EcoNoospherica. The fifth chapter

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From the Author:

Greetings, Eternal Wanderers among the stars!

Your right to vote is the first step towards gaining spiritual freedom and freeing your energy potential from the negative influence of information “invaders”. But it is also important to learn how to manage your desires and find the right information solution so as not to fall out of the positive flow of energy — especially when you are unrequited in love.

Your inner voice is the voice of your mind!

The voice of your mind is your opinion, which you broadcast to the outside world, relying on your experience.

You can love and respect yourself, be an intelligent and purposeful person, but when faced with someone else’s conceit and arrogance, with a person whose inner voice sounds more confident, you will be defeated even if you are right. A self-confident scoundrel, and even more so an aggressor, can easily silence you and agree with his point of view.

Some people intentionally ask as many questions as possible and listen carefully to the answers, and are very interested in the details in order to cling to someone else’s imagination, mislead or intimidate a person, relying solely on the strength of their inner Ego.

In any situation that is not clear, keep your own opinion. You can keep it to yourself and not voice it, but you should have it.

Look for new knowledge, learn to draw independent conclusions and make decisions, experiment. Reflection and internal dialogue allow you to better understand yourself and strengthen your point of view. But! Be sure to make sure that your inner voice is calm and pleasant. Keep an eye on the harmony of your emotions. Your voice should sound like a pleasant song that is soothing and full of kind notes. Remember: everything that happens in your spiritual world is your energy. Do not shout with emotions and do not irritate your energy even more. We will definitely study this with you in more detail, but later, because the positive reconstruction of the energy of the spiritual world must proceed in a certain sequence.

Naturally, in a fit of anger, words sometimes outstrip reason and even more so emotions. Train yourself to talk calmly, both in the material world and in the spiritual world. It is not necessary to bring yourself to an emotional scream, this can lead to internal hysteria. The power of your opinion and inner voice lies in your beliefs. You don’t need to shout to be a confident person. You need to be a person who always strives for knowledge and is not afraid to learn even from your own mistakes.

Your inner voice and your beliefs are your sword and shield, and it’s the only weapon you can have. There is no other way to protect yourself in the spiritual world.

That’s why it’s so important to get rid of the hatred in your soul. As long as hatred is maturing in your soul, you will never be able to get out of the red energy location, and your own negative emotions will irritate the energy of your spiritual world, and your inner voice will be depressed and emotionally hysterical.

Everyone has the right to vote, but not everyone uses it. Even if you’ve been told all your life that you’re a stupid and worthless person, you can’t trust anyone but yourself. In your spiritual world, only your voice and your opinion matter. You are a smart person! It is impossible to know everything, but someone who continues to study throughout his life, is engaged in his self-education, will always have knowledge and skills that can be useful in various situations.

You should always remember that the energy of your spiritual world belongs only to you. You should have no doubts, let alone the desire to find a patron who could represent your interests: speak for you and solve your problems. Learn to always speak for yourself and express your opinion. Let your steps be uncertain at the beginning of the path. It’s not a big deal. You will learn how to do it.

To make your voice sound confident, you must always set priorities correctly, based on your beliefs, and not deviate from them. Another person can impose his opinion on you in a matter of minutes by putting pressure on you, but he will not be able to change your beliefs. Your beliefs are the foundation of your personality.

For example, you, as a prudent person, adhere to traditional sexual views, and this is your categorical belief. Another person will not be able to convince you that same-sex relationships are normal. By remaining faithful to your beliefs, you will first of all preserve your moral character, and the foundation of your spiritual personality will not collapse.

Your opinion should always be based on your beliefs, only then will your own voice have a privileged power in your spiritual world. And even if you are given an idea at the energy level that goes against your beliefs, you will always see it and be able to take action. With the power of your inner voice and your beliefs, you will easily reject this information, and it will not be able to have a detrimental effect on you.

Love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. Every person is beautiful in their own way. There are no beautiful or not beautiful people, there are different ones. This is the very first belief you should have.

Build the foundation of your personality sculpture on the right beliefs, in accordance with the civil and criminal codes, and with the traditional moral values of society.

Write down a list of your beliefs and study it carefully. If you find it difficult to define your principles and values, you can use the ten Christian Commandments as the basis for your beliefs. Your beliefs are the foundation of your spiritual world. Others may doubt these rules, having their own ideas about life, but you should never do this.

Realize this — your spiritual world, this is your entire energy potential. Look at the coordinate system of your astral constellation — it’s all your energy and your imagination. When you conduct your internal dialogue, you must act as the Ruler of your spiritual world, where everything obeys your Word!

Learn to control the energy of your spiritual world with the help of the Word. The more often your Word corresponds to reality, the stronger it will be.

Tell yourself: get off the couch and go for a walk in the park. Get off the couch and go for a walk in the park. Train yourself to align your words with your actions. Said and done!

When you are able to control your energy with the power of the mind, it means that you are able to control your life.

Develop your voice, talk to yourself, do not be afraid and do not hesitate to conduct an internal dialogue, think about your decisions, build your clear position and find the right information solution that will work for your well-being.

An independent person is a free person!

Listen to your inner voice. Your personal opinion should always remain inviolable. Even if you agree with the opinion of your interlocutor, because you hold the same views, this is still only your personal opinion.

To get a better feel for the power of your inner voice, use the technique of repetition and presentation.

For example, mentally and affirmatively tell yourself: I am a smart person! I am a professional in my field!

Listen to your inner voice and opinion. Start your imagination and imagine how you get the Nobel Prize for your great opinion of yourself, and the whole hall applauds you, and the King of Great Britain applauds you too.

Don’t be modest. The more you imagine yourself in a grandiose light in your imagination, the better your mood will be. It’s fun.

Tell yourself: I am a happy person!

Repeat this phrase and mentally imagine yourself walking on a beautiful summer day, the sun is shining, the air is filled with pleasant aromas of blooming life, and you are smiling at the world. You love life. You are a happy person!

Tell yourself: I love, and I am loved! I am a happy person!

Imagine that colleagues at work, neighbors, or classmates love you. It doesn’t matter what they really think, it’s their problem. You have to imagine their self-love in your mind. Imagine that every time they see you, they are happy and smile at you. You also treat them kindly and smile back. You love, and you are loved!

But! If reconciliation cannot be found and your soul continues to suffer, pay attention to it. Look at your soul with an inner look. Turn your love on yourself and tell yourself: Forgive me, my beloved soul, for everything!

Love can heal even the deepest wounds of the soul, and as you know, in the spiritual world only you can help yourself.

Forgive me, my beloved soul, for everything! Forgive me, my love!

Repeat this phrase until you feel relieved. Comfort yourself with your kindness and love, caress your soul, begging for her forgiveness. The most important thing is that in this inner dialogue you switch your attention and energy of love to yourself. Accept the love that comes from you and be healed by its warmth.

It is important to note that during the internal dialogue, when you are engaged in a positive reconstruction of the energy of the spiritual world, you should not say: I want to BE a happy person, or say, I do not want TO BE an evil person. When you speak in this way, you are postponing this decision for an indefinite future. It is unclear when you want to “BE” a happy person — tomorrow or maybe a year from now? You should always adjust the informational value of the energy of your spiritual world in an affirmative form, in the present tense, stating the fact: I am a kind person! It’s okay!

Keep this warmth in your soul and take care of it.

And even if your soul is crying in pain right now, you know what to do. Too often, in trying to forgive others, we forget about ourselves and our soul, while asking our soul for forgiveness can be extremely important at certain moments in life.

Your mind controls the energy of your spiritual world, which means that only you are responsible for what happens in your soul.

Your inner voice will never sound confident and calm until your soul is calm. Calm your soul, caress it.

Forgive me, my beloved soul.

If you want these words to come from a person who has caused you suffering, but he does not utter them, say them yourself to your soul. Don’t let hate destroy you.

Your loving soul, this is your joy. Take care of her and love her.

Don’t let bad thoughts or memories trample the love in your soul.

And do not pay attention to the ghosts of the past that haunt you, especially in which there is a spirit of hatred. You have nothing to talk about with them. Wish these people peace of mind and forget about them.

This will not only contribute to the development of your inner voice and hearing so that you can hear yourself, but also teach you to act in the present tense, here and now. Learn to adjust your mood with your voice and imagination. You are the only one who can take care of the ecology of your soul and mind and protect the boundaries of your personal space — by surrounding yourself with love and not allowing the energy of hatred emanating from other people to bother you.

It is also important for you to keep moving forward and direct your mental energy to work, to new knowledge and discoveries, so as not to get hung up on your feelings. As soon as you feel that after positive adjustments you feel better, gather your strength and continue to move forward into the future! You can chew over the events of the past all your life, but it’s not worth it.

Your mental energy should always be directed forward, and new knowledge is the best way to sober up the mind and saturate it with really useful information.

The storm will subside sooner or later and will be left behind, the main thing is not to stop.

The correct arrangement of the spiritual world is when your beliefs are the foundation of your home, and your mind is the head of everything, which manages all this wealth with the help of an inner voice, giving your energy a prudent and positive informational value.


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