
Бесплатный фрагмент - EcoNoospherica. COURSE COLLECTION

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The first chapter: Presentation of the EcoNoospherica project. An international community of lovers of life. Caring for the ecology of the information field of the earth and the spiritual world.

The second chapter: The main differences between the two interconnected worlds. We find the border. Coming out into Reality. The mechanics of the spiritual world.

The third chapter: The Astral map. We denote the coordinate system of the available worlds. We determine the channels of energy leakage.

The fourth chapter: Energy-informational radio waves. Types and influences.Resonance of emotions and magnetism.

The fifth chapter: The right to vote is the first step towards freedom. We control desires.

The sixth chapter: Intersections of events. Features of interaction with the Noosphere.

Chapter Seven: We adjust the harmony of emotions. We close the negative intersections of events.

All the material is provided with visual illustrations.


About the Author

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kozlova

Ecologist of the Noosphere

Born in Moscow on January 30, 1980


As a child, Ekaterina drew attention to the groundless aggression of collective unconscious behavior and came to the conclusion that the reason lies in the atmosphere.

Later, she became a follower of the teachings of the Russian academician V.I. Vernadsky about the Noosphere — a «thinking» shell formed by human consciousness.

In the process of studying, Ekaterina discovered that the Noosphere has the property of spreading energy–informational radio waves — an ECHO, the source of energy for which is human emotions. She has identified a number of dangerous factors of Noosphere pollution that have a negative impact on human life and society as a whole.

In 2023, Ekaterina became the founder of the EcoNoospherica project — caring for the ecology of the information field of the earth and the spiritual world. The course of positive restoration of the energy of the spiritual world is based on esoteric knowledge, which allows us to study the connection of man with the Noosphere through the inner nature of man, and also contribute to the purification of the Earth’s information field from negative energy-informational radio waves. The main goal of the project is to create an environmentally friendly, friendly and safe energy information environment in society.

Ekaterina is the creator and chief ideologist of the International Community of Noosphere Ecologists.

Ecologists of the Noosphere are a community of lovers of life!

The perspective of the EcoNoospherica project.

While you have just started reading this book, people all over the world decorate the Noosphere with their warmth and love, as if setting up beacons for travelers who have set foot on the spiritual path for the first time.

Go into the Light of love and find freedom from spiritual Darkness!

By joining the International Community of Noosphere Ecologists, we will make our existence on planet earth safe and environmentally friendly. We will create a new energy information space, and most importantly: We will be able to leave our descendants a wonderful legacy — love!

From the Author

Greetings, Eternal Wanderers among the stars!

I am glad to present you the EcoNoospherica project.

Each of us has hidden talents and opportunities that can change the world for the better, create harmony and spread love. We are all very different, interesting, and sometimes even dangerous, but we are all united by a common world — our home, and what it will be depends only on us.

Everything that happens in our world is the result of human mental activity and conscious actions!

The noosphere is a sphere of the collective mind, a «thinking» shell formed by human consciousness. Recently, the Noosphere has become especially toxic and unpredictable due to the fact that few people strive to maintain a harmonious and favorable informational mood in it.

By surrounding our children with love and care, we all understand perfectly well that in the future they will inevitably face the uncontrolled aggression of the collective unconscious. They will know hatred in all its manifestations, endure humiliation, insults, moral and physical violence, and as a result they themselves will become «conduits» of unhappiness.

But do we come into this world angry and cruel? No, the world makes us like this!

Pollution of the Noosphere is the most important problem of all mankind!

Don’t we clean up the house or apartment by throwing out garbage? Our planet is our home! So why don’t we clean up the Noosphere from the effects of negative experiences? After all, there are different ways to remember: one will continue to sow hatred, and the other will be smart enough to use the knowledge gained from this experience to preserve peace in the future and salvation in love. A fool always chooses death in hatred, poisoning all living things with his poison.

Trying to take care of the ecology of the world around us is fine, but until we take care of the purity of our own thoughts, get rid of the «dark» past, whose ECHO in the Noosphere we unconsciously hear to this day, it’s just a drop in the ocean.

The EcoNoospherica project is a project of a harmonious and environmentally friendly future in which we will create an atmosphere of love and take care of the ecology of the soul.

So that you understand what you will have to deal with if you decide to take a full course of positive reconstruction of the energy of the spiritual world, I want to briefly tell you how pollution of the Noosphere occurs, which in turn has a tremendous impact on the life and activities of all mankind.

What is the main cause of pollution of the Noosphere?

When we talk about the Noosphere, we are talking about the «thinking» shell that is formed by human consciousness.

Human consciousness is energy.

The energy of consciousness is our emotions, feelings and desires, the experience and knowledge we have acquired. To think means to control the energy flow with the emotional and informational meaning assigned to it.

The energy of consciousness is a radio wave.

What information it will carry directly depends on the inner state of the spiritual world of a person, his upbringing, knowledge, his feelings and desires, his psycho-emotional perception of the world around him.

When we talk about the spiritual world of man and his connection with the Noosphere, we always speak in the language of subtle matters — energy, about our feelings, about the power of thought and imagination.

And we always feel energy-informational atmospheric changes.

Sullen and aggressive people arouse distrust. It is pleasant for us to communicate with people of good disposition.

Being in the company of people, we always feel and understand the general atmospheric mood, both in a small team and in a large country, in the world.

We do not see and do not know what is going on in the soul of our interlocutor, but we always feel and hear from his mood what energy-informational radio waves emanate from a person. Just as it can be impossible to work or study quietly in a team where the psycho-emotional atmosphere does not correspond to our preferences.

People not only broadcast energy-informational radio waves, but also are their «receivers» as well as «conductors».

We can easily share with our interlocutor both a positive mood and a negative one, assigning the necessary information to our energy flow, and the brighter our emotions are, the more painful or pleasant the information we transmit will be. The same thing happens in the general energy information space — the Noosphere, when cultural figures, leaders of society or the media, touching on emotionally painful topics, try to manipulate public opinion and control energy flows.

This phenomenon is called the energy–informational resonance of emotions!

In this case, the noosphere serves as a link for all mankind and represents a complete energy-informational archive of the history of our world, in which there is no such thing as space and time. And since we are talking about energy, as long as there is a power source — our emotions, the energy-informational ECHO can sound indefinitely, and evoke those feelings, desires and emotions, the meaning of which was embedded in this energy.

We don’t come into this world angry and cruel. In early childhood, we do not know how to insult, intentionally humiliate other people, and we do not know that if we subordinate the interlocutor to our will, then in the future they can easily be manipulated or made our ally. We learn all this as we grow up, unknowingly adopting knowledge and experience from our parents, and are a continuation of the energy-informational radio wave of our kind, as well as the traditions of society.

Like all radio waves, energy-informational radio waves also have magnetism, but on an emotional level. To enter into an emotional resonance with another person or society, you need to experience similar feelings and emotions, as well as desires, with the same informational meaning.

The energy-informational resonance of emotions forms two mutually exclusive energy flows in the Noosphere. Love and hate, good and evil, happiness or despondency — a person can be in both a positive energy flow and a negative one. It completely depends on the informational value of the energy of his spiritual world, what he wants to receive from life.

The more a person draws negative experiences from the external environment, the less love for himself, for other people and for life remains in his soul.

Negative experiences always displace positive ones and vice versa!

In two mutually exclusive energy flows, there are completely different psycho-emotional settings of the spiritual world.

The more positive emotions, feelings and desires you have, the stronger the force of attraction to the positive energy flow will be, and vice versa.

A positive energy flow is always love and the desire to give life.

The negative energy flow is always hatred and the desire to destroy life.

Whether by will or not, but having come under the influence of negative energy-informational radio waves, the spiritual world of a person becomes callous, and he himself becomes cruel, because he is constantly in resonance with the negative emotions of other people and thereby cultivates his own.

Having received at least once a negative emotional response in your soul, the energy of hatred is attracted like a magnet and will poison you until your soul learns and feels the full range of negative emotions, ranging from mild irritation to deep depression.

Hate is an energy in which there is no love.

When a person says: I hate it! He says: I don’t love, I don’t sympathize, I don’t have kind feelings and desires, I don’t want to help and take care of it.

If a person feels a desire to cause harm, for example, moral (insult, humiliate, slander) or physical (commit violence, hit, hurt), the energy of hatred speaks in him.

The energy of hatred works only for destruction, and it is indefatigable!

She is always on the lookout for new victims. When a grain of hatred grows in a person’s soul, this energy becomes very restless. It does not allow its bearer to live in peace, nor those who are next to it. This deprives a person of a cheerful perception of the world. People poisoned by the poison of hatred cannot stand the happiness of others.

This greatest evil has been poisoning the Noosphere of our planet since ancient times and is still heard in the energy information space. Hatred imperceptibly but confidently keeps pace with the times and is passed down from generation to generation, from mouth to mouth, from heart to heart. There is no hiding or hiding from this phenomenon. Hatred lives in each of us. It spoils our psycho-emotional mood, makes us cruel and evil, dangerous and irresponsible. Hate destroys the energy of life — love!

How this devouring and insatiable energy got into our world is no longer important. We all suffer from hatred in all its manifestations, some less, and some quite seriously. There is no point in looking for the original source, because it has been gone for a long time. This is just an energy-informational ECHO. And yet, it is no less dangerous, because it is spread by ordinary people who can really cause harm.

All energy-informational radio waves need an energy source. As you have already understood, you and I are such a source of hatred — the information that we spread, our emotions, feelings, desires, our energy.

The energy–informational radio wave of hatred is a prohibited radio wave!

The EcoNoospherica project invites you to explore a positive course for restoring the energy of the spiritual world. Thanks to him, you will be able to free yourself from the negative effects of forbidden radio waves, switch to a positive flow of energy, revive love in your soul, adjust the harmony of emotions and renew your energy potential.

And most importantly, you will cease to be a conductor of forbidden radio waves and thereby make your invaluable contribution to the purification of the information field of the earth!

The EcoNoospherica is an updated atmosphere of the future!

Don’t support EVIL, love GOOD!

Don’t underestimate the energy of hate. The energy that destroys love does this primarily so that your soul cannot blossom, clogs the sprouts of love from an early age, assigning negative shades of emotions to your energy-informational flow, from which you suffer. This is a very insidious and ruthless energy!

You deserve to have love blooming in your soul, and you are a happy person, and not suffocated by the ashes of hatred.

Being under the influence of forbidden energy-informational radio waves, which have colossal magnetism, a person does not belong to himself, his consciousness seems to be in a fog, he is not responsible for his words, thoughts, emotions and feelings, and in the worst case, for his actions.

We do not come into this world angry and cruel, we become so under the influence of the atmosphere that surrounds us.

If you are ready to embark on the path of a person free from the past and give your soul another chance for love to blossom in it:

Welcome to the community of Ecologists of the Noosphere!

Ecologists of the Noosphere are a community of lovers of life!

We care about the ecology of the information field of the earth and the spiritual world!

Our page on the VKontakte social network.

EcoNoospherica is an international community of lovers of life!

The only official one:



From the Author

Greetings, Eternal Wanderers among the stars!

A positive course of reconstruction of the energy of the spiritual world.

We will begin our training by exploring the basic differences between two interconnected worlds: the material and the spiritual. This will help to avoid mistakes that can lead to serious misunderstandings.

We will consider only those differences that will help you form the right perception. You will get a clear understanding of how and in which world you should behave, what you can count on and what you can’t. This is very important, because without knowledge of these differences, a person can get lost, go too far from reality and lose basic guidelines.

With the help of simple and understandable illustrations, we will also look at the mechanics of the spiritual world, its structure and characteristics. We will find the boundary between the spiritual and material worlds and, most importantly, we will make our first conscious transition to the present.

The main differences between the two interconnected worlds.

The first difference:

The Biosphere:

The biosphere is a global ecosystem populated by living organisms — the material world. Earth is a planet in the cosmos of the physical universe.

The Noosphere:

The noosphere is the energy–informational field of the Earth, the «thinking» shell of the collective mind is the spiritual world. The astral cosmos in the mental universe.

Despite the strong interconnection, each of these worlds has its own unique laws and characteristics, creating a completely different habitat.

The first and most important difference is:

The material world is physical matter.

The spiritual world is the energy of the mind.

If the general picture of the material world is the same for everyone, then the spiritual world of each person is unique and inimitable. When you meet a new person, a new, unknown spiritual world opens up in front of you.

The noosphere unites all the spiritual worlds into a single «thinking» shell. This is a unique and very complex structure, in which communication between the spiritual worlds is carried out using energy-informational radio waves.

Our every thought, memory or dream, acquired knowledge, feelings, emotions, desires — all this is an energy radio wave with an information value assigned to it.

Each person broadcasts his own energy-informational radio wave, and the brighter his emotions, feelings and desires, the louder it will sound in the Noosphere.

When several people are united by a common idea or event, their thoughts and emotions create a powerful energy flow. Such a broadcast can cause real dissonance in society and shake the general energy-informational atmosphere with a wave of indignation or joy.

Being on the same wavelength with the society around you is wonderful, but only if in this society there is no person capable of poisoning your spiritual world with his poison, using the space of the Noosphere to transmit his energy-informational radio signal to you personally.

It is important for you to learn to manage your energy flow yourself so that you can protect your spiritual world from negative intrusion at any time, as well as eliminate the consequences of such experiences.

By working with the energy of the spiritual world, you also influence the nervous system of your body. Everything is connected, your mind and body are one. If you feel that you need qualified professional help to strengthen your nervous system, never neglect it. Before you embark on a journey into the spiritual world, be sure to prepare yourself.

The second difference between two interconnected worlds.

I advise you to take this as a rule.

Until you have clearly defined the boundaries of your personal space and gained self-confidence, you do not and cannot have friends in the spiritual world.

No one will ever be able to solve your personal problems for you, much less survive your pain. They may give you advice, but you must do all the spiritual work yourself and no one else. There is no need to be afraid of this — being a free and independent person in the spiritual world is a Great gift, not a punishment.

Always remember the boundaries of personal space and respect them, both your own and others. This is primarily your own safety.

It is also important not to create stable images in your imagination, not to invent invisible friends, brownies, ghosts of deceased relatives, or astral entities. Try not to engage in self-talk when introducing people you know. If you are lonely and want to talk, call a friend or make an appointment, go to a chat or forum, visit a social network, but don’t come up with anything unnecessary. In the spiritual world you do not and cannot have friends.

If you are talking alone with yourself, your internal dialogue should always be aimed only at discussing current affairs. Always refer only to yourself in the spiritual world and look at memories as an observer. In the spiritual world you need to be a real egoist!

In the material world the situation is different. If you do not have friends, family and good relationships with colleagues, then you are vulnerable and risk falling into the trap of your own pride — becoming a sociopath, which in turn can lead to dissocial personality disorder and various mental illnesses.

Society does not like loners; they evoke either pity or contempt. In both cases, such people are always attacked by society.

Make sure to interact with people in the real world and make connections. Don’t be afraid to try, look for like-minded people. A good and kind company of friends is your pleasant mood and reliable support.

The more you communicate in the material world with other people, the faster you will understand how important it is to be a free and independent person in the spiritual world.

You can give your sincere love by showing it through care and respect for loved ones, even with closed boundaries of your personal space. The main thing is that love lives in your soul. Love yourself and take care of the treasures of your soul, do not let hatred cloud your mind and destroy your world. Keep loving no matter what! This is the only way you can be a happy person yourself and make those around you happy. And this is the only way to become a truly strong person, whom no one and nothing can break.

To be a free and independent person in the spiritual world means to be a protected person.

To be a lonely person in the material world means to be an unprotected person, both from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of an aggressive society.

The third difference between the two interconnected worlds:

Even if you are a religious person and know how to resonate with the energy-informational radio wave of your religion, the sound of which in the Noosphere has been supported by millions of people around the world for centuries, this relief will only be temporary. Faith is hope! You should not count on more. In order for you to help yourself in the spiritual world, you need to be independent.

Always rely only on your own strength, look for a solution with your mind, learn to be an independent person and never turn to anyone for help in the spiritual world.

Trying to call on higher powers for help, you risk being trapped in your own imagination, which is not as scary as if you run into an energy fraudster.

It is also dangerous to get involved in questionable adventures, trying to help someone at the energy level. It is these «victims» who cry out for help who are the main villains. You will be drowned in the swamp of ignorance.

If a person cannot solve his personal problems on his own, it means that he does not have the level of knowledge that could help him.

It is possible to give knowledge to a person. Trying to do something for a person at the energy level is dangerous!

Never ask for help in the spiritual world unless you are sure that you are turning to a reliable source, and do not help other people. It’s dangerous!

As for the material world, then, of course, the opposite situation is here.

No matter what happens, from a small nuisance to a serious problem, if you cannot cope on your own, always ask other people for help and never hesitate to do it. Especially if it concerns your moral or physical health. If a person acts illegally towards you, both from a moral point of view and from a physical point of view, this cannot be tolerated and hushed up, and even more so you should not hope for a miracle.

Remember once and for all: in the material world, only other people can help a person!

Never neglect mutual assistance. Call for help if you need it, and always help other people if you have the opportunity.

The fourth difference between two interconnected worlds:

The material world is a public space where many people interact and coexist with each other. In order for this interaction to be comfortable for everyone, each member of society is obliged to comply with the civil, tax and criminal codes, as well as traditional moral values. Observance of traditional moral values implies respect for elders, help for the younger, care for the sick and needy, honesty, kindness, compassion and other qualities passed down from generation to generation.

People who follow the law and adhere to the moral values of society usually behave with dignity and decency in society, creating a harmonious atmosphere around them.

The spiritual world is only your world, where you are the rightful Ruler. All the energy of the spiritual world belongs only to you. All emotions, feelings and desires are just your emotions, feelings and desires. Your imagination is only your experience and knowledge, your own flight of fancy and a set of associations, this is your platform for creativity. Everything that happens or does not happen in your spiritual world depends only on you.

You should always remember that whatever you do in your spiritual world, you do it with your energy.

The fifth difference between two interconnected worlds:

The fifth difference is that there is no clear boundary between the spiritual world and the material world, they fully interact with each other. But to achieve this, you first need to disassemble and put everything in order, clean up your energy from accumulated debris, and then put everything back together, but with improved settings.

To summarize:


The material world is matter.

The spiritual world is energy.


The material world is about live communication and making contacts with other people. You have to be a sociable person.

The spiritual world — you do not and cannot have friends. You have to be a selfish person.


The material world — never neglect mutual assistance. Call for help if you need it, and always help other people if you have the opportunity. In the material world, only other people can help a person!

The spiritual world — never ask for help and do not help others.


The material world is a public space in which it is necessary to comply with the civil, tax and criminal codes, as well as traditional moral values of society.

The spiritual world is only your world, where you are the rightful ruler. The entire resource of your spiritual world belongs only to you.


There is no clear boundary between the spiritual world and the material world, they fully interact with each other.

These seemingly simple rules will help you avoid a number of problems.

Now let’s define the boundary between two worlds: the spiritual and the material.

In order to properly interact with your spiritual world and the material world, you should not have a clear distinction between these two worlds. You live in the material world, but at the same time you have the opportunity to manage the psycho-emotional component of your life, which is traditionally called the «spiritual world».

In order for you to completely erase this boundary, you first need to define it. When you learn to move freely from the spiritual world to the material world, you will learn to look at life through the eyes of reason, and not through the prism of imagination, being a prisoner of psycho-emotional experiences.

This is important because if you consciously separate these two worlds, but do not know how to get out of the spiritual world into reality, you can get stuck in it like in a quagmire, fixated on your emotions and feelings. In a fixated state, a person begins to look deep into the spiritual world, while the material world becomes only a background, and the more he looks into the spiritual world, the deeper he plunges into it. This can lead to panic attacks. They are not pleasant and frightening, but this is a protective mechanism of our psyche, a kind of catapult that works to throw a person to the surface from experiences in the spiritual world.

Therefore, first we will find and clearly mark the boundary between these worlds, and then we will erase it.

In the future, if for any reason you find yourself outside reality again, this exit technique will definitely come in handy.

The mechanics of the Spiritual world.

Your little spiritual world is a planet with its own unique atmosphere in the Astral cosmos of the mental Universe.

Everything that happens in your soul and consciousness necessarily manifests itself in the material world in the form of your mood, optimism or depression, the ability to navigate life and achieve your goals.

In order for your spiritual world not to be destroyed by the negative influence of other people, you must be able to protect it and restore it if necessary.

Your planet in the Astral cosmos is your spiritual personality.

Each planet has a core in which the energy of the mind is hidden.

The main source of energy for your consciousness is your desires. Your desires directly affect your activity in the material world. If you want something, you will do it. If not, then no.

But if a person’s spiritual world is arranged correctly, then his consciousness becomes his main regulator of desires. Even if you don’t want to do anything, you can use your mind to force yourself to stand up and take action, because it’s necessary. Conversely, your desires give a stimulus to your consciousness as a signal for action. This sets in motion the energy of the spiritual world.

The energy of the mind, fueled by desires, covers the entire spiritual world.

To prevent your energy source from splashing in all directions, it is held by the atmosphere, which performs a protective role both from external influences and from internal surges of emotions.

The atmosphere of your planet in the spiritual world is your imagination.

Throughout your life, information layers form around your planet — memories, knowledge, and experience.

But, all these layers are always formed in the space under the imagination.

Some of these layers become stable, are remembered for life and are divided into periods of life. Also, a stable layer can be a separate memory — an event that left a vivid impression in your memory. But all the information that comes to you from the external environment or comes out of your spiritual world into the outside world is first processed by the imagination.

When we are born, we find ourselves under the complete control of our parents.

Despite this, as we grow up, our parents begin to encounter the mechanism of protection of our spiritual world more and more often. Our imagination becomes an obstacle for them, just like for any other person.

As we age, we begin to strive for independence and begin to resist external influences. Our consciousness helps us in this, which works closely with our imagination.

All the information that we draw from the external environment is first processed by the imagination with the help of associations, based on previously acquired experiences, desires, feelings and emotions. And only after the verdict that the imagination has put forward, our mind makes the final decision.

Knowing about the peculiarities of the human thought process, some scammers take advantage of this. If they want to deceive a person, they tell him about the fantastic prospects of getting rich quickly, or vice versa, they scare him that he may lose everything. Imagining certain consequences, a person may become afraid or, conversely, desire what is offered even more. This happens because desires are always involved in the thought process. If they coincide with what is offered to a person, justify his hopes or confirm his fears, it becomes much easier to deceive him. At such a moment, a person can make a rash decision, following his desires and imagination.

By manipulating the imagination, scammers get through the defense mechanism. In turn, consciousness, under the onslaught of imagination and desires, falls into a trap, obeys, and a person becomes a victim of fraudsters.

Scammers always attack the imagination first!

And when scammers manage to mislead a person, gain control over his imagination and desires, they begin to manipulate his consciousness.

Imagination can serve as both a protection and a threat to a person.

The ideal order in the spiritual world is when the mind is able to control both imagination and desires. Because it is these two mechanisms of control of the spiritual world that have the greatest impact on human consciousness. If imagination and desires get out of control of the mind, problems begin.

We will talk about this in more detail later. Now it is important for us to define the boundary between the spiritual and material worlds. This boundary is beyond our imagination.

As they say, there is no silver lining. And if there is an entrance, then there is an exit. In our case, the exit is where the entrance is.

Always, no matter what you imagine, no matter what feelings, emotions and desires are raging in your soul, you must look at the material world through the veil of your imagination. You need to learn to act from the mind and look through all the layers of the atmosphere of your spiritual world.

From consciousness — with a clear look into the world!

Only a cold calculation of the mind and a clear view, not clouded by imagination and experience, is a direct road to the material world at the present time. Always look into the real world through the eyes of the mind!

Now you know where the boundary between the worlds lies, and you can cross it in any direction at any time.


After a long immersion in the spiritual world, when you first return to reality, the material world may seem too serene and devoid of emotions. This is a misleading impression. The real world is beautiful, as is life in it. Having cleared the energy of your spiritual world of garbage, you will definitely feel it, because harmony and joy will return to your life. Don’t worry, your spiritual world will always be with you, and you can immerse yourself in your dreams and creative projects at any moment. But real life, if you don’t pay enough attention to it, can fly by in a blur.

It is also important to reinforce your presence in the real world in the present tense with the help of tactile sensations. The easiest way to do this is through pleasant smells. They will help you speed up the process of cleansing from negative energy. Pleasant warm aromas are always associated with kindness, comfort and love. Try to train yourself to enjoy pleasant aromas, especially while walking in the fresh air. Learn to distinguish subtle notes of smells, immerse yourself in positive dreams. When you use an aroma lamp, imagine that you are in summer, in an open field full of flowers, or at sea. It is especially useful to do this before going to bed. Many fragrances have soothing and healing effects, such as church incense or essential oils. Use only the flavors that you really like. Let your home be filled with pleasant aromas of nature, flowers and useful plants. Create the right aura around yourself.


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