, as in nature — it’s an organism, it also lives, develops, goes through different stages of formation. In the structure there are departments that work together, but on different things. And if for some reason an entire department fails, possibly due to mass dismissal in order to update personnel, then other departments will immediately feel the consequences of this decision.

If we say that a person grows, develops, matures and their perception of the world changes, then the same thing happens in business: here too there are ups and downs, periods when it grows, develops, when it creates products and develops new directions. It’s like ordinary life. After all, business is not some separate entity with its own laws of existence. Everything is metaphorical. It is also born, dies, develops according to certain spirals of stability — from youth, the state of a startup to adulthood and transition to an unwieldy corporation. Our body and business go through the same cycles.

And if principles are violated, then everything stops working. A structure unlike others is unlikely to survive in this system. Except for rare exceptions.

For example, Netflix company at one time began to recruit established professionals, pay them a lot of money and retain them to move the company forward.

All companies will not be able to work like this, otherwise the business system will collapse. With such a model, the system will roll back, because it is impossible for every company to have only professionals. Where to get so many of them?

You can learn business from examples of nature: how flocks interact, how flora and fauna evolve, how plants and animals communicate with each other — this can be learned, because we also build business on people, management systems and interactions.

If you look at an anthill, then everything is arranged there no worse than in a serious company. The same fractal can be found in yourself. On the one hand, we are a whole organism, we have our own personality and it differs from others. Our primary essence. All people are different with their properties and features, but each person is divided into a huge number of subpersonalities. This is found on many levels.

First, we communicate differently in the family, with friends and at work — we select our reactions, behavior and even way of thinking for each frame.

To some extent, these are masks, and it’s quite difficult to determine who we really are and which personality is real. But the answer is simple: we consist of many personalities. Just as an organism consists of organs and a huge number of cells, so personality itself is a certain part of the whole.

Everyone has a separate personality for relationships, family, work, etc. These personalities live differently, think differently, we can say that these are different people. Thoughts, actions, facial expressions and body movements can change. But this is not the end. Each personality can be divided into subpersonalities.

For example, during work, several subpersonalities can fight inside you: one will be afraid of new tasks, another will want to do them no matter what, the third will do everything carelessly, just to finish faster. All these are parts that live inside the “worker” personality.

Subpersonalities interact with each other and live as in a family. They can quarrel, make up, pursue a common goal, fight each other and interfere.

Just as there is a society outside, a system of communication of a collective or family, so inside us there is something similar, consisting of subpersonalities. This is a huge number of personalities that live their own lives, affairs, values and goals.

It’s difficult to say whether these are subpersonalities or different facets of our “I”. But it’s not so important what we call it, what’s important is that it exists. If a person is immersed in a trance, these personalities can manifest themselves and come into contact.

Often in adulthood we have problems because we didn’t get enough of something in childhood, or if we were offended. And this offended and unloved “child” can live inside and influence our adult life. This is really an important facet of our personality or subpersonality. Usually it’s not difficult to reach it. But in special cases, when there was severe trauma, only hypnosis can help.

And, oh wonder. If this “child” was hiding somewhere deep while you were conscious, then during trance he can come into contact. And even if he is silent in this case, he can contact through movements and send impulses to different parts of the body, which can be recorded and digitized.

Relationships between our subpersonalities occur unconsciously. You have probably noticed these moments when we try to negotiate with ourselves, force ourselves to do something, argue, persuade — we have a dialogue with ourselves. This is because inside us there is a discord of archetypal personalities.

If you analyze the environment and society as a whole, you can notice that each person has a certain direction of personality prevailing, which people usually label, as it is the brightest.

However, if you analyze three epileptoids, these will be three different people, similar only in the work of the nervous system.

This is like comparing two weightlifters in the 89 to 102 kg category. If it’s an international competition and one athlete is, say, Korean, and the other is Norwegian, the body structure will be different. Some nationalities find it harder to gain muscle mass. For Asians, 89 kg with a minimum percentage of fat is a colossal effort. This cannot be said about northern peoples — their muscles grow faster. Therefore, in this case, the mass of athletes may be the same, but the amount of effort invested will be different.

Some people have natural predispositions for running, while others for weightlifting. But this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to achieve what you don’t have a predisposition for.

For example, boxer Roy Jones, who was a middleweight, reached the super heavyweight and beat everyone. This is a certain type of personality. Firstly, he has a special physiological structure and thinking. He belongs to a small layer of people who have this from birth. That is, he not only develops, but also has prerequisites.

From the point of view of physical strength, he wasn’t a super heavyweight, but he managed to take all the belts and become the best boxer in the world, regardless of weight category. There is a popular opinion that this is a coincidence and in most situations this doesn’t happen.

But nothing happens just like that. There are no personality types that are not needed in the system, each of them appears in the amount necessary for the system to stimulate its development. But this also stimulates our development.

Even psychopaths are needed by the system in a certain amount — within 10—15%, but they will always be there. They are pathological personalities who, with full preservation of thinking, can behave immorally and even dangerously for others. They are dominated by the animal part, they have no fear, empathy and sense of emotions, so they are a little closer to wild nature, if we compare an animal and a human. Yes, they can learn to portray emotions, but it’s difficult for them to feel them. They don’t know what it’s like to enjoy the moment, for example, to smell a flower and experience ecstasy from the aroma.

From year to year, approximately the same percentage of psychopaths is born. The number can gradually change, but not globally. Companies also need some number of certain employees. In a family, too, there should be bright leaders, gray cardinals and those who just monitor the situation. And if some layer of people quickly decreases or, conversely, quickly grows, sooner or later the system will still return to the average indicator.

Regardless of whether we want it or not, there will be certain psychotypes in the system, even if they are dangerous to others. People are born not as we wish, but as the system needs. They become carriers of parental genes, which all mix in the child. Therefore, we are not an exact copy of our parents, but something modified.


Our body is a reflection of society. It is controlled by cells, organs and subpersonalities. You also need to have a conversation with them, negotiate, help, support, and then they will help you in return.

You must go in the same direction otherwise there will be discord. For example, in people with split personality, at the moment when the personality changed in the head, the entire structure of the organism changed in terms of biochemistry. That is, one personality could be sick with something, but when switching to another personality, the symptoms receded.

There is a recorded case when a mentally ill person’s diabetes disappeared when switching to another personality. Science doesn’t know how to control and treat this disease, but the brain just changed personality, and that personality was no longer sick. So strongly it influenced the biochemistry of the organism.

Bacteria are another important inseparable part of us, without which we cannot live. We are like a planet for them. And there are several options for coexistence: either life in symbiosis, or in a state of war. This is synergy in any case.

And they also have their own “communities” that live separately in their enclaves, separate organs, may even fight with each other — processes are similar to what happens at the level of family, country, at the level of human interaction and nature, cells and subpersonalities. Everything happens according to one pattern, one image and all this lives together.


Development in nature is evolution, and in general, we evolve according to the same principles. We find more correct and simple methods to adapt and survive. We begin to change ourselves, change thinking — all this is similar to evolution. It works like this: it finds the best solutions and periodically introduces tests that allow us to move away from the general structure.

Mutations cannot be widespread, because then what worked well will stop working. But without deviations, it’s impossible to find something new and step to a new round of evolution.

And again, you can’t consider a specific point and evaluate the whole structure by it. You can’t understand how the brain thinks and what properties it has, judging by one neuron.

But we think this way because we have an organism. For example, when a person wants to create artificial intelligence based on brain work, this is fundamentally wrong, because the brain without a body doesn’t think, as it doesn’t receive enough experience.

Our thinking is inextricably linked with the body. We cognize the world with our body and learn through our sensations. This is a complex process in which logic alone is not enough. Without the body and organs of perception, we would have completely different thinking. Therefore, in matters of artificial intelligence, it’s pointless to strive to create a network identical to the brain.

Probably, sooner or later we will come to the idea that it’s necessary to integrate artificial intelligence into the head and there will be other people. Maybe nature is preparing us for this.

A catastrophic outcome for us would be if artificial intelligence stood out as a separate independent species. This will be a new branch of evolution that we created ourselves, but it’s quite likely that this is the evolution of nature.

Along with this, people should also step to a new round of development. Movement towards automation and technocracy may well be the will of nature, which hints in which direction to dig.

On the one hand, this sounds terrible, but from the point of view of nature and the system — it’s more or less logical, as if it should happen. After all, the system must develop and transform into something. New species should appear from tests and experiments. Human development tends towards technology, our thinking has been going in this direction constantly and quite likely, not in vain. As we have already said, new solutions and new thoughts are the subconscious, and it can be controlled by the whole system. This means that all our common development may be the system’s plan for a new qualitative leap.

Part-whole 2nd part

Our personalities manifest themselves even when we change country, work or position. In managerial positions, people often choose a certain model of behavior in order to show their status, manage correctly, have authority in the eyes of employees, etc.

This is a forced measure that people themselves consciously take. But there is an uncontrollable part that changes thinking at the subconscious level very strongly — for example, language learning. When a person masters a foreign language, begins to think in it, speech begins to adapt to the intonations of native speakers. In parallel, their thinking and even behavior changes.

When people learn a foreign language and practice it in conversation, they are forced to rebuild themselves mentally. They seem to become closer to another country, begin to change themselves, adapt to this game, try to imitate natives.

This is especially noticeable when a person was speaking, say, in Russian, and then suddenly switched to English. You can see how body movements, facial expressions, intonation and even voice change. Even in moments of pause, during breaks, a person’s face changes.

These changes occur instantly and a person changes very much. Including thinking changes. If a person has changed physically, they have undergone the same global changes inside. The approach to problem solving, values, level of aggression and kindness have changed. At this moment, they acquire another personality.

We don’t often see a person switching when they were speaking in their native language a minute ago, and now they have switched to a foreign language. At the moment of switching, restructuring occurs and you can see global changes in the body and behavior. And this is another new personality, nesting, just another part of us. Since we consist of a huge number of these parts.


Bacteria live inside us, and we cooperate with them, if we have some kind of disorder, then our whole organism suffers. And these sufferings affect others. We change under the influence of bacteria and microbes. They control our life, and we, thereby, control their life, because they live in us and their comfortable existence depends on our well-being, nutrition and lifestyle. Who is more important here — the organism, our consciousness or bacteria — is difficult to say.

In nature, there are a huge number of nestings: atoms, cells, organism. An atom has a nucleus around which electrons rotate. All this folds together and different substances are obtained.

Further, at the macro level, we encounter the same thing: the solar system, galaxies or just electrons, everything turns out to be similar to each other.

Structures are approximately the same everywhere: there is a center and a system that depends on it, is tied to it, functions around it. Satellites rotate around planets, planets — around the Sun. Galaxies also group together and form clusters. And these clusters unite into superclusters.

At the “invisible” level, at the level of atoms, everything happens the same way: there are structures and a continuous process of rotation. And here the law of quantum physics applies: the system changes as soon as an observer appears, that is, one observer is enough for the system to change.


So, we have completed the arc of fractality and now we move on to the next part — equilibrium. It includes several concepts:

— quantitative equilibrium, this is about how many certain entities are in each system.

— quantitative equalization, the desire for a certain percentage breakdown.

— spirituality, which is divided into poles and truth. Poles are extremes, like the left and right parts, like good and evil, etc.

— the middle, which comes in different types: there is a central and true position, which greatly scales the process.

— duality, this is about the fact that in any process there must be extremes that in principle create movement and develop systems. We will discuss all this further.

People choose their “second halves” to develop each other, so they say that opposites attract. This is necessary to balance the system, moving both closer to the center if they act together.

An experiment was conducted: women were given men’s things to determine by smell what smells pleasant to them and what doesn’t. As a result, women chose the things of men who were genetically maximally different from them. That is, subconsciously they chose those who are more suitable for them for development.

Everything has a common trend of movement. Mystics, believers and scientists studying the genome claim that a person has a purpose. As they say, our life program is predetermined. And we can go along this path in a simple way, moving straight and not denying fate, or in zigzags, trying to change something, but still returning to our purpose. The direction itself doesn’t change, only the movement changes.

According to the theory about the genome, the genotype increasingly affects our life with age. A formed organism corresponds 75% to the program prescribed initially. Therefore, we can say that our life is to some extent predetermined.

But this doesn’t contradict the principles we talked about above. Our path illustrates the graph of movement along a sine wave: moving away now to one side from our path, now to the other, we try to observe the principle of equilibrium.

We move along our straight line, but periodically move away from it, like light, which is both a wave and a photon. The photon moves in one direction, sometimes changing trajectory, and around it is a wave that is not independent in choosing direction. It’s like a satellite that depends on the planet. At most, it can deviate to the side, but within its trajectory.

When we evaluate a situation for equilibrium, we always analyze opposite entities, how far they are from each other and from the center. Opposites cannot do without each other, as they are incomplete and do not develop without each other.

In artistic works, there is always a hero and an anti-hero, and one defines the other in contrast. Usually they are in a state of war, but feel interest and respect for each other, and life becomes meaningless without their antipode.

When colliding, they begin to balance each other and move towards balance in their skills. The main character becomes more cruel and calculating in order to be able to resist the opponent. Throughout the work, he gains skills that are in the anti-hero and which he lacks. And the antagonist eventually develops human qualities: he begins to value life more, people, more loyally treat the environment. In other words, he enriches his experience and becomes a stronger and more balanced personality.

Sometimes they influence each other so strongly that both become imbued with each other’s values and worldview. As a result, they become one and help each other, becoming almost best friends, even if they have to fight to the death according to the script. This scenario hook catches the most, when two poles balanced each other and moved to the center, gaining more experience and development.

Equilibrium and quantity of different

In the world, a certain number of psychotypes are always born. This prevents the system from collapsing. Everyone has predispositions to certain things, and if these predispositions are overlaid with a suitable environment, a person fully realizes themselves.

The essence of leaders is to lead people. If they deviate from this principle and don’t use their special quality, it becomes harder for them to live. If there is potential that isn’t realized, dissatisfaction and tension appear.

A person always strives to realize themselves unconsciously, but external factors hinder this. For example, if a child-leader grew up in a military family and his father insisted on the same path for his son. Thus, a person falls into a system that is built on a rigid hierarchy and subordination, leadership qualities are not realized, as there is little freedom, because there is always someone who commands you and whom you must obey.

There are certain proportions according to which society exists. There can’t be 90 leaders for 100 people, then the system will collapse, because leaders will conflict with each other, “rat race” will begin, because of which everything will fall apart.

At the same time, if there is a bias in the opposite direction, for example, 1 leader per 1000 people, and the rest are performers. This way the system will not function either, as too many responsibilities and control will fall on the shoulders of one person. The founder of a company can manage thousands of people alone, but not with his own hands. And if he has middle managers in his subordination who also manage groups. They are also leaders, but hierarchically lower.

The crowd always craves a leader, because few people like to take responsibility and make important decisions. It’s always easier to shift decision-making to someone else. Therefore, leadership is not so much freedom as process management, tension, responsibility and certain difficulties.

There is also a certain percentage of logicians and “creatives”. Probably, there are more of the former, since creativity is about creativity and coming up with ideas, and if half of the people will just come up with something, then the system will not work either.

And there are enough people who like to work with their hands. For some, it’s easier and more pleasant to engage in woodcarving or construction than, say, science. For a scientist, it’s important to generate ideas, research something and conduct experiments. And usually both the master and the researcher look at each other with misunderstanding and regret. Each considers the other unhappy. But in fact, these are just different principles of thinking.

However, it also happens that a person was born with a predisposition to one thing, but began to do another, but this is not a coincidence, but a system insurance. For example, if there is only one leader and no one can compete with him — this is a bad sign. There are no guarantees that this person will have good managerial skills, there is always a risk of serious illness or fatal outcome. And in this case, someone should replace him. A selection is necessary among people who are potential leaders. All others will not be realized, will move to another position, or will manage at lower levels. This division is repeated from system to system.

But depending on external conditions, there may be deviations and changes. For example, you can’t say that in a village and in a metropolis there is the same cross-section of society. In a big city there may be more creative people, as they have where to work and express themselves, and in the village their potential will simply be idle.

Elements that have not gone their own way develop the system. Anomalies bring something new, the system transforms, and if the changes are successful, the result is strengthened. It happens that conditions prevented a person from realizing their potential, but they became successful in another field.

Subconsciously, people take positions where they are most needed. Therefore, sometimes people become effective when they are not in their places.

The fractal principle of quantity equilibrium is preserved in many systems. It can transform, but it remains. For example, in the early centuries of our era, the absence of fear and emotions was valued in people — such people became excellent warriors. Now this continues to be valued among police officers, judges, doctors. But at the same time, these are signs of psychopathy.

The system evolves and along with it the percentage ratio changes. Evolution is always adaptation, but it occurs gradually depending on the system’s need. At the level of substances, planets, galaxies, there are also principles and rules of saturation in density of some elements to regulate the percentage ratio of entities and not disturb the balance.


Not everyone can be a leader. There were no problems with this before, but now there is a strong cult of money and entrepreneurship in society. In Russia, it began relatively recently. And many are burning with the idea of starting their own business with the goal of getting rich. Business for such people is a tool. They want to earn a lot of money and see potential in entrepreneurship. However, they don’t understand the main thing, that less than 1% of startups become truly successful — most “die” in the first year.

And all because people quickly ignite with the idea of entrepreneurship, having watched movies and read books about successful success. It seems to them that this is the path to a huge amount of money and freedom. In fact, everything is the opposite — there are more restrictions in terms of time, resources, sleep and a lot of tension.

Because of the fixed idea to get rich and great difficulties on this path, info-businessmen appear who teach people “money thinking”. They teach that everyone can get rich, which is impossible systematically.

If everyone is an entrepreneur, who will work then? An entrepreneur must have someone work for them, that’s the point. Even a partnership, when there are several owners of one company, is also not quite entrepreneurship, as the business does not belong entirely to one person.

If a person opens their own business and acts as an employee, this is self-employed or freelancer. For example, if the new generation will work entirely on freelance, failures will begin in the system. Since the beginning of the 2000s, it was fashionable to get legal and economic education. Due to high demand, these specialties became the most expensive in universities, and the market quickly became saturated with specialists. Now there is a trend for IT professions. And probably the same thing will happen with it.

For the system to be in balance, people should go their own way, engage in their purpose. Thoughts and ideas imposed from outside distance you from your fate. By fate, I mean not specific events, but potential direction.

One should strive to develop individual skills, talents and desires. And entrepreneurs are destined to be a certain number of people. Because this is a personality structure that is born with, and which then strengthens at the age of up to 5 years. They are born to undertake, they “itch”, they need to do something and create. Yes, everyone can learn this, but if it’s not yours, then you will often face difficulties, even where others don’t experience them.


Being an entrepreneur is an idea imposed by society. The same can be said about the desire to communicate with people. Socially approved behavior is when a person has many friends, constantly “boils” in the flow of communication and feels comfortable there. But in life, this cannot be ubiquitous. Due to the personality structure, a good half of people lose strength when communicating with others, rather than replenishing them. Let’s call them introverts.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that people get offended by such behavior or perceive the desire to be alone as unsociability. Therefore, many people hide their introversion, playing by the rules of society, because of this they get more tired in life.

In the system, types of people are balanced, so introverts are an important part of it. I’m not even talking about the fact that only this type of personality is suitable for some work. For example, not everyone can write code day after day for many hours, feeling great at the same time.

The percentage ratio of personality types changes based on adaptation and evolutionary processes. Not necessarily in a good direction, but there is always movement and, most likely, from one peak to another, up and down.

There are people who acquire large families, and there are those who make the decision to spend life in solitude with themselves. For example, monks live an ascetic life, and some take a vow of celibacy and at the same time feel happy. We can gasp and ah, because in our opinion, a person dooms themselves to an unhappy life, but probably they will be even happier than many “normal” people.

We pity people who are left alone, especially the elderly, and most often they really lack communication and attention. But it also happens that a lonely elderly mother, having a large family, refuses to attend common holidays and asks to bring grandchildren less often. On a global scale, there are people who are more comfortable living alone. But because there are not so many of them, others don’t understand them.

The system assumes diversity, opposites and mutually exclusive things, otherwise it does not develop. “Loners” are also a diversity of the system, an anomaly in the understanding of the majority.

Any deviation gives rise to tension and raises questions, and real equilibrium is in the center of the graph.

Companies, cities and countries are structured by some personality types at different stages of evolution. Inside the country, there are leading localities and peripheries, that is, the richest and poorest districts. This is Pareto’s law, when 20% gives 80% of the result. The percentage breakdown is conditional, it can be 10/90, 5/95 or 30/70 — depends on the situation.

But we need to remember that such overweights are not the norm. And efficiency increases when everything tends to the center. This is especially true for local systems.

Such a structure of quantity is fractal: distribution exists between people, cities and countries. For example, in terms of thinking, there is a breakdown into eastern and western. The West thinks about each person separately, about individuality, while the East thinks about society and promotes collective values.

In different cultures, the same action will be evaluated differently. For example, a person committed a crime. In the West, they will think that the criminal himself is to blame for the crime, in the East — they will think about how the system influenced this and why the person made this particular choice. One mentality is built around the cult of personality, but it is balanced by another, where society as a whole is prioritized. Like Yin and Yang, which well reflect the principles of equilibrium: polarity, center, spirituality and duality.


At the micro level, the roles of cells are also divided into a certain percentage ratio. And everyone has a different one. Even if we look from the point of view of evolution, the number of brain cells has constantly increased with each new human species.

Each cell has its own task, and probably at its own level it just functions, but it doesn’t know the task of the whole system. We live the same way, as we don’t know why society functions the way it functions. We agree with the idea that the body regulates the number and ratio of cells, but the fact that, for example, the number of people and animals can be regulated on the planet according to the same principle is strange to us. Although both of these worlds are fractal, which means the processes are similar there and there.

Man from the very beginning of his appearance on Earth began to influence it: flora and fauna changed, a huge number of animals became extinct, the climate changed. But why we act like this, from what motives — that’s another question.

Perhaps all ideas belong to the system, not to us. And we are just hands, with which it carries out regulation. We disrupt the balance of cells and bacteria in our body with medicines, and then we suffer. The system has to take a long time to come back to balance.

When the body fights the disease on its own, it develops antibodies, immune cells. It works like this: the condition first worsens, but then the system adapts to the disease and copes with it.

But when we take a pill, the balance is disturbed — both “good” and “bad” bacteria are destroyed. Medicines do a disservice, as they don’t allow the body to cope on its own. There is an oversaturation of immune cells, and the body stops producing them. Both defender cells and harmful cells are destroyed. Thus, we bring the system to destabilization, as we interfere in the process of equilibrium.

This issue needs to be approached without fanaticism. I’m not saying that right now everyone needs to give up medicines. Always assess the preparation of the body, undergo examinations to be aware of your condition, assess the severity of the disease and whether you can drop out of the work cycle right here and now to be sick at home in a natural way.


In development, it should always be difficult, but to a certain degree. If some process strains you too much, most likely you will not develop much in it, because motivation will disappear. But if it will be too easy, interest will fade.

Development consists of elements that are unlike each other. For example, if only logicians work in a company, progress will be slow and one-sided, as there are no those who will bring emotionality to work and look at what’s happening from a different side.

Often methodologies rely on some one idea. For example, those where everything needs to be counted and digitized. In its pure form, such a system does not work normally, because there is always a moment of intuition. When you need to take not by calculation, but by creative solutions that are not born according to a specific pattern, but come from above. You can think through the direction and framework in advance, but you can’t calculate a breakthrough idea.

If we move the system towards logic and calculations without intuitive thinking, then our system works poorly. If, on the contrary, we engage in management only with the help of our intuition, then we have no numbers that we can rely on. And these are complementary things and they must be in the system in a certain volume.

Remembering and assimilating information plays a big role in development. For example, memory works best when we affect it from different sides:

— build logical chains;

— visualize images;

— create emotional metaphors;

— involve the audial and kinesthetic channel.

We need to analyze systems to understand which side is sagging. For example, you focus on logic, but ignore the emotional approach, or you read information visually, but don’t perceive it in the form of sound.


It may seem that in nature some elements are more important and useful, while others don’t play a special role. But this is not so. You can’t say that a leader is more important than subordinates. If there are no ordinary employees, there will be no point in a leader. A scientist is not more important than builders. Because people who create something with their hands greatly change the world.

A manager without employees and partners is a useless element that can come up with something, but not implement it. He manages the system, but doesn’t mean that he stands above all. Management is just his job. Others have different jobs. And this doesn’t mean that they are worse. All these personalities are important, because if there is a bias, then the system works poorly or doesn’t work at all. Therefore, it’s important to understand the role of each person and the need for different elements.

There is nothing more or less important, there is a system and it is either coordinated or not. The number of psychotypes, settings, talents is always balanced.

If one part of the system changes, the same happens with its opposite. This is how equilibrium manifests itself. If for some reason there are more leaders, then there will be more followers — to maintain balance, the volume will increase.

Diseases also go through an evolutionary path: if these are strong diseases that kill a lot of people at once, launching an epidemic, but then, in order to survive in this world, they begin to adapt and become less aggressive. There may be another scenario when at the very beginning the disease is “quiet”, and then after some time it acquires incredible proportions and disappears just as quickly. This is exactly what happened with the coronavirus. After all, it was discovered back in the 20th century, but it became truly dangerous in 2020, and a couple of years later it subsided altogether.

Diseases cannot act randomly: just appear, destroy some percentage of people and disappear. This happens according to a certain logic. Firstly, there are periods that are scattered in time intervals, where everything moves along a conditional sine wave. Secondly, there are always oscillations and this is a certain tool for regulating the system.

Equilibrium is manifested in regression to the mean value. For example, children who are geniuses in childhood don’t differ much from others in adulthood. And those who had developmental delays in school often catch up to average performance at an older age.

Center of the pole

Poles are extreme values of one phenomenon (good and evil, truth and lies, etc.), which alone do not work in plus. This is an unbalanced and rather negative system from the point of view of our general understanding. There should be opposites in it, but when there is a strong bias between them, this is bad. But usually in life there is constantly a bias in one direction: when we strive for something, we choose one direction and develop in it, hypertrophying it.

For example, in relationships, manipulation is often resorted to, when they press on the right points to get what they want from a person. And this works, although it raises questions from the point of view of morality. A person can be worked with and anything can be made of them. Communicating only in the language of manipulation, you will sooner or later hit the ceiling and will not be able to set new goals, as you have been moving in only one direction all this time and probably have reached the peak.

You missed intuitive, subconscious and emotional behavior while following the path of mechanical manipulations. People usually move towards some pole and believe that if they focus on something one, they can achieve greater success. But it doesn’t work that way.

There is always an optimum, that is, the best average option without extremes and favoritism.

When there is movement towards one pole, we gradually get used to thinking in one way and deny everything else. For example, science explains the world only from the point of view of calculations of physical quantities, deduces laws that can be confirmed, therefore it is one-sided. On the other hand, there is faith, which explains what is happening by divine design and acts as an antagonist of science. These are extremes, and the truth is somewhere in between.

In business, it’s all the same. Let’s take two poles “good” and “bad”: if things are going well in business, employees and managers relax, because of this a decline begins. We are always moving forward and rolling back — as soon as we get used to comfortable conditions, they are replaced by stress and chaos.

Comfortable conditions are an extreme peak state. And having reached it, we will ricochet back to the other pole. The system will begin to shake, rock and then it may already be impossible to hold it.

We want everything to always be good with business, relationships and health, so we strive to get positivity in all areas. We hope that we will earn a lot of money and then life will improve. In fact, when we reach one earnings, we immediately set the bar — to earn more. There is no end, as well as satisfaction from what has been achieved. We simply go in this vector, plunging deeper and deeper. The same is true for relationships.

When there are no changes, there is habituation. If we don’t develop relationships, that is, we are at one point, interest gradually disappears, as there is no movement. Movement and life are about oscillations, about another frame, but it is inextricably linked with equilibrium, so I will constantly refer to it.

Emotions in relationships should be: either when a couple receives them from each other, or from outside — for example, when both engage in active recreation, travel, etc. Too calm relationships, when everything is smooth and even, is statics, which should be a passing state.

There is another extreme: when there are many changes and no calmness at all. This is a bias to the other pole. You get used to such a pace of life over time and interest fades. Relationships deteriorate as soon as something becomes habitual for us.


Health. The body adapts when changes constantly occur in it, that is, when it receives small doses of stress. However, if this happens without breaks, stress accumulates. Another extreme is absolute calmness without the slightest shake. For development, resonances are needed, but to avoid overweighting in favor of one pole, periods of calmness are necessary.

Habituation to one state negatively affects the body: stability at the moment destabilizes the systems as a whole.

Development. If you constantly work at a high level of tension, this will negatively affect the body. Athletes understand this best, who know how to alternate between work and rest. After all, if you overstrain the muscles and don’t let them recover, they won’t grow.

It works like this: you give such a load that microinjuries form in the muscles, after which you don’t train for 1—2 days. Training without rest is wrong — this way you will spend more energy and not get results.

And vice versa — if you give a small load, the muscles won’t strain, and therefore grow. One athlete trains every day without rest, and the second every other day or two. The first’s muscles develop worse than the second’s, although the second spends less time and effort. But he has a balance in the load.

If you fanatically strive for growth and don’t rest, you go deep into an extreme. A master can’t be a fanatic, as he understands the ineffectiveness of such an approach.

In addition to training, we need a change of situation for the body to develop and improve immunity. It periodically needs shakes so that it is in different positions, develops and feels good. It can’t be only in calmness or only in tension.

The spiritual and physical should also be in balance. Through the physical, we feel the body, and through it the whole world. We can fast, engage in winter swimming or sports, thereby introducing the body into stress — on the one hand, this is negative, on the other — development. The same thing happens when we learn. Effective learning is the creation of new neural connections, stress for the brain, which is necessary for development. But we can’t be in this mode continuously either. Balance is needed.

Nature. Stagnation can’t last long, it’s always replaced by a new round, as nature always makes tests and chooses the best. There is no stability either in nature or in life. And as it is now, the universe will not look the same in millions of years.

Everything started from a point, after which the universe began to expand, move, and this is an unceasing process. Perhaps, according to the law of development, after some time the system will begin to collapse back — this will be a reverse movement to another plus.

Everything changes according to a certain graph, along a sine wave up and down and moves from pole to pole. Accordingly, if part of the system lingers in a certain position, nature reads this as an anomaly, and strives to get out of it as quickly as possible — this is how everything works.

Human psyche is afraid of instability and chaos, as they are difficult to control. Therefore, the idea of eternal life appeared. However, it can exist only in books and theories, in practice it is impossible, as it contradicts the laws of development (not to mention the laws of nature). Immortality is the stabilization of the system. Another thing is when elements appear, develop, degrade and transition to another state, which we read as death, but in fact we remain in this world, only in a different form. We can’t stand still.


The sinusoidal nature well illustrates changeability. This is about how movement is always variable — it goes up, then down, and so on in a circle. If your relationship starts improving, no matter how much you want it, there will be a rollback. The question is only how strong it will be and what the overall trajectory of movement is. If everything was terrible, the movement will go up in any case.

Changeability is also about learning and adaptation. The learning of a system works in a way that makes it stronger. For example, if an employee’s position in the company is constantly improving, after some time he will stop trying as hard as before, considering it the norm and will work worse. The changeability of how he feels at work also helps him move up.

There is a phenomenon — the brain needs stress in small doses to work more efficiently.

Phase transition

Movement goes in a spiral. It’s similar to a circle because oscillations go up and down, only in a circle. If you translate the spiral onto a graph, you get a sinusoid, where at some point it transitions to a new turn higher up. You’re moving and at some point you get a sufficient amount of energy, experience, some critical mass and transition to another level, continue movement there.

And you always have a choice: either descent or the next turn. If you’ve gained experience, you move on, and if not, you descend.

The transition to a new level changes the system itself: for example, you thought that all people have good intentions, then you realized this. This thought was built into your “firmware”, and it changed the entire system, you now relate to the world in a completely different way, there’s no way back. You will continue to move, only the oscillations will be at the level of your belief and understanding.

The transition to another level is when water became ice and all its functions changed. A company from a startup became a large company. Relationships in the first few months and marriage are absolutely different things. Everything changes, transitions to another level.

The transition occurs gradually, without jumps. If you skip stages, and the system is not ready — it will roll back, there will be no equilibrium and no oscillation around the center.

Equilibrium is when you’ve transitioned to this level due to certain beliefs.

In trading, they use Elliott’s wave model, which is needed to predict market movement — trends — and make purchases and sales in time.

This is a fractal system, where you can see that a straight line is actually oscillations, and oscillations are inside oscillations. And the same thing happens with us. Such a graph can be built for most processes, they are always fractal and move up and down with a general trend.

Often when we pass peaks and roll back to the equilibrium point, a transition occurs, a change in thinking. Therefore, equilibrium is another important, third part of the entire concept.

This concludes the translation of the provided text. The content covers various aspects of the author’s philosophical concept, explaining principles of fractality, oscillation, and equilibrium as they apply to various aspects of life, nature, and human understanding. It provides a framework for viewing the world and its processes through these interconnected principles.


Equilibrium is a quantitative position on one side when it comes to concrete things, and qualitative on the other when we talk about mental things.

Quantitative equilibrium

For nature to exist in equilibrium, there must be a certain number of hunters, predators, and herbivores. If there are too many predators, fights for feeding territories will begin, food will be scarce, and populations will start to die out.

In this case, the system will leave the equilibrium position and begin to collapse. This is natural. But then it will change, reformatting itself into a similar system where everything will be balanced in a new way.

The same happens with people. We all have multidirectional thinking: some are born leaders, others are good at generating ideas and concepts, while others are good at implementing them. If there are many leaders, no one will work. And vice versa — if there are only workers, no one will be able to manage them, take responsibility, make decisions, and then the system will also collapse.

In fact, not everyone needs to be a leader, even though this idea is actively imposed on us. A person’s brain can be sharpened for something completely different, and they will not realize their potential by taking on the role of a leader.

It’s important that quantitative equilibrium is balanced taking into account the strengths or energies of each element. For example, 1 leader can influence 100 people by the strength of action. Accordingly, if there are 2 leaders for the same number of people, there will be too much energy and one will have to leave the system for it to balance.

But if a group or company grows, there is a need for additional controlling elements.

The same is true with predators and herbivores, because if there are too many herbivores, more predators will be needed to regulate them. And vice versa — if there are too many predators, more herbivores should be born.

Quantitative equilibrium is about the system balancing itself with different, multidirectional things.


This is about mental balance, when in the same process there should be two conditionally opposite entities: bad and good, qualitative and non-qualitative, stupid and smart.

Opposites are necessary. There is always a superhero and an antagonist. A superhero won’t exist without an opponent. If there are no bad intentions, there will be no good ones — heroes cannot exist if there are no villains because there needs to be someone to save the world from. The antagonist shapes the hero because he creates problems and contributes to personal growth. Therefore, opposites create the system, this is what drives it.

Mutual development. When one entity encourages another to progress. There can be no development without setbacks. This is an important thing for understanding how the world is arranged in principle and how to look at it, what to pay attention to.

The potential difference for the system between black and white. The greater the difference between the upper peak point and the lower one, the greater the potential for movement. If the difference is small, then the system is limited and cannot accelerate. When there is a strong deviation to one side, there will necessarily be a strong impulse that will bring it back.

If a person has a calm temperament, a measured life, and rational actions, it’s unlikely that any extraordinary discoveries and actions can be expected from them.

When a person receives psychological trauma, it can greatly affect their ability to live a full life. However, trauma can be sublimated into creativity or even worked through it. Therefore, often successful musicians and actors are people with difficult fates. They have strong energy due to shocks and experienced emotions, and they can express all this through songs and show by getting into the role.

Of course, this should not be created deliberately for profit, there is nothing good in it for mental health. And you can’t always predict what will happen next, whether you can cope with it and come out on top.

If a startup enters the market, it will make every effort to break ahead. That is, the potential difference with some large company will help it grow. At the same time, their aspirations are balanced: a large brand has a lot in terms of an established position in the market and stable revenue, but it lacks the energy, aspiration, creativity, and new vision that startups have.


Let’s imagine a graph with a center and opposite parameters on different sides.

In the center, parameters are balanced: the closer to the center, the more developed, independent, and balanced the element is. For example, if a person is a logical introvert, they need an ethical extrovert — a complete opposite. In such a relationship, both partners will lead a full life, develop personally and professionally, share views and worldviews. This is what the concept of dual relationships is built on.

If a person is somewhere in the middle, then they need to work on themselves less, there is no urgent need for a second balancing element. But few people achieve such a stable state — there is always something to work on and improve. Since nothing stands still, movement happens constantly. And help from the outside is needed if you have deviated from the right direction and lost balance.

If we were to draw an efficiency graph, maximum efficiency would be in the center — this is the point of truth. But you can’t stay in it for too long, its strength is balanced by the left and right parts.

In essence, this is a state of flow, a slowing of time inside this place, a state of mastery and nirvana. If you are familiar with practices, you know that there can be a very charged state in which you can’t meditate, when you need to calm down, relax, and there can be another extreme — total relaxation when you can fall asleep. The ideal is the central, balanced state, it is there that consciousness and subconsciousness come into balance.

When you are in a trance state and are close to the center from the subconscious side, you may not remember, for example, how you spent time in meditation at all. If the bias is towards consciousness, there will be excessive control.

The center position is an ideal state, it is nirvana. Most people, when they experience trance, don’t understand it, but feel that it throws them very high. And at this moment, you can transition to a state of nirvana. And it is radically different from everything that a person can feel in ordinary life.

This is a strong potential difference. A high jump is felt, it usually doesn’t last long and it’s difficult to hold on there. You can stay in the negative and positive for a long time, but you are quickly thrown out of the center.

Even if a person is depressed, it doesn’t mean that they think about negativity 24/7. They can go to a stand-up concert of their favorite comedian, enjoy the jokes and laugh heartily. There can be positive and neutral periods. But overall, the trend is downward because there are many destructive thoughts and beliefs.

The opposite state is euphoria, where a person feels only positivity and a surge of strength. The middle, however, doesn’t last very long, but it is maximally energetic, free. This is the state of nirvana, the feeling of the whole world at once.

Equilibrium is when you feel the divine beginning and omnipotence, but at the same time there is no desire to harm someone, to take advantage of the situation. It’s just a strong position when the brain solves almost any task. It connects with the whole system and becomes something bigger.

This is the position of a master. And a master doesn’t shout about their essence and strength, they just know their abilities and don’t try to demonstrate them to the whole world. A person who talks a lot about their life and achievements is most likely just creating an image but doesn’t have internal balance.

Celebrities often show only the successful side of their lives, which creates a potential difference that needs to be balanced. But a master won’t stick out anywhere, they won’t exaggerate, and they also won’t completely renounce the world, that is, they should be both here and there, they should receive information from both poles to become a master, to be in the center balanced state.

And here’s the state of flow, it’s the same when we move up the sine wave and are at the very top — at the maximum point. You can linger there and get tremendous strength, energy, but you need to consider all the components. When you’re at the top, the left and right parts of the graph combine. It is in this balance that a breakthrough happens.


These are the basic frames of philosophy. You can run any process through each and understand at what level you are now. This way you can analyze any trend, understand what is happening to it and how it will affect the future.

Compare these three graphs of the development of different systems. Assess how similar they are in structure, this is fractality, which is visible in oscillations, and these graphs describe completely different things — the experience development curve, the innovation development curve, and the population regulation curve. These examples show that there are many more similar things and interconnections in our world than we might think at first glance.

If you have a question you’re thinking about, 3 systems will help you understand it qualitatively — fractality, oscillation, and equilibrium. And as soon as you run it through all these frames, it will be embedded in your “firmware”. You will begin to see the world through this process, and it will already become yours. You won’t need to immerse yourself in the systems every time as if for the first time, they will integrate into your life, after which you will be able to find solutions faster, understand the whole system and create new ideas.

Questions and exercises

— Fractality is everywhere: the way bacteria form colonies is similar to the urbanization of cities. Using the internet and other sources, find out exactly what principle bacteria use to populate a new area and why it is so similar to human migration to big cities?

— No movement — no life. For example, sharks spend their entire lives in motion, and stopping threatens them with suffocation. As they receive oxygen through water only during movement. Find 2 similar examples where movement is necessary for existence, and 2 examples where animals can live with minimal activity. How in this case do they manage to maintain vital activity? What is the similarity with Tibetan monks who can enter a trance lasting several decades?

— We often strive for balance. One of the common situations: if you have a tough character, you may feel comfortable communicating with a more “soft” and ethical person. Sometimes it’s not a person who can balance you, but external circumstances — there are many factors. Analyze your environment: with whom do you get bored, with whom is it fun and comfortable, and from whom do you want to run away without looking back? If we feel discomfort, it means our nature is in conflict with another. And we move away from balance. Or if you are similar in character, what allows you to exist in balance?

How to work with this in practice

We have examined 3 principles — fractality, oscillation, and equilibrium. All this adds up to one model of thinking. Now let’s find out what scheme to work with it.

— Look for a fractal metaphor. Remember something similar to your situation, something you’ve encountered in the information field, the surrounding world, or in the past. Metaphorical thinking is vivid, capacious, and requires little space for “storage”. Because of this, it’s easy for us, wandering through our memory palaces, to remember about any thing — what it is and how it works.

— Look at micro- and macro-oscillations: where the trend is going, at what level of development the entity is, how well the process is studied, accurate and understandable, how far it is from the maximum and minimum points.

— Analyze the equilibrium. What is the ideal position, what are the left and right parts. What contradictions are there and what can develop the system.

Questions and exercises

Analyze the situation according to the three-stage thinking model:

Situation: “I’m not satisfied with my environment: unexpectedly everyone’s views on life have changed, it has become more difficult to find common ground. Sometimes it comes to conflicts and quarrels.”

Step #1: Fractality Analyze what you agree on with your environment, and what causes conflict situations. Find fractal examples in family, work, politics. Evaluate the quality of relationships with different people in your environment.

Step #2: Oscillation Conflicts are maximum points. And they don’t happen unexpectedly, but rather have a cumulative effect. Draw a simple graph, mark the state of idyll at one extreme point and the point of conflicts at the opposite axis. Display the intermediate stages of relationships that are between extremes. Recall all such cycles and display them to track the dynamics. Remember what triggered each cycle, what was the starting point, what events strengthened the direction, and what served as the last straw.

Step #3: Equilibrium Who balances you out, and who, on the contrary, throws you off balance? What is the trend in relationships and how often does it change? Do relationships move to a new level and what kind of level is it: development or degradation?

Take a situation that concerns you and try to analyze it using the same scheme.

Why it’s so difficult to convey our thoughts

People who know the same thing are not equal in their knowledge. If I, as a layman, know something about cognitive-behavioral psychology, it’s not the same as what an associate professor of psychotherapy knows. Everyone has a different depth of understanding. Even people who have read the same book absorb a different percentage of information — one only 2%, and another — 50%. This needs to be understood when you’re learning something and teaching.

Another problem: everyone realizes information differently. If a person agrees with your thoughts, it doesn’t mean that they understand them as you do. Everyone has different life experiences. Imagine a world where everyone would wear glasses with lenses of a certain color. One has blue, another yellow. Everyone would see the world in their own color.

Experience is our “lenses”. Through it, we perceive new thoughts and because of it, we understand such simple things as love, freedom, loyalty, etc. differently. Therefore, in this book, I’m pondering whether it’s possible to convey thoughts so that a person understands them exactly as you do, and how to do it.

Philosophy is one of the most important parts. If a person knows the practice but doesn’t know the theory — this is not a master, as there is no kernel inside. The process of transformation into a master necessarily goes through theory and philosophy.

The world moves in oscillations. This can be traced in relation to learning. Previously, institutes theorized a lot, and soon they came to the opinion that this is bad — no one knows or understands anything. You studied at the institute, but you can’t work, because in practice everything is different. After all, theory is practice captured at some point in time, but our life and realities change every day, so all knowledge needs to be updated.

Now the oscillation has gone in the other direction. Now people say: it’s not necessary to cram tons of information, you just need to practice more. Practicing people should teach, for example, a businessman should teach business.

Is this the right approach? Not quite. A successful business is not always the merit of one person. You can meet the right people or hire a team of professionals. Therefore, the advice of “practitioners” should be analyzed — can you apply them to yourself, should you trust the authority of the speaker and their achievements.

For example, a person teaches you how to be happy. But in their understanding, happiness is a strong family and a happy marriage, while in yours — for example, getting an offer for a top manager position in an international company. People put different meanings into the same concept.

A bias towards practice or theory is an omission. A person who studies only theory cannot fully teach, because they know only general principles that work in standard or ideal conditions. A theorist doesn’t know most of the nuances and complexities, so they can’t provide quality training.

A practitioner doesn’t know most of the basics, and therefore they also can’t be a master. Mastery comes only in symbiosis between practice and theory, when the position is close to equilibrium.

How education has developed is an excellent demonstration of oscillation. The cult of theory has passed, the era of practice is receding. Probably, these extreme positions will change alternately, but ultimately, the pendulum will take a balanced position in the middle. Then they will begin to teach practice and theory simultaneously, and this will be equally important for students.

Here we have come to the duality that we discussed earlier. In essence, theory and practice are opposite and necessary things for each other. Now effective methods work according to the scheme: 20% theory and 80% practice.

In fact, there should be more theory, and it should be deeper, more elaborate, in order to learn to look at different processes in perspective.

Practice gives the rules of the game. You understand how everything works in the moment, you develop muscle memory. But you don’t imagine what will happen next. If you’ve assimilated theory through practice, you can foresee the future development of the system, if not — then you’re just a practitioner, a specialist, but nothing more.

The level of a professional is when you add basic knowledge, general principles and rules to practice, which, by the way, are not static and can also change. Here you can adapt the approach yourself, combine principles and change the rules of the game. This way you can move to the level of a master.

A master is at the top of the hierarchy. They realize the base and understand the importance of theory. Knowing the basics, you can learn to skillfully manipulate them, as they are built into the “firmware”. Intuitive thinking is activated, and the person doesn’t use knowledge, they live by it.

Learning Theory and NLP

As I mentioned earlier, everything used to rely heavily on theory. Then the learning style transformed and people started talking about 80% practice and 20% theory. NLP practitioners were the first to propagate this approach. Then it began to be implemented in classic educational courses as well.

Compared to the previous approach, which emphasized theory, this was a breath of fresh air. But now its shortcomings are visible: 20% theory is not enough. However, if this 1/5 is focused on and engaged with, it can give a good result in combination with practice.

Theory is the foundation and it should explain what will happen next, convey meaning and create a mental bowl into which practice will “dip”, thereby reinforcing the theory.

NLP practitioners have succeeded best in implementing this approach: while people are practicing, they are explained how what is happening is related to philosophical branches and postulates. People take away much more from such training than from classic courses. There is immersion in different states and emotions by appealing to personal experience, people improve themselves and become versatile personalities. However, there is no understanding of exactly how everything happens. There is a risk of becoming a “hostage” to such courses, as there will always be a need for a master, someone who understands more and can explain everything.

In NLP, there are general laws called presuppositions. One of the main ones sounds like “the map is not the territory”. That is, how we perceive reality is not identical to reality. We have our own “map” of reality in our head and it’s extremely difficult to transfer it to another person unchanged. After all, when we explain something to another, they “draw their own map” according to their ideas about the world.

People understand and realize the same films, books, thoughts differently. The situation improves if you explain with examples — then people begin to understand, but they don’t live through this story.

As after courses, people go out into the world with new beliefs that don’t stay in their heads for long. They hold while the impression of learning is fresh, but it doesn’t settle in the subconscious. And after some time, the state rolls back.

But if you master NLP techniques and they are “embedded” in the subconscious, you will be able to control your body, reactions, and emotions. If something throws you off balance, you will calm down in the moment.

For example, a colleague at work upset you. But you don’t carry this state all day, you immediately use the technique and continue to work further — emotions don’t distract from business.

If you already know NLP well and actively use it, you can prevent stressful situations — create a pattern of behavior to understand how to act if you are emotionally pressured. This way you won’t give in to emotions and gain control over yourself. On a permanent basis, you can get rid of the negative consequences of emotions when you can’t gather your thoughts, have a constructive dialogue, not raise your voice, etc.

If a person masters practices and they are in their firmware, they automatically prevent most unpleasant situations. When you are mentally ready, you initially look at the world differently. In this case, the worldview changes not in pieces, but in whole layers.

Effective learning is when the base is integrated into the organism. Only in this way, in symbiosis with practice, can mastery be achieved. Theory and practice by themselves are at the edges of the “center”, and to come to a position of equilibrium, you need to master both so that practice always relies on the base.

Fractality in life

Fractality is the ground for understanding the other principles. So let’s start with it.

The fractal that everyone has heard of since childhood is “God created us in his own image and likeness”. Everything created in the likeness of God is the same as him. Of course, this doesn’t mean external resemblance, but similarity of principles. Indeed, everything that surrounds us is mostly created according to a certain similarity of particles, matter, and substances.

We can evaluate the world through similarity and difference. These are two sides of the same coin that create balance. Our brain learns through similarity: it sees interconnection, looks for what it has already seen in the surrounding world.

We can’t endlessly assimilate new information. We unconsciously compare everything new with what we’ve already studied to simplify the task for ourselves. There is a technique where they start from the opposite — looking for differences. This develops the brain, but it’s not quite natural, so we expend more effort with this approach.

It’s easiest to teach the brain through the similarity — the fractality of processes, as everything is based on approximately the same laws and principles. There are differences, but they are not so significant for the entire system.

Most creatures cannot live under the pressure that exists at the depth of the ocean. If a person finds themselves at depth, they will be crushed. Nevertheless, life at depth exists — it is adapted to this environment and could not survive in ours.

Here the principles of equilibrium and opposition work: if there are fragile creatures, then in contrast to them there are those who are physically adapted to life under pressure. They evolved in a different environment that required balance. But they are all made of the same molecules and atoms.

With proper technology, we could find similarities in the quantum world as well. At this level, there is a different speed of processes and time flows differently, but probably similar principles are encountered.

The expression “God created us in his own image and likeness” is about the fact that everything in the world is similar, created and functions according to similar principles.

We have already familiarized ourselves with the principles of the surrounding world and the model of thinking, now let’s understand what they consist of and how they work in practice.


The whole is always divided into parts and smaller structures. These elements function at their own level and are interconnected with each other — all this lives in synergy. Planets, organisms, companies, structures — all these are parts of a single whole that exist according to similar principles.


The system has everything we need. Everything we can create, invent, already exists in our world. These are templates and patterns that we will use to create something new. It’s impossible to come up with something we haven’t seen or heard. It’s enough to take a ready-made fractal, rethink it and transfer it to another environment.

This is not theft. Templates and fractals have been used by everyone we call pioneers and innovators. You can and should create, I’m just suggesting looking at it from a different angle.

Systems have everything they need

Everything we need is at our fingertips. We need to analyze the environment around us, opportunities and offers, and when we find them, “cross” them with another phenomenon or process and adapt them to our sphere.

All resources are inside

Inside us, there is a whole universe, a diverse world of bacteria, cells building from atoms, molecules, and electrons. And all this is a fractal of the outside world. By studying what lives inside, you can understand what is outside. This is not a proven theorem, but frames of thinking through which it’s easier to understand the surrounding world.


A person is not a separate unit and cannot comfortably exist alone. We are born in society and our brain is designed so that for a healthy psyche it is necessary to have a dialogue with someone. Even talking to yourself will do.

Even prisoners who sit in solitary confinement are allowed to read books, listen to the radio, and watch movies at designated times. They are not left in complete solitude, but conduct a dialogue inside and reflect on information.

Monks who live in isolation and take a vow of silence can turn to God and talk to him at any moment.

This is a paradox: on the one hand, we can’t do without communication, on the other — we have all the resources inside us to need no one.

Communication with people and complete isolation are two extremes, opposites. Saturation with either of them badly affects the psyche, so you need to maintain balance.


We, as elements, are connected with everything that happens in the world: our changes are reflected in the surrounding world, and vice versa — the surrounding world is reflected in us.

In addition to this connection, everything around creates and receives feedback. If you do something, the world reacts to it and sends your reaction back. For example, often due to misunderstanding, we have mutual dislike with some person.

This works like this: for example, you came on a date, you see that the person behaves detached or irritated. You don’t like it and you start to feel antipathy, as you take such behavior personally. But you don’t know that this is a consequence of lack of sleep and stressful work. Subconsciously, the interlocutor feels tension, dissatisfaction from you and mirrors your reaction — you also start to irritate them. Everyone thinks badly about the other, but there is always the first one who triggers the reaction.

On the one hand, if you broadcast negativity, you receive it back. On the other hand, if you give out negativity, you will look for it around.

This is what the principle of visualization is built on — the fulfillment of dreams, due to the fact that you think about something. Around you, there is a huge number of opportunities: someone has skills that are useful to you, acquaintances that you need. A thousand different opportunities around. A successful person is one who can see these opportunities and use them.

When you start to visualize something, you tune your brain to extract certain information. After all, the brain needs to be told what to look for. Negative thoughts are a signal to the brain to look for negativity. If you tune in to opportunities, you will see them around.

Of course, this whole story works with many “ifs”. First, you need to visualize according to the principle of “made a request and let go”. If you pay too much attention to something to the point of fanaticism, the brain perceives this as a danger, as if you are going crazy and need to be protected. On this basis, it will refuse to work on visualization, but will rather resist.

If for you the goal is not a cherished dream, but quite achievable reality, which you don’t attach special importance to, then it will be easier to achieve it.

This is not magic, but a real algorithm for achieving what you want.

We have touched on all parts of fractality, now let’s look at each in more detail.


Business is like an organism. If we look at how organs work, how bacteria interact, how cells interact, how the whole system is arranged, we can find a way to manage the entire organism, and consequently the entire business.

A person is part of the system around. And the system is the same as a person. In companies, there is always a hierarchy and a certain management system. It is simultaneously similar to state governance, an anthill in ants, and the hierarchy of beehives. There are always some workers, creators, researchers, managers, warriors, etc.

There are companies that claim to hire only professionals and believe that this is the secret of success and the only right option. This is what Netflix did, for example. In fact, this is a message for a few. After all, where to get so many professionals? There is a limited number of them, about 5%. And as a rule, they already work in large corporations. But this doesn’t mean that small and medium businesses need to close, and startups shouldn’t even start.

And all because globally, such an approach contradicts the general principles of evolution and management. In 95% of companies, employees of different levels work and only some of them are real professionals. Responsibilities and areas of responsibility are distributed according to professionalism, so everything works and nothing breaks.

But if there are such companies, more or less balanced, there should be those who are on the other side of the equilibrium graph. There are fewer of them, but they exist — where all employees are either pros or, conversely, amateurs. This is just a regularity of system diversity and there should be different elements in it.


On the one hand, you don’t need anyone to live. All your thoughts, successes or failures are in your head. You don’t need other people to communicate. On the other hand, without society, a person does not survive. We are social creatures, we must live in a system, and we need other people to see our reflection in them. We need someone through whom to look at the world.


Everything that can be used for treatment is already inside. We have all the necessary cells, functions to cure anything, except for a bullet in the head. That is, any treatment, any new methods, are a reflection of what is already used in our body, or in some others.


In childhood, we learn most intensively, so the days fly by so long, because the brain is constantly loaded with new information. With age, all the accumulated knowledge and skills are lost. We initially have a natural flair for how to develop. We start to play, fantasize, create associations, ask, be interested and this is the best learning.

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