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Оглавление - Diatessaron
Attention! Sensation! For the first time after 1600 years DIATESSARON on English
Bryant Rotherham
Michael Blacksmith
1 600 ₽
1 208 ₽
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Объем: 195 бумажных стр.
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Attention! Sensation! For the first time after 1600 years DIATESSARON on English
Chapter 1. The Birth and Early yaers of Jesus. 57 years B.C. — 30 years A.D. The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry. 1 Easter spring 29 — spring 30 years A.D.
The Joachim and Anna. The years 5443—5484 according to the Old Testament calendar. 57—16 years B.C.
The Birth of Mary. 24 years B.C. 21 september
The Mary in temple. 3 years later. 21 years B.C.
The Mary and Joseph. 12 years B.C. 9 years later
The Annunciate. 8 years B.C. 4 years later
The Annunciate 2
The Mary and Elisabeth
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Joseph and archangel Gabriel
The Joseph and Mary on Trial
The Birth of Jesus. 7 years B.C. The years 5501 according to the Old Testament calendar. 25 december
The Simeon and Anna
2 years later. The Wise-man Melchior, Gaspar, Belshazzar. 5 years B.C.
Killing babies
His Sojourn in Egypt. 4 years B.C.
The Childhood of Jesus. 5 years A.D.
1 Easter (24 years later, spring 29—30 ye. A.D. The years 5537 according to the Old Testament calendar.) John the Baptist prepares the way
The Baptist of Jesus
The temptation of Jesus
John’s Disciples Follow Jesus
Changing Water into Wine
His Genealogy
Chapter 2. 2 Easter spring 30 — spring 31 years A.D. (5538 according to the Old Testament calendar.)
Cleansing the Temple
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
Jesus Begin His Work
Jesus and the Samaritans
Healing of the Official’s Son
The Beginnings of the Ministry in Galilee
Jesus Chooses four Fishermen
The First Tour of Galilee
Jesus heals a Man with an Uncecan spirit
Jesus Heals Many
Jesus Cleanses a Leper
Ministry in Capernaum
Jesus Calls Matthew
Post controversy
Chapter 3. 3 Easter spring 31 — spring 32 years A.D. (5539 according to the Old Testament calendar.)
Jesus’ Visit to Jerusalem at an Annual Feast
A Sabbath Controversy
Healing a hand
Ministry throughout Galilee
Choosing the 12 apostles
The Sermon on the Mount
Miracles in Capernaum
Miracles in Capernaum and Nain
Jesus is talking about John the Baptist
The rooting of cities
Jesus and the Pharisees
Healing a demon-possessed bling and dumb
The sigen of Jonah the prephet
The Mother and my brethrem
The Parables of the Kingdom
Interpretation of parables
The Price of Following Christ
Calming the Sea of Galilee
Healing a demon-possessed man
A Collection of Miracles
The healing of two blind men and a mute possessed
Unbelief in Jesus’ hometown
The Hervest
The Commissioning of the 12 Apostles
The Death of John the Baptist
Feeding the 5,000
Walking on water
Healing in the land of Gennisaret
The Further Ministry of Jesus
Chapter 4. 4 Easter spring 32 — spring 33 years A.D. (5540 according to the Old Testament calendar.)
The Tradition of the Elders and the Word of God
The Healing of the Canaanite Daughter
Healing the deaf and tongue-tied
Healing many others
Feeding the 4,000
The leaven of the Pharisees
The Healing of the Blind in Bethsaida
To the Vicinity of Caesarea Philippi
Carrying the Cross for Christ
Jesus’ sojourn on Mount Tabor
The Healing of a demon-possessed boy
Prediction of Jesus’ Death
Temple Tax
Discourse on Life in the Kingdom?
Journey through Samaria to Judea
The Choice of the 72 Apostles
The Mission of the 72
Jesus at Bethany with Mary and Martha
The Sermon on the Mount 2
At a Pharisee’s House
The Narrow Door
Teachings in Judea
Miscellaneous Teachings
Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles
The Disputes over Who He Is.
Healing of the Man Born Blind
Conflict at the Feast of Dedication over Jesus’ Identity
Teaching concerning Divorce
Teaching concerning Little Children
The Rich Young Man
The Raising of Lazarus
Prediction of Jesus’ Death
A Mother’s Request
Restoration of Bartimaeus’s Sight
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Restoration of Sight at Jericho
Passion Week. Chapter 5. 5 Easter 28 march — 5 april 33 years A.D. (5541 according to the Old Testament calendar.)
The Anointing of Jesus’ Feet. 28 march 33 years A.D.
The Triumphal Entry. 29 march 33 years A.D.
The Clearing of the Temple. Manday 30 march 33 years A.D.
It’s about prayer. Tusday 31 march 33 years A.D.
The question of Jesus’ authority
The Parable of the Two Sons
The Parable of the Evil Vinedressers
The parable of the Wedding Feast
The Pharisees’ question about taxes to Caesar
The question of resurrection and marriage in heaven
The Greatest Commandment
Jesus’ Question to the Pharisees
The Last Controversies with the Jewish Leaders
Two mites
The Olivet Discourse
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
The Parable of the Ten Minas
Signs of the End of the Age
Wednesday. The conspiracy of the high priests. 1 april 33 years A.D.
Thursday. Easter cooking. 2 april 33 years A.D.
The Last Supper
On the way to Gethsemane
Jesus Praying in Gethsemane
Jesus’ Arrest
Jesus at the trial of Annas and Caiaphas
Friday. The death of Judas. 3 april 33 years A.D.
Jesus at Pilate’s trial
Jesus at Herod’s trial
Beating and death sentence
The Crucifixion and death of Jesus on the Cross
The Burial
Saturday. The seal and guards at the Holy Sepulchre. 5 Easter 4 april 33 years A.D.
Sunday. Jesus’ Resurrection. 5 april 33 years A.D.
Jesus’ Encounter with the Women
The Guards’ Report and the Jewish Elders’ Bribe
The Appearance of Jesus to Luke and Cleopas
The appearance of the risen Jesus to the disciples
The epilogue. 40 days later. Ascension
An apparition to the Apostle Thomas and other disciples. 13 april 33 years A.D.
Jesus’ Recommissioning of the Disciples
The ascension of Jesus to heaven. 15 may 33 years A.D.
The end!