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Объем: 182 бумажных стр.

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

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The king of elves kidnapped Amaranta. Now she is his captive and sweetheart. Probably she is destined to become the queen of elves. But the Queen of Fairies does not give up, and intrigues against the rival. The dangerous magical secrets are waiting for Amaranta in the castle of elves.
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Writer, poetess, journalist, laureate of the EcoWorld 2019 International Prize. The creator of the popular series of mystical and fantasy books «Dragons Empire», «Daughter of the Dawn», «Crypt of the Seven Angels», «Prisoners of the Magic Kingdom», «Prisoners of the Underwater Kingdom», as well as outside the cycle novels.

Подробная информация

Объем: 182 стр.

Дата выпуска: 14 июля 2021 г.

Возрастное ограничение: 16+

В магазинах: OzonWildberriesAmazonЛитРес

Формат: epub, fb2, pdfRead, mobi

ISBN: 978-5-0055-0571-2

Переводчик: Natalie Lilienthal


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