Английский язык: тестовые задания (уровни В2-С1)

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Часть 1

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Задание 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

Toothache can be so (1) … and disruptive that 87 per cent of people seek advice from their dentist when they feel the painful symptoms and over a third of people try to get an (2) … within 48 hours.

Have you been (3) … the dentist lately? Whether it was for a regular (4) … or treatment, you’ll know just how quickly the cost of treatment can add up.

Dentcover dental insurance has been designed to help look (5) … your dental health. Dentcover promotes good oral health by (6) … you to visit the dentist, while insuring against the unexpected. Dentcover insurance (7) … you to use any dentist in the UK, NHS or private. With immediate cover for dental check-ups, x-ray costs and your dental hygienist bills, it also includes dental accident and emergency fees you may (8) … abroad or in the UK (covered after just 15 days).

With five levels of cover to choose from, Dentcover dental insurance for individuals start from just $4.99 (9) … person — which really does give you something to smile about. You could (10) … from one month’s free cover when you apply online and use the offer code 2244.

1) A uncomfortable B inconvenient C restless D unenjoyable

2) A errand B engagement C assignation D appointment

3) A at B in C with D to

4) A scrutiny B check-up C test D examination

5) A after B for C at D to

6) A encouraging B encouraged C encourage D having encouraged

7) A grants B permits C allows D advises

8) A uphold B blunder C endure D incur

9) A for B per C by D one

10) A profit B benefit C gain D suffer

Задание 2. Find ONE word which is suitable for all three gaps in each of the following sets of sentences.

1) I don’t like my neighbor Ms. Sweet, an old lady who likes to swap… with her friends.

The island… to the west of South America.

Many children tell… about their adventures.

2) I can’t give you my opinion right now; I have to put on my thinking… first.

Winter holidays were fun! Especially when John fell onto a… of snow on a hilltop from the chopper.

You’ll recognize Ben at once; he’ll be wearing a dark red baseball ….

3) Greg was fighting… and nail to get this job.

My zip on the handbag is broken; I’ve lost one… of it.

Ken can’t smile as Jack knocked out his… yesterday.

4) Did you know that snakes… their prey whole?

Kate’s debts… up almost half of her salary.

In springtime, it’s easy to find a… as it usually nests under the roofs.

5) Robert was cut to the… by Jill’s unfair accusations.

It’s better not to discuss this matter here. Jim is next door, and he has a… ear.

The train is due to leave in 15 minutes, so you’ll have to be ….

Задание 3. Put «can,» «may,» «must,» «should,» «ought to,» «have to,» «be to,» «be able to» (or the negative forms) and «needn’t» in the spaces.

1) There are no toys in this shop, so we… do the shopping in some other place.

2) You… drive to the city by yourself, take a taxi or a bus.

3) Brushing daily… help restore your teeth’s natural whiteness.

4) This pill… be taken three times a day.

5) Henry’s out of job at the moment, so he… pay for the room.

6) The case is tricky. You… ask a lawyer’s advice.

7) If you want to lose weight, you… exercise more.

8) In this country, men… flirt with women — they’ll be arrested.

9) Unfortunately, the spectators… interview the athletes themselves.

10) Daisy… have seen a lot men like Michael, that’s why she’s so reserved.

Задание 4. Read the situation and write a sentence, using the words in brackets in the Passive.

1) The building is ramshackle. (it/must/demolish)

2) Lena can’t board her plane to Chicago. (it/delay)

3) They called about their booking. (it/confirm)

4) Mike is going to the dentist’s. (he/advise/friend)

5) Alice wants to get the job. (she/interview/tomorrow)

6) Frank got acquainted with his mother only at 20. (he/take care of/orphanage)

7) The police arrested Mr. Black. (he/charge/conspiracy/the State)

8) Linda likes to visit museums and galleries. (she/interest/art)

9) Nile doesn’t know the alphabet yet. (by/end/school year/he/teach)

10) The editor couldn’t publish my papers. (they/still/review)

Задание 5. Find mistakes in the lines, some of them are correct. In each line only ONE mistake is possible. There are three examples at the beginning of the extract (0 — spelling mistake; 00 — correct; 000 — unnecessary word).


Задание 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

How do I figure (1) … if a cookie is going to come out chewy or crunchy?

Just take (2) … bite. Actually, all cookie recipes provide clues to the (3) … result. It’s all in (4) … butter, shortening and sugar ratios.

All-butter recipes tend (5) … a thin and crispy cookie. All-shortening recipes yield a soft, plumpish cookie. Brown sugar also (6) … produce a soft cookie.

If you want a crisp cookie on the outside and a chewy-soft cookie on the (7) …, go for a mix of butter and softening — and a combo of brown and (8) … sugar.

The science behind it has to (9) … the fact that butter melts faster than shortening, so — in a hot oven — buttery cookies spread (10) … so they are thinner and crisper than shortening-based cookies.

1) A in B with C up D out

2) A a B the C an D —

3) A first B final C middle D second

4) A a B some C the D any

5) A to be produced B being produced C to produce D produce

6) A help B helps to C help to D helps

7) A outside B left side C inside D right side

8) A white B blue C green D yellow

9) A do with B go out C find out D take after

10) A more quick B quicklier C more quickly D quickest

Задание 2. Make up questions to the secondary members of the sentences, using the words in brackets.

1) Jack was carrying a book to the library when he met Jill. (Where)

2) She’s still thinking about his words. (What)

3) They will be studying hard in order to get a degree. (Why)

4) We are to meet at 5. (When)

5) He did it deliberately. (How)

6) The accident happened while I was driving a car. (When)

7) They stayed at their friends’. (Where)

8) Jack has cut his finger with a knife. (How)

9) We’ll buy some drinks for the party. (What)

10) Bill wrote another letter because he had spoiled the previous one. (Why)

Задание 3. Put the words in bold into the correct form.

1) Mr. Brown is …true… a generous person.

2) You should pay your bills in time in order not to lose your flat and become …home….

3) It’s …polite… to talk back to your teacher.

4) Anthony was born into the …prosper… French family.

5) Jack is not …interest… in arts or music.

6) This monument is the only …attract… of the town.

7) He doesn’t attend lessons out of …bore….

8) You look …amaze… today!

9) I had a wonderful trip! Visiting Paris was …forget…!

10) Daisy looks like a clown! What an unfortunate …match… of styles!

Задание 4. What do you know about English-speaking countries? Use no more than TWO words. There is an example below.

0) The majority of… is a desert. — The majority of Australia is a desert.

1) In the UK the… is the head of state.

2) … people drink tea at 5 o’clock.

3) Maple syrup is a favorite syrup of ….

4) In the USA the… is the head of state.

5) People from… are nicknamed Kiwi.

6) The Limpopo River is in the Republic of ….

7) In… there are two official languages: Hindi and English.

8) On the 17th of March Irish people celebrate… Day.

9) The appointed representative of Queen Elizabeth II in Jamaica is the… of Jamaica.

10) The anniversary of Barbadian independence from the UK is on the 30th of ….

Задание 5. Find mistakes in the lines, some of them are correct. In each line only ONE mistake is possible. There are three examples at the beginning of the extract (0 — spelling mistake; 00 — correct).


Задание 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

The journey took place (1) … Canada, in the northwest of Ontario. This part of the country is (2) …, with woods, lakes, and fast rivers. There (3) … thousands of kilometers of narrow country roads, a few small towns, and lonely farms. Men from the big paper companies cut (4) … trees deep in the forests. There are Indians and hunters. But (5) … of the time there are no human beings, only wild animals. And silence.

For almost half the year the area (6) … in snow, and the temperature falls (7) … zero for weeks. The seasons are different in north Ontario. The plants and flowers do not grow (8) … in spring. There is (9) … sudden, short summer when everything grows fast. Then it is (10) … again with clear blue skies and sunny days.

1) A in B out of C at D by

2) A populous B dense C wild D waste

3) A was B are C were D is

4) A in B off C out D down

5) A many B most C few D little

6) A is covered B covers C will be covered D have been covered

7) A outside B above C inside D below

8) A more slow B slowly C more slowly D slower

9) A — B no C a D the

10) A fall B winter C spring D summer

Задание 2. Make up questions to the secondary members of the sentences, using the words in brackets.

1) Some people think bull terriers are strange, ugly dogs. (What)

2) By the door lay another dog with his nose on his paws. (Where)

3) When Billy got up from the sofa, his dog lifted its head. (When)

4) Bruce used to walk impatiently across his room at night. (How)

5) She looked out the window to check there was no one outside. (Why)

6) A huge orange moon was coming up just above the trees. (What color)

7) It was bright outside from the light of the street lamp. (Why)

8) Jack could see the leaves on the grass. (What)

9) Jill crossed the room and turned on another light. (What)

10) Ted was a handsome young man with broad shoulders. (What/look like)

Задание 3. Put the words in bold into the correct form.

1) William was a strong, brave …fight….

2) Harry always enjoyed the look of …happy… in his wife’s bright eyes.

3) Jane …care… moved her foot from under the cat’s head.

4) There were a few beautiful …color… flowers in the vase.

5) Jack looked at it with …excite… and great interest.

6) Suddenly, the telephone rang and broke the …silent… of the quiet room.

7) The cat jumped …anger… off the chair.

8) It was dark outside and I couldn’t see him …clear….

9) Greg stood at the door, …quiet… smoking his pipe.

10) For the …one… few minutes they didn’t speak.

Задание 4. What do you know about the following American states: Alaska, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Washington? Write only the name of the state. There is an example below.

0) … has the highest number of suicides per 100,000 deaths. — Alaska has the highest number of suicides per 100,000 deaths.

1) In 2010 … was ranked №1 in overall well-being of citizens.

2) … can boast of the highest literacy rate and the lowest smoking rate in the USA.

3) The majority of ghost towns are located in ….

4) The percentage of non-religious people in… is the highest among all the states.

5) … grows more sunflowers than any other state.

6) … ranks first in the production of Swiss cheese.

7) The highest grizzly bear population is in ….

8) … produces the majority of the domestic crawfish crop.

9) The most expensive electricity in the US is in ….

10) Orlando, …, attracts more visitors than any other amusement park in the USA.

Задание 5. Find mistakes in the lines, some of them are correct. In each line only ONE mistake is possible. There are three examples at the beginning of the extract (0 — spelling mistake; 00 — correct).


Задание 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

«Captain! Something is moving on (1) … ice. Look (2) … there!»

The sailor stood (3) … the top of the mast, high above the Captain. His hand (4) … away from the ship, across the miles of ice that covered the sea.

The Captain looked to the north where the sailor (5) …. He saw something coming fast (6) … the ship across the ice. He put his telescope (7) … his eye, and through it he could the shapes of ten dogs (8) … a sledge over the ice. He could also see (9) … driver of the sledge — a huge figure, much (10) … than a man.

1) A the B — C a D an

2) A — B over C to D at

3) A on B in C at D by

4) A pointing B had pointed C points D pointed

5) A was pointing B pointed C had pointed D pointing

6) A backwards B towards C afterwards D forwards

7) A outside B above C to D at

8) A pulled B were pulling C pull D pulling

9) A the B — C a D an

10) A big B bigger C biggest D the biggest

Задание 2. Make up questions to the secondary members of the sentences, using the words in brackets.

1) Jack was a welcome visitor to our house. (Where)

2) A young girl came to live in the house to help my mother with the children. (Why)

3) The kids loved their nanny as much as she loved them. (How)

4) Jill Jenkins studied very hard at school. (How)

5) Billy Brown wanted to know the secrets of life. (What)

6) There was a wild storm in the mountains. (Where)

7) Greg saw a huge fork of lightning. (Who)

8) On my first day at school I met my friend Joe. (Which)

9) Jill had to go to the cinema alone as Ben got sick. (Why)

10) Ted decided to work on those things. (What+on)

Задание 3. Put the words in bold into the correct form.

1) William loved his wife …dear….

2) Professor Derry was one of the greatest …science… in the world.

3) It was a dark and …terror… time.

4) Michael was very …interest… in his work.

5) The face of the …create… was horrible.

6) The machine began to do its work …immediate….

7) The Furds had a big house and many… serve….

8) Julia was fond of jewelry and …fashion… clothes.

9) Before the operation, Greg was …attract…, almost ugly.

10) Bill’s planning a big …busy… deal.

Задание 4. Fill in the missing prepositions.

1) It is nice to walk… the clear December air.

2) The room was full… cigarette smoke.

3) They concluded an agreement… the end of a difficult discussion.

4) Mr. Big asked Kevin to think… profit.

5) That was a lot… ask.

6) Your job is to keep William… the black.

7) The table was covered… women’s shoes.

8) Jim smiled at Kate, but Kate didn’t smile ….

9) He earns money and his family depends… him.

10) Mr. Black rose… his feet.

Задание 5. Find mistakes in the lines, some of them are correct. In each line only ONE mistake is possible. There are three examples at the beginning of the extract (0 — spelling mistake; 00 — correct).


Задание 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

Ticocu is the smallest and least (1) … of all Japan’s islands. Mr. Brook was navigating his (2) … car along a one-lane road through a mountain valley. He (3) … past an almost deserted village, turned a corner and saw (4) … the distance two strange figures.

They were (5) … in rubber boots, farmers’ trousers, and wore white gloves and baseball (6) …. Yet something was odd in their postures. They didn’t seem quite (7) …. As Mr. Brook got (8) …, he realized they weren’t people. Their faces (9) … of white cloth with buttons for eyes. They were (10) … or «kakashi» as the Japanese call them.

1) A visited B seen C dwelt D stayed

2) A leased B chartered C let D rental

3) A was driving B drives C had driven D drove

4) A at B in C on D off

5) A dressed B dressing C dress D clothed

6) A caps B hats C helmets D bonnets

7) A people B beings C human D creature

8) A next B warmer C at hand D closer

9) A are B were made C made D were

10) A aliens B scarecrows C guests D dolls

Задание 2. Put the words in bold into the correct form.

1) You shouldn’t go underground as …way… is crowded at this hour.

2) Peter’s mother noted that his …sweat… was dirty with mud.

3) Touching the hive …excite… the bees last time.

4) Michael felt sad …erase… the text of his project.

5) Alice was singing …soft… to her baby.

6) The roadworks are …slow… the traffic up during the rush hours.

7) The Browns spend their holidays at a …ski… resort.

8) Bad news always …quiet… his family.

9) Yesterday the teacher gave the class a …dictate….

10) This monument is often …vandal… by the youth gang.

Задание 3. Fill in the missing phrasal verbs with «out»: act, bring, eat, find, get, go, hang, jump, let, move.

1) The police officer found a way to… out the truth.

2) The room was on fire and they had to… out of the window to escape.

3) Without your shoes, you can’t… out.

4) The Greens wanted to… out of town.

5) The teacher asked us to… out the dialog before the whole class.

6) Lizzy’s job is to… out the washing.

7) It’s high time for you to… out of bed or you’ll be late for school.

8) Jim likes to… out in this restaurant.

9) Alice… out a loud sneeze and everybody understood that she was unwell.

10) How did her boyfriend… out about Jack’s party?

Задание 4. Complete the given sentences with a proper homophone, having only its transcription. There is an example below.

0) Smoking is not [ə’laud] here. — Smoking is not allowed here. [not «aloud»]

Задание 5. Put the pictures together in order to make up ONE word. See an example below (0).


Задание 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

After spending years fighting claims that cell phone use can (1) … brain tumors, industry reps may be getting some welcome news. A new study suggests cell phone radiation may actually have a (2) … biological effect — two hours of exposure a day staved off Alzheimer’s disease (3) … mice.

Scientists at the University of South Florida studied mice that are genetically (4) … to develop Alzheimer’s and its accompanying memory problems. Based (5) … previous research, the researchers hypothesized that radiation from phones (6) … progression of the disease because other types of radiation cause free radical damage. The team used an antenna (7) … expose some of the mice to electromagnetic waves that approximated two hours of daily cell phone use. To the scientists’ surprise, the mice that were (8) … with cell phone radiation did not suffer (9) … memory impairments as they aged — unlike their radiation-­free counterparts. The mice exposed to phone waves retained their (10) … ability to navigate a once familiar maze after time spent in different mazes.

1) A cause B be causing C caused D causing

2) A benefit B beneficial C benefaction D benefiting

3) A of B on C at D in

4) A predispose B predisposed C predisposing D were predisposed

5) A in B at C on D with

6) A would accelerate B accelerate C accelerated D had accelerated

7) A for B on C to D with

8) A dose B dosing C to dose D dosed

9) A on B of C from D —

10) A youthful B young C youth D younger

Задание 2. Put the words in bold into the correct form.

1) Any boss appraises the …able… of his workers.

2) Peter’s come here …special… to dance with Kate.

3) This …publish… company is a monster on the market.

4) Michael’s most significant …achieve… was the construction of his own house.

5) Alice was unable to give a …describe… of her attacker.

6) The team will …definite… win if Kevin plays.

7) While being a …prison…, he was treated badly.

8) Fiona …accident… swallowed a grape with seeds.

9) In his usual …resource… way, he has started his own business.

10) People say that we’re all part of the …globe… village.

Задание 3. Fill in the missing postpositions to form phrasal verbs with «ask»: after, around, about, for, in, over, out.

1) Alice tried to ask… about a person named Frank who lived in that area.

2) As Henry was sick, his classmates came to ask… him.

3) As the conversation continued, Jane asked the new acquaintance …, into her apartment.

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