EcoNoospherica. The seven chapter

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From the Author:

Greetings, Eternal Wanderers among the stars!

Congratulations, we have reached the final stage of the positive reconstruction of the energy of the spiritual world, gained the right to vote, adjusted our desires and studied the peculiarities of the interaction of the human spiritual world with the Noosphere. It remains to make a couple of touches — to adjust the harmonious sound of emotions and close the negative intersections of events in order to free your entire energy resource from negative influence.

Having the right to vote is wonderful. But, as I said, your inner voice must be pleasant and balanced, so that you can calm your emotions at any moment with just one Word.

We will learn to speak the language of harmony and tune the voice of reason to a positive range of emotions and cheerful notes. And also…

We will learn to sow love in our soul!

The psycho-emotional component of the human spiritual world closely interacts with the nervous system of his body. Violation of the harmony of emotions leads to mental disorder and psychosis, which can further provoke various neuropsychiatric diseases.

Emotional psychosis is a pronounced disorder of mental activity in which mental reactions grossly contradict the real situation.

For example, crying in a circus, and laughing at funerals, is inadequate, both from the point of view of morality and from the psycho-emotional life of a person. Such actions are grossly contrary to the real situation. Inadequate psychoemotional perception of reality can be caused by stress, which provoked a psychoemotional disorder. Of course, the above-mentioned behavior is already an extreme, but if you notice that you are overreacting to some situations or not reacting at all, although it is necessary, then everything is not all right with your psycho-emotional mood.

It’s very easy to become an emotional psycho. This happens completely unnoticed by a person, but leaves a clear imprint of negative experiences in his spiritual world, which can remind him of himself for years and even decades.

Emotional mental disorder has a cumulative character and leads to constant tension in the nervous system, which spills out in the form of aggressive or passive tantrums. But even after such a «discharge», the harmony of emotions does not return. This relief is temporary until the tension of the body’s nervous system reaches its peak again.

Psychoemotional disorder manifests itself in the form of an internal scream when, as they say, you want to howl at the moon. The soul screams, and its cry does not subside, but only becomes louder and more painful.

This is due to a violation of the energy-informational meaning of emotions.

Each of our emotions has a pronounced energy-informational value.

For example, you were offended. You clearly understand the informational meaning of this emotion — you feel offended, and your reaction in this case corresponds to your inner feelings. You can even cry out of resentment, and this will be a completely natural and adequate reaction to the situation that is happening in reality. The harmony of your emotions is not disturbed in this case, you know exactly what happened, why it happened, and what it looks like.

Emotional harmony is a constant movement of energy with a multicolored spectrum of feelings, emotions and desires, from sadness to joy and all possible shades in between.

And the second example, due to circumstances, you cannot cry with resentment and show it. You suppress this uncomfortable feeling in yourself so that no one finds out about it. At this point, you change the informational meaning of the emotion of resentment, and this is the main mistake that almost everyone makes.

Firstly, resentment acts as the main defender of your self-esteem. If you are offended, then they are behaving badly towards you and violating the boundaries of your personal space. This cannot be tolerated or hidden.

The emotions of resentment are the talisman of your spiritual world. Trying to get rid of or suppress feelings of resentment, you open the door to your spiritual world wide open.

And secondly, the harmony of emotions is always order. In a conflict situation, you must first feel a sense of resentment in order to morally protect yourself from a person who is trying to harm you, and then look for a compromise or seek reconciliation, but you cannot violate the order of harmony of emotions.

For stable and adequate mental functioning, a person must experience the full range of emotions and feelings, depending on the life situation.

Our emotions are the energy of our desires and feelings.

They can sound like a pleasant melody, or they can cut your ear and soul to pieces.

And every emotion has its own energy potential. If you change the information value of at least one note, you will disrupt the overall harmony of the entire melody, because you will enhance the sound of others.

Every time you change the informational meaning of emotions that are uncomfortable for you, you suppress them, thereby creating emotional noise.

Emotional noise is the energy of emotions without a specific informational meaning. The more emotions there are in your spiritual world without a certain informational meaning, the less you understand what you want or why you don’t want anything at all.

And it is not necessary that these can only be negative emotions, you could also at one time give up, for example, love or sympathy for a person. In the fifth chapter, you and I considered that your emotions, desires and feelings can be redirected to another channel and let them be realized in a different perspective, but you didn’t always know about this. By mistake, you may have amplified the sound of other emotions, such as hate.

By zeroing out the informational value of some of your emotions, you do not get rid of this energy, but add it to your other emotions, amplifying their sound.

For example, instead of resentment, you decided to immediately enter into a confrontation with a person, and showed aggression in response.

Every time you give up the informational meaning of some emotions, you give energy potential and growth to others, multiplying them.

At some point, your emotions, and after them your inner voice, may begin to speak only in the language of aggression, or vice versa, they will become too suppressed and weak-willed. And at the same time, the emotional disorder will only get worse. You will speak the language of «chosen» emotions, and all the others will complement them with the power of emotional noise without a certain informational meaning.

Once you decide that by suppressing feelings of resentment and other uncomfortable emotions, you will become morally stronger, you are making a mistake.

By disrupting the harmony of emotions, you distort your own inner voice, and eventually, you may stop understanding your feelings and desires.

The normal psycho-emotional state of a person is when his emotions are in living motion: from joy to sadness and back, shimmering with a multicolored spectrum of feelings and emotions.

Of course, if you are fixated on negative emotions and your emotional mood is constantly in decline, it can and should be corrected with the help of desire management. It is as natural for a person to enjoy life as it is to be sad, depending on the situation. But when it starts to cause discomfort to both you and the people around you, it already becomes a problem that needs to be solved.

As for the «emotional psycho», it doesn’t matter when it happened and under what circumstances. In any case, now it’s just your problem and your own mistake that one day you made the wrong decision about adjusting your emotions or succumbed to circumstances. It’s not a big deal. This is not the first and not the last mistake in your life. Everything can be fixed.

To eliminate an emotional disorder, you need to arrange your emotions in the correct sequence and assign them the appropriate information value.

Feel the peak of your emotions — your inner psycho, how high he screams and with what emotions? What is it — rage, anger, resentment?

Naturally, this cry will be without a pronounced informational meaning, because the noise of other emotions, whose informational meaning you have canceled, is added to it. You may feel nervous tension and tickling in your throat, mild hysteria or menacing growling, thirst and anxiety, rage or depression, but you may also feel the inferiority of your emotions. You will hear that you are shouting with an inner voice, but you will not be able to understand what the reason is. For example, you will hear the rage that sits and screams inside you always, every day, for decades, depriving you of peace and inner harmony, but at the same time you will not feel any emotions of resentment at the event that happened in the past, which led your spiritual world to disharmony. Because you will be sure that you are a strong person and you are doing everything right. This phenomenon is very common in men. Women usually scream resentment and irritation at the whole wide world.

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