A thief from the UK

Бесплатный фрагмент - A thief from the UK

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First chapter

Studying at medical college was very difficult for me; all I did in my spare time was sleep, because I had no strength for anything else.

“You need to come to your senses a little and rest,” my school friend Virginia told me on the phone. — Tomorrow the summer holidays at your college begin, use them to relax. For example, I will go to the sea to relax.

“I’d better go to work,” I said, “otherwise I won’t have the money to pay for the next semester.” And then, after work, I will study to consolidate the knowledge.

“You’ll spend your whole life reading books, you nerd,” she answered me sharply, then hung up, and then sent a personal message with a link to a hotel for the poor and its photograph.

“What is this?” — I wrote to her.

She called me back right away.

— This is the place where you can relax within your means. You’ll just go crazy if you don’t stop studying. You know that the smartest people have an unenviable fate,” she told me defiantly. “They always serve, and only those who have C grades win in this life.”

— Yes, yes, I know, they are bolder, more insolent, more resourceful and believe that the whole world is at their feet. And they are also incompetent and ignorant. I wouldn’t want to deal with people like that. A C-grade doctor is an executioner, and so it is in all other specialties.

“Well, as you know,” she chuckled into the phone, “the choice is yours.”

I was simply exhausted from talking to her. It was already difficult for me, I was the oldest in the course, I was already twenty-six years old, I had no personal life and no time for it. All my life I did nothing but plow. I started working in school, in high school, handing out leaflets, then worked in a French coffee shop as a waitress to save up money for college. It was my dream to become a medical professional, and now I was almost there. I only had two years left to study. And my friend tells me — rest. Where will I rest? In a hotel for the poor? I won’t go there even at gunpoint! Out of helplessness, I burst into tears; there was no one to support me, because my parents already had their hands full with my little sisters, one of whom had just turned three.

There was a catastrophic lack of money. Therefore, since the beginning of the summer holidays from college, I began to look for a job. I was ready to take on any job, but a conversation with my school friend had such an impact on me that I wanted to find something more decent. Not far from the hostel where I lived, there was a fashion house where I wanted to get a job. Of course, I understood that I was unlikely to be accepted as a top model, but I was quite suitable to demonstrate clothes for housewives or mothers with children. One girl I went to college with got a job there as a model. She said that they paid well there and gave exact figures. I wanted to get a job there.

Of course, for the interview I put on my best clothes at once, or rather, everything I had. It was both the worst and the best at once, because there was no other. When I arrived, I was so worried that my hands were even shaking. I was already roughly figuring out how much this salary would be enough for me if I was hired. After doing the math, I came to the conclusion that I could pay for college in full in just one summer, which made me so excited that I began to worry even more.

On this day, I was not the only one who came for an interview; there were several candidates for this vacancy. I tried not to look at them, so as not to overwhelm myself and get upset in advance. We went in for the interview one by one. When it was my turn, as soon as I entered the office and saw a magnificent lady in a purple jumpsuit and with a high hairstyle, I burst into tears. To be honest, I have never been lucky: what was easy for others, I had to earn with sweat and blood. For some reason it seemed to me that I had already been refused, although they had not even greeted me yet. On the badge that hung on her chest, I had difficulty reading her name because of the tears in my eyes: Greta Abran. Now my future depended on her, on this Greta Abran.

— What’s happened? — Greta Abran asked motherly.

“I really need this job,” I said, smearing cheap cosmetics over my face.

The woman made a knowing face and then said:

— Girl, dear, you are not suitable for us.

Her polite voice combined with her refusal cut me to the heart. It would be better if she answered me rudely or kicked me out. And so, I was confused and didn’t know how to react.There was a photograph on her desk, showing a beautiful girl in a straw hat, and for some reason I started looking at it.

— Look here, — the woman added, pointing with a ballpoint pen at the ad that was lying on her desk. — We need a model who is strictly one hundred and seventy-five centimeters tall, and how tall are you?

— One hundred and sixty-two centimeters, — I said, sobbing. — So what should I do now? — I stared at her questioningly. — Should I just work as a waitress in some food service establishment now? — I grumbled at my fate.

Of course, I wouldn’t have behaved in such a way, but seeing the sympathy in this woman’s eyes, I couldn’t help but complain about life, I was fed up. I wanted, if not money, then at least sympathy, although sympathy, of course, was in second place.

— Well, why not… — she said thoughtfully, trying to grope for something in the desk drawer. And then she took a small sticker out of the drawer, wrote an address on it and handed it to me. — Look, my close friend Undine is looking for an additional housekeeper, the house is huge, there is a lot of work, they pay regularly, so she will suit you. Don’t thank me.

“Well, I don’t thank you,” I wanted to answer, but then she inserted a couple more sentences that completely killed me.

— You look so much like my daughter, she is now studying in the UK to become a fashion designer and is interning with Liu Yikson himself. Have you heard of this? You don’t have to answer, I see you haven’t heard.

“Well, where am I going?” I muttered.

“Well,” added Greta Abran, “I don’t see my daughter often now, we had a little quarrel, so I want to do a good deed — give you some work.” I know that fate will honor me, and we will definitely make peace with my beloved Melissa. So everyone will be fine, you will get a job according to your abilities, and I will make peace with my daughter.


After this interview, I cried again, for the first time in my life I wanted to quit everything. Why am I always the wait staff? It wasn’t fair. But, having calmed down a little, I pulled myself together and called the number that was indicated on the sticker that Greta Abran gave me. A pleasant female voice quickly answered me. I tried my best to make my voice confident and calm, because I needed work like air.

“Good afternoon, Ondine, I’m from Greta Abran,” I said with respect the name of my “benefactor,” hoping that this would play into my hands.

“Oh, Gretochka,” the woman said very sweetly, “how is she doing?” — asked Ondine. “I haven’t seen her for so long.”

I was a little taken aback, because the woman thought that I was an acquaintance or friend of this same Greta Abran. I decided to use this opportunity to play a little. This idea came to me completely by accident, like all crazy ideas. And then I remembered Greta Abran’s daughter, who is studying in the UK.Lying, of course, was wrong, but I was driven into a corner and decided to take a risk.

“Everything is fine,” I said in an insinuating voice. — I’m her daughter from the UK, Melissa. I secretly returned to Moscow, I want to surprise my mother. Just don’t tell her anything, okay? — I said, holding my breath.

The woman fell silent, there was a pause. At that moment my whole life flashed before my eyes. I thought that now my deception would be revealed, and I would be handed over to the police. I already imagined how I would be expelled from college for lying.

“That’s right,” said Ondine, “it’s her birthday next month, her anniversary!” “How come I didn’t realize it before,” she laughed. “I’ll help in any way I can,” she said. “I promise that no one will learn anything from me, not even my own son.”


After talking with Ondine, I was overcome with euphoria. For the first time in my life I lied, and for the first time in my life they believed me. I had never lied before, I was raised that way, but even then they didn’t really believe me. Sometimes my sisters blamed everything on me for the mischief I had done myself, and my parents scolded me. It seemed to me that I was physically incapable of lying, as if I had already been born honest. But, as it turned out, anything can happen, that is, I am capable of lying. It’s strange, but I didn’t feel any guilt for this lie or, as they would say now, an innocent prank, I felt gloating, as if I was able to outwit fate. All you had to do was say the right words at the right time. For a few minutes, I really felt like that same Melissa from the UK, who is studying to become a fashion designer with Louis Ixon.It was cool because my name was actually Ilse Dalma and I was one of the simplest mortals. I was an ordinary poor student who dreamed of helping people by providing them with medical care.

“Why don’t I help myself now? — I thought, and this idea inspired me. “Once in a lifetime, it’s possible.” The only thing I didn’t understand was how to use this opportunity. But one thing was clear to me: fate itself was coming to meet me halfway, and I should not make a mistake in the battle for my interests.

I didn’t sleep all night, just staring at the ceiling, trying to imagine my future. The girls went home for the holidays, and only I stayed to earn some money for our daily bread. Who would have thought that my plans would change so much. “You are doing everything right,” I mentally told myself, “you are doing everything right. Stop serving, pleasing, counting pennies. How much is it possible already? After all, this is how your whole life will go.”

In the darkness of my room, I looked out the window, then at the ceiling, then at the table on which my half-drunk cup of tea stood. I was very thirsty, but didn’t want to get out of bed. It was a very significant reaction. I thought: “What if happiness and a carefree life are also within walking distance, like this cup, and I’m just too lazy to get up and go to it?” After all, I could die of thirst and never quench it. I had to get up and go to her. For a mental kick, to speed up, I took my phone, which was lying next to me, and found a message where my school friend recommended me a hotel for the poor, because I simply couldn’t afford another one.

“Well, my dear Virginia,” I mentally addressed her, “I will really relax this summer, have a blast, but not in a hotel for the poor,” I said with bravado.“Your nerd puts aside his textbooks, goes to work, and goes all out. Walk like that!”

On this ecstatic note, I jumped out of bed with the coolness of a mountain deer to finish my cup of tea and proudly fell into sleep. I needed a good rest before starting my new life. I didn’t know where I got the confidence, this wild confidence that everything would work out. But I felt that it couldn’t be any other way. I didn’t know in what ways this would be achieved, but I had the feeling that I had learned all the tickets and was now going to the exam. How did I feel? Excitement, as if luck was already in my pocket.

Chapter Two

You can’t deceive the faint-hearted: they’ll lose right away, give themselves away, expose themselves. So I decided not to deceive. I decided that I should, like a good actress, get into the character of this fashion designer from Great Britain and become her. I decided to become Melissa Abran. I want to live well, at least a little. Perhaps this was no longer a deception, it was theft, as if I stole someone else’s fate, pocketed it… Cool! Now that was on a grand scale. When you steal on a grand scale, it’s not so scary, even if you get caught. Well, at least there’s something to be afraid of…

In general, with this thought in mind, I was going to rush to Undina Karpova’s house, to the very house where I was supposed to work as a housekeeper. Initially, it was assumed that as a housekeeper I would enter there from the back entrance, but I decided to make a knight’s move and enter from the central one!

It was easier to get into this house than into the image of Melissa. To get into the image, I needed to clearly imagine Melissa Abran, what her character was like, I needed to understand how she dressed, but I had never seen her. And this was a problem, a big problem. Even my classmates who could have advised me on something had gone away for the summer holidays, and there was no one to help me with this issue. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t understand anything about style and fashion, I always had one style called “preferably clean, unironed is possible”. How could I know what was fashionable in Great Britain now, if I didn’t know what was fashionable here in Russia? Only one thing warmed my heart: Greta Abran said that I looked like her daughter, which meant that my chances were good. Of my clothes, I only had jeans and blouses, but several of each. When one dried, I wore another, exactly the same. I never had money for different clothes; I spent everything on food, study and additional courses. And why bother so much about clothes, after all, life is short, and I thought it was disgusting to spend at least part of it on clothes.

And now I had to imagine how this same Melissa Abran dresses. An image stuck in my head that I had glimpsed in a photograph that stood on Greta Aban’s desk. This photo was of a young girl wearing a straw hat and an off-the-shoulder pink dress. She stood in the middle of a wheat field. I didn’t know whether it was Melissa or not, but I liked the image. Therefore, I decided to work in this direction and, well, how should I put it… to borrow clothes from my classmates without asking. Okay, okay, I decided to temporarily steal these clothes. But what difference does it make if I was still a sinner now?


Katya and Lira left me the keys to their room so that I could water the flowers, since I was staying in the student dormitory for the summer. Now I went to water the flowers with it, but not for the sake of the flowers.

I opened the door with the key and entered Katya and Lyra’s room with a bottle of water; there were violets and cacti on the windowsill. Katya loved cacti, and Lyra loved violets. I knew for sure that Katya loved to pet them, like petting hedgehogs, in order to do better in exams. She started a whole ritual for herself, to which she introduced some of the girls in the dorm. Katya passed everything with an A and said that it was the cacti that helped her. In fact, the cacti had nothing to do with it. Katya herself crammed everything until she turned green, so the result was obvious. Nevertheless, the girls still came to her on the eve of the exam to pet her cacti, because no one canceled the freebie. The thirst for freebies makes you believe in miracles, even those with thorns — what if?!

Lyra was simpler; she got herself violets on the windowsill as opposed to Katya’s cacti, so that Katya wouldn’t occupy the entire window sill. And thanks to the violets, half of the window sill was assigned to Lyra. By the way, no one stroked her violets; she didn’t allow them. “Don’t crush the flowers,” said Lyra, if someone’s impatient hand hovered over her flowers. “They are not ritual,” she added in a stern voice.


When I opened the closet that belonged to Lyra, I saw only a couple of T-shirts and jeans. I carefully examined the shelves and things on the hangers. Looking closer, I saw something colorful in the corner. I reached out with my hand; it was a silk handkerchief. As luck would have it, I didn’t understand fashion or styles. But then I remembered that stylists don’t understand them either. Sometimes you look at some stylist or fashion designer and think that this is a homeless person who has just escaped from a landfill. Or you look at photos from a film premiere on the Internet, and there is some kind of tastelessly dressed party, and then you take a closer look — and it turns out that these are our celebrities, led by a socialite, who often changes lion. In general, everything is relative. This thought calmed me and reconciled me with reality. That’s why I adopted the handkerchief, because women usually disarm men with their femininity. I also took a light, summer, pink dress from Katya’s closet; it looked like the dress from the very photograph that I saw on Greta Abran’s table. Katya had a lot of dresses.

I also really needed a straw hat, like the girl in the photo, but I didn’t have one, but I did have sandals. They matched the dress, and that made me endlessly happy. I think that if I had asked for these things, the girls would have lent them to me, although without much joy. But I didn’t want to tell them this, even over the phone, so as not to scare away my luck. Well, so that they don’t pawn me if something happens. Of course, I also borrowed a suitcase from the girls and put the things I liked in there. This was mainly Katya’s wardrobe. Mentally I conveyed my gratitude to her for the clothes shopping, it was now in my favor… and on my leg, and on my head, and there was also a suitcase, well, why not a holiday?


Ondine Karpova gave me her address on the phone, and now I had to rush to her. I understood that a lot depends on the first impression, and I probably needed to take a taxi to go out like a king. But Ondine lived outside the city, and I didn’t have money for a taxi. Therefore, I decided to get to her house first by metro, and then by buses with transfers. It wasn’t easy given the heat.

When I was traveling on a subway train, I carefully examined my reflection in the glass door of the car. I really was dressed awkwardly, and the checkered suitcase only added disharmony to my outfit. But there was also a positive aspect: I stood out, which means everyone will think it’s just my style. In fact, there was no specific plan in my head, or rather the plan was to get there and say hello to the hostess of the house the way Melissa Abran, a fashion designer from the UK, would say hello. I simply didn’t know what would happen next and was afraid to guess. I didn’t want to be punished for cheating, but I also didn’t want to return empty-handed.


The house in which Ondine Karpova lived was located outside the city in the picturesque area of K**. I heard that only rich people live there. For some reason, I thought that if I told my neighbors in the hostel that I was going to work there as a housekeeper, they would tell me: “Oh, how lucky you are, you can at least see how people live! Touch the beauty! When you wipe off the dust, of course.” In fact, I wasn’t going to serve there and I wasn’t going to wipe off the dust. I didn’t know at all what I was going to do there, and at some point it seemed to me that I wouldn’t even know, because the bus stopped at the edge of the forest and the driver announced that this was the end.

I was confused because the area where Ondine Karpova lived was located much further away. Sitting next to me on the bus was a small, elderly woman in colorful clothes and a purple cap. She looked like an overseas bird with bright plumage. When she was getting ready to go out, I asked her what bus could I take to get to the K** area. She looked at me the way they look at someone who is not the smartest woman, and said:

— What are you saying, baby, only rich people live there. Nobody goes there by bus. Only on expensive jalopies,” she nodded. -What should you do there? — she asked with a sly smile.

“I’m going to steal something,” I answered boldly. “Maybe even someone’s heart,” I added, winking cheerfully at the old woman.

— Oh-oh-oh, what a joker! — the creative woman in the purple cap laughed.

But I wasn’t laughing. I thought angrily about Greta Abran, who had not warned me that there was no public transport there.She probably didn’t even know that she couldn’t get there by bus, because she herself always drove only expensive cars.


The bus left, the people dispersed. I stood alone at the bus stop and didn’t know what to do. Occasionally cars passed by. I had a checkered suitcase with other people’s things. “Well,” I said to myself, “you’ve lived well. But only in dreams…” It became sad. I can’t go on foot. I might get lost. The thought flashed through my head that it would be better for me to stay in the hostel, cram textbooks and look for a job based on my abilities, that is, a job as a cleaner. I don’t know what happened to me at that moment, because a coffee-straw-colored car appeared from afar, and I instinctively raised my hand, saying, stop, comrade! And this had to happen, the car stopped, pulling off to the side of the road. I froze in surprise and indecision.

The driver was a fair-haired man, but when I looked closer at him, I realized that he was a young guy. I approached the car.

“Girl,” he said to me loudly, opening the door, “what happened to you?”

“Yes, basically, nothing,” I said, coming even closer to him and figuring out as I went what else I should say. “I need to get to…” I hesitated because I forgot the address, but immediately pulled out my phone and called it in full: “Lilac Valley, 48,” I looked up at the young man.

He looked at me questioningly and then smiled.

“I’m just on my way,” he said very sweetly. — Can I help you put your suitcase in the trunk? — He smiled at me again.

At first I wanted to answer as I usually answer: “Oh, no, I’ll stuff it myself.” This is exactly how Ilse Dalma, that is, I, answered throughout my twenty-six-year life. But then I remembered that I was already Melissa Abran, and she definitely wouldn’t say that.

“Yes, of course,” I smiled and paused, wanting not to say anything unnecessary and not start making excuses for I don’t know why.

“Be silent and smile,” I commanded myself. “Be silent and watch how they help you,” I ordered myself, keeping a smile on my lips smeared with someone else’s lipstick.

He quickly completed the task and got back behind the wheel. I sat down next to the driver and immediately felt like a queen. I was afraid to look at this handsome guy, but I liked driving in the car. Apparently it was very expensive because we were driving fast, but I didn’t feel the speed. The pictures changed very quickly outside the window. I didn’t know what to talk about with this guy, but I didn’t have to come up with a topic for conversation, because he started communicating himself.

— What is your name? — he asked politely.

Out of the corner of my eye I looked at his tanned hands that were on the steering wheel, and I liked them. I often fell in love with hands, although usually girls fall in love with eyes or a bank card. For some reason, I thought that I would certainly have fallen in love with him all over, if not for the current circumstances. I was even sorry that the road would soon end. It was for this reason that I relaxed a little and decided to make the most of our short meeting in this car, which, with the help of his skillful hands, rushed me into a new life.

“Let’s be on first-name terms,” I shortened the distance between us. “My name is Melissa, but you can call me Ilse,” I laughed.

— Great! Do you have a double name? — he asked, not experienced in lying.

“Yes, yes,” I answered, wanting to add that I now have not only a double name, but also a double life. — How are you?

“Arkhip,” he smiled with a white-toothed smile, and I turned to look at his handsome, young face in profile.

He was so handsome, with brown eyes and thick, straight eyebrows, as if drawn under a ruler. He had very tan skin that contrasted with his blond hair. My heart beat faster.

Chapter Three

It was cool to ride in the same car with a handsome guy, the road lasted about half an hour. I understood that now he would leave and I would not see him again. I looked at the road with rapidly changing landscapes, then at my knees covered by a pink dress, then at him, but only with my peripheral vision, so that he would not get scared. And then the road ended, my heart ached with melancholy. Is it possible to fall in love with the first person you meet in half an hour? Yes, it is! Especially if he is such a handsome guy with such hands, and also silent, which means that everything else can be thought up and attributed to his image without any obstacles.

The whole way I wanted to give him my phone number, but in the end I changed my mind. It was stupid, and I didn’t want to impose myself on the first person I met so much. I have always been unlucky in love, so it was not worth starting this obviously losing venture. Besides, I didn’t want to change my thieving plans, the goal of which was to live at least a little like a human being.

“Is it here?” I asked when he stopped the car near a large three-story huge house, surrounded by a large and beautiful fence.

“You gave me exactly this address,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well, yeah, it’s time,” I sighed. “Then goodbye,” I said, putting all my pain of separation into the last word.

I lightly touched his tanned hand with my pale hand, and then abruptly pulled it away, as if I had burned myself. It was nervous.

“Actually, I’m from Great Britain, and this is how we say goodbye,” I giggled, trying to justify my actions.

“Great,” he said emotionlessly, “and you speak without an accent at all.”

“I studied for a long time. Okay, bye,” I looked at him again to keep his image as a keepsake.

I got out of the car. And he came out after me. It seemed to me that he wanted to get the suitcase out of the trunk, and he actually took it out and gave it to me. And then I went to the fence of the house, and he followed me.

“I’ll go ahead on my own,” I said, turning around and looking at him.

He smiled.

“Actually, I live here,” he said, and I was immediately covered by a wave of emotional excitement, in which it was not clear what was more — fear or joy.


The house was simply gorgeous, it was even better than I could have imagined. I originally came here to live at least a little like a human being, but in such a house it was only possible to live like a king.

I didn’t have to call Ondine to have the door opened for me, because Arkhip dialed a code of several numbers, which I did not fill out out of excitement, and then the huge, heavy door opened by itself, and we entered the territory of this estate.

There were a lot of flowers and trees around the house, the whole house was literally buried in flowers, and everything looked like something out of a fairy tale. A woman was working in the garden; she was wearing a blue work suit, large orange gloves and a shock of red-red curly hair on her head. She looked to be about fifty years old, of fairly heavy build and short stature. The sun was playing in her hair, so it seemed as if there was fire on her head. Seeing us from a distance, she looked questioningly, first at me, and then at Arkhip.

I froze, not understanding who she was and what would happen now.


Next to Arkhip, I could only think about him, he created interference with my thinking, because I was trying to understand his thoughts about me. I was confused and close to failure. I even forgot my new name due to stress. If this woman asked now what my name is, I would, like a zombie woken up in the middle of the night, say my real name and answer the first three tickets in biology. But I was lucky, she herself called me by name.

— Melissa? — she asked me, thereby returning me to the sinful earth.

“Yes,” I smiled. — Melissa Abran.

“My dear,” the woman said, taking off her gloves to shake my hand. “Your mother and I are already like sisters, although we met quite recently at the fashion show at Clementine’s.” She told me so much about you, you could say that she only talked about you. I’m sorry, I can’t hug you, I’m working in the garden, my apron is dirty. But this strange work in the garden makes me closer to nature,” she took my hand and shook me a little.

“Wow, gardening is a release for her,” I thought. “How much money do you need to have to consider such work as exotic entertainment?” And of course, I was frightened by the words that “she talked a lot about me,” because I had doubts about whether I could live up to it, but I didn’t know anything “about myself.”

— Oh, mom says so many different things, she’s such an inventor! — I was on the safe side. “I’m very glad to meet you,” I said politely, carefully removing my hand from hers.“I have already prepared the best room for you on the first floor,” Ondine continued, “but you can choose any one yourself, we have free rooms on all floors.” Son,” she turned to Arkhip, “show Melissa our house, let her choose the room she likes best.” And I’ll come to you soon.


When we entered the house, I gasped: one room followed another, and everything was so beautiful! They even had an elevator so you don’t have to take the stairs, and I was especially impressed by the small fountain on the first floor, decorated with marble and small multi-colored stones. I felt like I was in an art museum. I didn’t even understand how they lived here, because it’s so scary to break a vase in case it’s worth a billion. I could touch and take whatever I wanted, but I didn’t do it so as not to look like a savage in Arkhip’s eyes.

“What do your parents do?” — I wanted to ask, but I was afraid. I was afraid to give myself away, to incur suspicion, because I was supposed to know this from “my mother.” So at first I just silently walked around the house, and then, feeling that I needed to say something, I said something sacramental:

— Well, not bad. Not bad.

This magnificence made me dizzy, I felt like I was about to faint from the awareness of myself in this space. In order not to choke from excitement, I chose a pink room on the first floor simply because I was afraid to look at what they had on the second and third.

Arkhip was very polite to me, but nothing more, he kept his distance. He simply walked around and showed, like a guide, that they had these kinds of rooms, and at the end of the corridor there was a restroom; if you turned right, there would be a dining room, where you could go at any time and order whatever you wanted. Five-star hotel? I would give ten stars, and only because you can’t give a hundred. Plus, they had a pool on the other side of the house that I hadn’t gotten to yet, and a jacuzzi upstairs.

I was sad that, as a girl, I didn’t attract Arkhip. But I hoped to melt the heart of this handsome man, because Ilse Dalma could not count on anything, but Melissa could, she is from the UK, so everything is according to the Hamburg account.


The midday sun made me tired, but I didn’t feel tired due to the adrenaline rush. I hadn’t eaten anything since the morning, but I didn’t feel hungry. Although I had long been accustomed to the feeling of hunger, I never had a lot of money for food: having potatoes was already a holiday. I looked around the room, I had to unpack my things and put them on shelves in a beautiful pink closet, but I hesitated, not yet fully accustomed to the new reality.

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